Website research Lorde

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Page 3: Website research Lorde


Lorde’s website has a very simple one-page design. It includes a large image of the artist that fills the entire page. In the top centre of the page there is the artist’s name and album name. The bottom centre of the page has the artist’s social media links.


The colours on this website are minimal but effective in the way that they make the artist’s image stand out. The large image of the artist makes the website generally dark as the artist is wearing dark clothes and her dark hair is quite prominent on the page. The artists make up such as her deep purple lips also exaggerates her dark look.


The little amount of font on the page is white and is made to stand out against the dark background. All of the writing on the page is simple and in capital letters. The artists name is written in her signature logo.

Page 4: Website research Lorde


This website is very minimal and therefore has minimal content, especially compared to other singer’s websites.

The main piece of information that is on the page is the artist name and album name. The only other information that this website includes is the artist’s social media links, which includes twitter, tumblr, facebook and instagram.

The page also includes a link to the artist’s mailing list where fans can sign up for more information on tours and news.

There are two places where fans can purchase from the artist. There is a link to the artist’s itunes page where fans can buy her music, and there is also a link to a page where merchandise such as T-Shirts and jumpers can be bought.

Page 5: Website research Lorde


Overall, website is very minimal and dark – this could be to reflect Lorde’s character. The artist usually wears very dark clothing/make up similarly to the website.

The artist logo is centre of the website page and it is in white so it stands out against the dark background. The album name is written as it is on the CD and so the logo and album will be more likely to be more memorable to the audience.

The artists website includes social media links to sites. Fans can then follow Lorde on these platforms to get news and information on the artist.

There is a link to the Lorde’s itunes page where fans can purchase her music easily.

The website also includes a link to a shop where fans can purchase merchandise such as clothing. Fans can then wear these items and they will unknowingly be marketing them to their friends.