Subject: Media Studies Refrence: Internet & Book:Effects Of Watching Reality T.V. Shows- by Jillian Karger

Violence in reality show

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It is done by a B.M.M student. Subject media studies. S.N.D.T. college matunga

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Subject: Media Studies

Refrence: Internet & Book:Effects Of Watching Reality T.V. Shows- by Jillian Karger

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Voilence meaning:

Violence is "the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation." This definition associates intentionality with the committing of the act itself, irrespective of the outcome it produces. Generally, although, anything that is turbulent or excited in an injurious, damaging or destructive way, or presenting risk accordingly, may be described as violent or occurring violently, even if not signifying violence (by a person and against a person).

Globally, violence takes the lives of more than 1.5 million people annually: just over 50% due to suicide, some 35% due to homicide, and just over 12% as a direct result of war or some other form of conflict. For each single death due to violence, there are dozens of hospitalizations, hundreds of emergency department visits, and thousands of doctors' appointments. Furthermore, violence often has lifelong consequences for victims' physical and mental health and social functioning and can slow economic and social development.

Violence in many forms is preventable. Evidence shows strong relationships between levels of violence and potentially modifiable factors such as concentrated poverty, income and gender inequality, the harmful use of alcohol, and the absence of safe, stable, and nurturing relationships between children and parents. Scientific research shows that strategies addressing the underlying

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causes of violence can be effective in preventing violence.

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Reality Television:

Reality television is a genre of television programming that documents unscripted situations and actual occurrences, and often features a previously unknown cast. The genre often highlights personal drama and conflict to a much greater extent than other unscripted television such as documentary shows. The genre has various standard tropes, such as reality TV confessionals used by cast members to express their thoughts, which often double as the shows' narration. In competition-based reality shows, a notable subset, there are other common elements such as one participant being eliminated per episode, a panel of judges, and the concept of immunity from elimination.

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Examples Of Reality Show:

1) MTV Splitsvilla-

MTV Splitsvilla, is an Indian television reality show that airs on MTV India. The series is based on the American dating reality show Flavor of Love. The reality show revolves around young boys and girls try to secure a place in Splitsvilla which is a "Villa". It's a 'hunt for love' show where boys and girls compete in tasks to stay in the competition and mingle with the contestants to find love. In the end, one boy and one girl are crowned the winners of Splitsvilla (they are a couple.) There are a lot of fights, jealousy, hatred, friendship, backstabbing and love when all these 16 wild contestants get together. There is also a King and Queen that have dumping powers.

2)MTV Roadies-

MTV Roadies is a youth-based popular reality television show on MTV India. It is an Indian version of the original show, Road Rules (1995). The auditions for Roadies X1 is scheduled to begin on November 17,2013 in Delhi and contrary to rumours,Raghu Ram will be a part of the 11th season.

When asked about the show, executive producer said, "Roadies has travel, adventure, drama, touch of voyeurism...”

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3) Big Boss-

Bigg Boss is a reality TV programme broadcast in India. It follows the Big Brother format, which was first developed by Endemol in the Netherlands. Bigg Boss is a reality show based on the original Dutch Big Brother format developed by John de Mol. A number of contestants (known as "housemates") live in a purpose-built house and are isolated from the rest of the world. Each week, housemates nominate two of their peers for eviction, and the housemates who receives the most nominations would face a public vote. Of these, one would eventually leave, having been "evicted" from the House. However, there were exceptions to this process as dictated by Bigg Boss. In the final week, there were three housemates remaining, and the public voted for who they wanted to win. The housemates in the Indian version are primarily celebrities with the exception of one who is a non-celebrity selected via auditions. Housemates are overseen by a mysterious person known as 'Bigg Boss', whose only presence in the house is through his voice.

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Advantages And Disadvantages

If you are viewing too many programs of delayed, then possibilities are that you would be fed up with seeing orchestrated reveals with nothing new. Truth reveals are lot different. This will actually be relaxing modify where you associate it your own way of life. No designs, no foolish settings…everything actual almost. If you believed about reality reveals have been created as activities discovered, then you can be wrong. Some programs would bogus that too and complete it as actual. But nevertheless it can be relaxing for some of you. The only factor that you are sure is actual, is information programs. As for relax you need to take it and with touch of sodium.

Come on, one can consent that not reality reveals are elegant resources of enjoyment and mostly not useful. But still there are multitude of new reality reveals arriving up each 30 days. How are they get created so often? It’s not absolutely about audience research. Truth reveals do not need large costs to generate as in comparison to primary time dilemma reveals. While as dilemma reveals need costly places, all celebrity throw and amazing tale authors (who also need excellent money) to accomplish primary time success; reality reveals need none of them. They all need a unclean tale, exciting figures and they are off to create a professional achievements. Every Linda, Sam and Hannah likes bit of dilemma and all more exciting if you created to believe that it’s actual.

