What are What are Greens? Greens? itsallaboutculture.com itsallaboutculture.com Professor Alana L. Jolley

What Are Greens?

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Learning about greens increases health knowledge. Eating greens is good for people Eating greens is good for small farmers. Eating greens is good for the planet.

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Page 1: What Are Greens?

What areWhat are Greens? Greens?


Professor Alana L. Jolley

Page 2: What Are Greens?

Why Eat Greens? 3 cups of dark greens per week. Better yet, Greens everyday!

Vitamins: A,C, K, E, B. Calcium, Iron, Potassium, Magnesium, Fiber, Folic Acid, and important phyto-nutrients.

Phyto-nutrients: beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, (all are important for preventing cell damage and protecting eyes)

Omega-3 fats (small amounts of good fat)

Vitamin K: regulates blood clotting, protects bones, reduces calcium in arterial plaques, regulates inflammation, helps prevent diabetes.

Greens are whole foods with amounts of nutrients that work together

Sea Greens should be eaten for additional minerals. Soils are depleted of minerals in conventional agricultural methods.

Page 3: What Are Greens?

Kohlrabi Greens

German for cabbage. Stem/bulb attached.Eat bulb raw or cooked, grate in a salad, or use as a topping.

Leaves: cook before eating.Cut leaves from bulb/remove stems.Stir-fry leaves in olive oil w/garlic and salt. A good side dish - or chop fine and add to soups or sauces.

Also comes in purple!

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Kohlrabi Recipe

ROASTED KOHLRABI: Oven to 450 degrees F.

1/2 pound fresh kohlrabi, ends trimmed, thick green skin sliced off and diced

1 tablespoon olive oil, 1 tablespoon minced garlic, S&P

Toss diced kohlrabi w/olive oil and garlic, add salt and pepper. Spread evenly on a rimmed baking sheet

Roast for 30 - 35 minutes. Stir every five minutes after 20 minutes. Sprinkle with a little vinegar if desired.

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Bok Choy

Chinese cabbage, tender/mild

Baby Bok Choy may be cooked whole

To cook large Bok Choy, cut stems out. Cook them first asthey take longer to cook thanthe leaves.

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Bok Choy Recipe

1 tablespoon olive oil, 2 cloves garlic, minced,

1 tablespoon minced fresh ginger

8 cups chopped fresh Bok Choy

2 tablespoons reduced-sodium soy sauce, S&P to taste

Heat oil in large skillet over medium heat. Add garlic and ginger and cook 1 minute. Add bok choy and soy sauce, cook 3 to 5 minutes, until greens are wilted and stalks are crisp-tender. Season, to taste, with salt and black pepper.


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Native to Persia

Most popular of all greens.

Usually available all year.

Eaten raw or slightly wilted

Light and mild tasting, not as bitter as other greens.

Use in salads, pastries or steamed side dish.

Nightshade plant.

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Broccoli Rabe

Called turnip broccoli, Italian broccoli or choy sum

Not a member of broccoli family. It is in turnip family!

On the bitter side

Chinese and Italian cooking.

Chop fine for stir-fry, soup, or potato salad.

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Broccoli Rabe Recipe 2 lbs Broccoli Rabe

3 Large garlic cloves, thinly sliced lengthwise

1/3 cup extra-virgin olive oil

1 teaspoon sea salt

Lemon wedges for garnish

Cook in boiling salted water for 3 minutes, drain & set aside

Cook garlic in oil until golden, about 3-5 minutes

Combine Broccoli Rabe and garlic, season with S&P

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Swiss Chard

Comes in variety of colors: red, white, gold, rainbow.

Thick, dark leaves, coloredveins, large stalks.

Wash, spin dry Remove stalks-chop finely andcook a few minutes beforeadding leaves

Or use stalks for soup stock

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Collard Greens

Called bore kale, or tree cabbage

Originates in Mediterranean areabut used in many cuisines.

Famous in Southern United States paired with ham, pork, or bacon.

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Mustard Greens

Curly and chartreuse in color.

Seeds from this plant make mustard for hotdogs and hamburgers. (American-style)

Cook alone or mix with other greens.

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Beet Greens

Beet greens are tender; notbitter like other greens.

Eat raw in salads, or wilted

Garnish with the cooked beetsfor a colorful side dish.

Greens reduce in size when cooked, so use a large amount.

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Kale (various kinds)

Often called cow cabbage

Two kinds of kale shown here:dark and purple kale

The darker the color, the higher the nutrition.

Eat raw or steamed.

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Sorrel Greens

These greens are tart with an acidic taste if raw. Perfect for green salads.

Sorrel common in vegan, vegetarian markets, or farmers’ markets in early summer.

Do not confuse with arugula or Spinach. Sorrel leaves are tapered and have longer stems.

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Sea Vegetables are Greens

Kombu (dried)

Wakame (boiled)

Kombu and Wakame are used in soups or vegetable dishes. They arelow in calories, low in fat, high in protein, and contain 10 to 20 timesthe mineral content of land vegetables. Sea veggies are dried in packagesin health food stores and also in organic food markets.

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Other Greens





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Why Eat Green (s)?

Good for health (you)

Good for organic/small farmers

Good for the Planet