What do Digital Humanists want from a National Library? dr. Steven Claeyssens | @sclaeyssens | [dr. Martijn Kleppe | @martijnkleppe]

What do Digital Humanists want from a National Library?

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  • What do Digital Humanists want from a National Library?

    dr. Steven Claeyssens | @sclaeyssens | [dr. Martijn Kleppe | @martijnkleppe]

  • Part 1

    How we assist Digital Humanities scholars

  • Data

  • Data

    = result of

    more than 200 years of collecting

    over 30 years of digitisation

    + almost 10 years of collecting born-digital publications

    = machine readable, mostly textual

    = structured or semi-structured

    = legally as open as possible

  • www.delpher.nl www.kb.nl/dataservices


  • Lab

  • Lab


    = online and offline sandbox

    1 co-ordinator

    1 curator

    2 programmers

    = experimental data sets

    = tools and software

    = workshops


  • Programs

  • Programs

    1. Fellowship Program

    = 4 months, 1 fte | invited | successful academic

    2. Researcher-in-Residence Program

    = 6 months, 0,5 fte | open call | early career

    Call is open! blog.kbresearch.nl


  • Part 2

    Our experiences with assisting Digital Humanities scholars

  • Additional analysis

  • Findings

    Particular interest in the newspaper corpus

    Very diverse research questions and use cases

    Various ways of data delivery wanted

    Most computer scientists have data-driven research questions

    Most humanities scholars are driven by research questions

  • www.tijdschriftstudies.nl


  • Findings

    Apart from a lot of good points of critique, also:

    Conflicting wishes about the corpus

    Poor knowledge about the corpus

    Poor understanding of the difference between the data and the tool

  • blog.kbresearch.nl


  • Findings

    Again: very diverse research questions and use cases

    Proliferation of tools and software

    Interest in several corpora

  • Part 3


  • There are no typical Digital Humanities scholars.

    Their needs change over time, change with skills.

    The hard news

    There are hardly any standard tools or techniques.

  • We need to be more transparant about the data (and the tools).

    An API is not enough. Multiple ways to deliver the data are needed.

    In the short term

    We need to be more envolved in research projects.

  • We need to (collectively) develop a digital source criticism.

    We need to (collectively) develop a tool criticism.

    In the medium term

  • In the long term

  • Any questions?


    [email protected]@sclaeyssens

    http://www.kb.nl/dataserviceshttp://www.kb.nl/dhmailto:[email protected]