Now everyone was behind truth reveals. Reality reveals help individuals to demonstrate their true skills to world. Most of future bouncing performers are product of truth

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reveals. As there are no sex differences, everyone would get equivalent opportunity to display their abilities

Dancing with the Celebrities has been one of popular bouncing truth reveals broadcasting on ABC in United Declares. In this bouncing display, superstars will couple with expert performers in live competitions. So You can Think You Dance is other hit truth bouncing competitors that have been searching for flourishing bouncing abilities. Dance truth reveals motivate viewers to bouncing with the participants. So everyone is experiencing bouncing truth reveals in it own ways.

With the truth reveals choosing up so much at commercial industry, style is not so far behind.

Nowadays, there have been so many truth reveals for younger abilities to get identified. There used to an occasion when a few developers judgment the style sectors, thanks to innovation of truth display this situation is gradually modifying. Be for outfits, jewellery or even make-up, younger developers have been motivated to demonstrate case their abilities. And final champion is selected carefully without being easygoing and so many units that even beginner developer becomes an expert enough time he results in display champion or not.

The primary drawback of truth reveals is that these days it has been becoming less truth centered. The primary aim of majority of truth reveals is earn benefit rather than create and utilize the features of skilled individuals. Whether it bouncing or performing, most of are only interested in getting scores and ads for the reveals. They are nor caring about the psychological feeling of the

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participants. It makes lot of problem among contestant as must have used and put their mind and 1 single thoughts and ranking from the most judges can easily demoralize them. As you all know this is very difficult get into good guides of most judges. Especially for the children and youngsters, truth reveals makes them frustrated and psychologically damaged.

With the progression of technology and with insights for each of high-definition TV, truth reveals have shifted away long. Whilst most of them truth reveals are enjoyment centered and those programs represent music and bouncing. These are truth reveals on self improvement factors, guidance, superstar reveals and so on. This was the complete information regarding this amazing and brilliant show Advantages and disadvantages and too popular as well.

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The Effects of Watching Reality TV ShowsSince the introduction of shows such as "The Real World" in the early 1990s and "Survivor" nearly a decade ago, reality TV has become one of America's most popular forms of entertainment. Competitive shows such as "America's Got Talent" and "So You Think You Can Dance" receive stellar ratings. Soapy-drama-reality shows such as "The Hills" and "Real Housewives of Orange County" have served as a guilty pleasure to millions. As the years pass and the reality TV craze refuses to die out, one has to wonder what kind of effect this form of TV is having on American society.

1)Unrealistic Expectations

The late novelist Kurt Vonnegut once described media in terms that may apply to reality shows. He explained how TV and movies have caused people to expect reality to be much more dramatic than it really is: "...because we grew up surrounded by big dramatic story arcs in books and movies, we think our lives are supposed to be filled with huge ups and downs. So people pretend there is drama where there is none." Nothing proves Vonnegut's theory like America's love for reality TV. Shows such as "The Real World" and "The Hills" are filled with over-dramatic fights and intrigue. But unlike books and movies before them, reality TV claims to be representative of real life. This helps people believe more than ever before that life should be full of dramatic ups and downs that don't really exist.

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2)Desire for Status

In a study conducted by Psychology Today, one of the dominant characteristics that differentiates a reality TV fan from fans of other shows is a desire for prestige. Psychology Today reports, "Fans of the shows are much more likely to agree with statements such as, "Prestige is important to me" and "I am impressed with designer clothes." Reality TV allows Americans to fantasize about gaining status through automatic fame. Ordinary people can watch the shows, see people like themselves and imagine that they too could become celebrities by being on television. In our increasingly celebrity-obsessed culture, it's not surprising that this would be an attraction. Reality TV's increasing popularity could be reflective of an increased desire for status in American society.


Escapism is a central theme in most reality TV programs. Contestants on shows such as "Top Chef" and "America's Next Top Model" leave their everyday lives to live in a beautiful house and gain the opportunity to achieve their dreams and make hundreds of thousands of dollars doing so. This is surely an appealing theme to a country still stuck under an economic recession.

4)Lack of Privacy

Brad Waite, who presented reality TV research at the American Psychological Society's 16th Annual Convention, believes reality TV may be encroaching on society's expectations of privacy. He says of watchers of

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reality TV, "Expectations of privacy have been eroded ... Public disclosure, even of formerly private behavior and feelings, is the expectation."

5)Enjoying the Misfortune of Others

Waite also expresses the fear that reality shows such as "Temptation Island" bring out viewers' attraction to mortification. "Temptation Island" revolved around trying to get monogamous couples to be unfaithful. Waite says of heavy watchers of these sorts of shows, "They expect it's OK to humiliate and to be humiliated by others, instead of thinking there's something wrong with this behavior."