Scenario Dorothy's house just landed on the Wicked Witch of the East. The Wicked Witch of the West just arrived to find out what happened.

Wizard of Oz Point of View

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  • 1. Scenario
    Dorothy's house just landed on the Wicked Witch of the East. The Wicked Witch of the West just arrived to find out what happened.

2. Which Point of View?
"Her eyes stung as she surveyed the scene. Her sister's feet shriveled grotesquely in her striped socks, barely visible from under the house. In her grief, the thought occurred to her that her great-grandmother's ruby slippers were missing. Her baby sister had loved them so much that she had begged to wear them. Where could they be?"
3. Which Point of View?
"I couldn't believe my eyes! My baby sister! I watched in horror as the evil munchkins danced around the murderer, honoring her as their new hero."
4. Which Point of View?
"The Witch's eyes widened as they landed on the shoes on the strange girl's feet. Those shoes belong to her family, but now they were on the feet of her sister's murderer! She would have revenge!
Glenda smiled to herself as she watched the Witch's mouth curl into a grimace. She knew giving those shoes to Dorothy would be the icing on the cake. Finally, she would have revenge on the Witch for stealing her boyfriend in college! Who would have guessed that the same boy that begged her to go to the Spring Formal would have a secret fascination for her strange, green roommate?"