Well begun is half done The beginning is the half of every task

Well Began....By: BRCM Vidyagram

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Well begun is half done – The beginning is the half of every task

We always live in fantasy world, but never try to make our dreams real. In order to make our dreams real, we have to start from some where.

Today is the right time for that beginning. As every body seating over here knows that today is beginning of our new session and if we start something good today definitely our end will be good.

To begin with, having a plan enable you realize the clear goal. Well begun is half done, as the saying goes. If you know your ambitions, you would motivate yourself to learn more

Having a plan could cultivate the sense of responsibility and disciplined life. A responsible man always know what he would do in the next step.

A plan would use time efficiently. It can decrease unexpected things will happen, which made people control well and do well

What it is fearful for us is to experience something for the first time

If we hesitate to face the difficulty and take the easy way from the first, it tends to goes on and reaches the result of being failed.

Mostly impossibility come from our scared mind and preconception that ‘I might not be able to do it’.

Most of us are equipped with the courage to take the initial step of it, what only left is the half, the effort to maintain the courage till the end

People live in stereotype in many times. They block themselves from achieving the success. As we get stubborn to our thought, we even not try to do it from the first place.

A simple example, many students make up the daily schedule as the vacation start/ academic start, waking early in the morning, study hard and etc. But, what is the reality? From the first morning, they turn off the alarm unconsciously.

Many people worry about their diet and plan to do exercise. However, unfortunately, it rains on first day, it so cold on second day, and it is so tired on third day…as goes on and on. Thus, the proverb underline it is really important to start ‘action’ not just ‘words’. Importance of ‘starting’ is similar, but more specifically, the ‘action’.

Who has begun has half done. Have the courage to be wise begin!

It is easier to resist at the beginning than at the end.

A hard beginning makes a good ending.

Some Proverbs

Presented by Shanti house