Promotional Video “VISITING SANTIAGO” WebQuest


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Promotional Video “VISITING SANTIAGO”


Page 2: Webquest


This WebQuest allows students to know in a deeper way their own city, take in account places that are so common on their lives, and present them to others, highlighting in a engaging way relevant information about the selected place.

When somebody travels abroad, not always knows interesting places to visit. Sometimes people visit Tourism Information Offices, or talk with the people in  town, or sometimes they look for information on the web. It is for the last reason, that it is very necessary to present your own city in an engaging way, especially interesting, funny, and amusement places.

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TASKYou are going to create a promotional video of your favorite places in Santiago, for foreign people who want to visit our country on vacation.

Imagine you work for a Travel Agency and you need to impact people from other countries with the advantages of Santiago and its most popular places. Advice what people should see and pretend you will be the tour guide.Through this promotional video you will be able to communicate information about the city that you live and identify typical places creating a movie maker video.

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- You are going to work in groups of 4, each of you are going to answer this questions, writing the answers on a piece of paper in order to come back to them later:

1.- Do you like Santiago? Why? Why not?

2.- What is your favorite place in the city? Why?

3.- What do you think is the most important place in your city? Why?

4.- What places would you recommend to visit to a tourist? Why?

5.-  What places you do not recommend to visit to a tourist? Why?

After you have all the answers, share them in the group. Then  you have to choose an interesting place for present a video introducing this place in an attractive way.

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Every group should divide the work in the following areas:

Host or Tourist Guide: This student will be in charge of introducing the places, sights, and also of give any important information about it, in the video, he/she has to have a accurate pronunciation and clear voice. His/Her attitude has to be motivating, and interesting in order to make this video engaging for foreign people.

Camera man or woman: This student will record video, look for the necessary material to record the video and/or, take pictures if it is necessary

Editor: This student will be in charge of edit the video, select the pictures, add music or anything necessary to present an attractive and excellent work. The program to edit the video could be Windows Movie Maker or any editing program.

Researcher: This students will be responsible  of  looking for relevant information about the place that the group is  going to present in the video, also responsible of writing the script, and creating the host speech.

Every group will need: Internet connection, a computer, a camera (you can use your smartphones) once the Researcher ends the scripts, he or she must hand in to the teacher in order to check it.

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Before start you have to consider the following things:

- Define the roles of each member of the group.

- The video should last between 2:30 and 3:00 minutes.

- You have to provide a brief historical information about  city and the places you will show.

- If you are going to show an attraction, you have to include the prices and specify how can you get to those places.

- The video should include not only images, but also short pieces of popular places where the students describe the place briefly (all the students should appear in the recording)

- Besides, you must give advice on things or clothes tourists should bring according to the weather

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RESOURCESIn this section you will find resources that would help you to complete this project.

- Here you can download the program that you need to edit the video (Windows Movie Maker)

- The following video was created to show the most representative places in Santiago so that tourists can visit them when they come to Chile, you can use it as an example to create your own video.

-  In the following links you will find  examples that you can use:


- If you do not know where to go, here is some helpful information for you to decide.

Web page 1 Web page 2 Web page 3

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EVALUATIONThis is the Rubric which you are going to be evaluated on

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1.- I prepared and submitted all the tasks required for the Webquest on time      

2.- I worked hard during the sessions in the lab      

3.- My attitude towards the Webquest and the work with my classmate was positive all the time


4.- I took advantage of the time given by the teacher to ask questions and clarify doubts in the lab


5.- I was demanding with myself in the different tasks and assignments of the Webquest


6.- I worked individually and collaboratively during the project.      

7.- My ideas were a real contribution to this collaborative work      

TOTAL SCORE: 28 points

Student’s score




Dear students: fill in with an X the following statements related to your work on the Webquest . Send your self-evaluations to the following E-mail: [email protected]


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TEACHER’S PAGE-This lesson has been designed for Chilean students from different ages and levels according to their reality and abilities.

-The teacher should be assisting every students’ requirement in order to clarify their task and have a successful result.

-The language used is according to the level, using words already known by the students.

- Students should be able to apply known grammatical structures, such as, present and past simple, and present continuous as well.

- Activities included in this exercise:

Definition, listing and ranking, researching, googling, presenting, decission and making.