Wikiwijs: A National Program on OER Robert Schuwer

Wikiwijs, a National Initiative on OER

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Presentation on breakfast session "Really open education" at the EU Parliament on 18-2-2014

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  • 1. Wikiwijs: A National Program on OER Robert Schuwer
  • 2. Agenda Introduction on Wikiwijs Lessons learned The sequel Pagina 2
  • 3. National initiative: Wikiwijs > December 2008: Minister of Education launches Wikiwijs as a national OER initiative: > initial focus on primary, secondary and community college education > but actually for all educational sectors > April 2009: broad support in Parliament > May 2009: OU & Kennisnet start preparing this programme > July 2009: delivery Programme Plan > 12th Aug. 2009: Ministers final OK; Pagina 3
  • 4. Wikiwijs: policy objectives stimulate development and use of OER extend options for customized education increase quality of education through more flexible and up-to-date learning materials improve access to both open and closed digital learning materials support teachers in arranging their own learning materials and professionalization increase teacher involvement in development and use of OER Making the profession more attractive Pagina 4
  • 5. Basic principles maximum (free!) use of existing components of OUNL, Kennisnet and other publicly funded educational organizations open standards and open source mandatory all OER learning materials and materials for professionalization to be published under CC-BY or CC BY-SA In the repository of Wikiwijs professionalization of both teachers and management! Research to measure effects on policy goals Pagina 5
  • 6. Actions Create portal / platform Communicate on OER advantages Involve stakeholders to create awareness on OER Policy makers School management Teachers Pagina 6
  • 7. Architecture search Wikiwijs Pagina 7
  • 8. Assumption on quality Assumption: teachers are the most capable to judge the quality of learning materials Not have a treshold based on some standpoint of quality Providing means to make quality visible Pagina 8
  • 9. Quality measures Rating by peers Peer review Quality mark organizations / groups But most important: proficient teachers Professionalization! Pagina 9
  • 10. Quality mark Pagina 10
  • 12. Results >650K Building blocks available through Wikiwijs 35K Lessons available through Wikiwijs >1M uses in 2013 >400K visits in 2013 2,5K remixes available (increase of 100% in 2013) 3K ratings averages on 6.7 Pagina 12
  • 13. Lessons learned Quality, quality, quality Involving stakeholders: important but hard Infrastructure useful Development of learning materials is not for everyone Bottom-up and top-down should be in balance Sharing is not self-evident Wikiwijs alone is not sufficient to mainstream OER Pagina 13
  • 14. THE SEQUEL CC-BY Hester Jelgerhuis Pagina 14
  • 15. How to proceed? Portal / platform service on Kennisnet Development and support Stimulation for open and online education early 2014 announced by current Minister of Education Bussemaker for higher education 1M / year for several years No sequel on national level for other educational types Pagina 15
  • 16. More information and background Wikiwijs platform www.wikiwijs.nl Wikiwijs program plan: http://openserviceblog.files.wordpress.com/20 11/09/110815-wikiwijs-program-plan-20112013-def.pdf POERUP Country report: http://poerup.referata.com/wiki/Netherlands Pagina 16
  • 17. Thank you! www.robertschuwer.nl [email protected] @fagottissimo linkedin.com/in/robertschuwer Pagina 17