Your kid is the best

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UDGAM SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN www.udgamschool.com



Page 2: Your kid is the best

UDGAM SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN www.udgamschool.com

BUILD SELF ESTEEMSelf-esteem is feeling good about who you are. Make a list of things you are good at, like painting, running, or taking care of your dog. Getting a parent or teacher to help is a good idea if you have trouble thinking of things. You can even add things you would like to be better at, and then figure out ways to make it happen! When you feel great about yourself, the sky's the limit.

Page 3: Your kid is the best

UDGAM SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN www.udgamschool.com

HANDLE TEASINGAlmost everybody gets teased, and it could be about anything. The trick is to learn to keep your cool. Getting upset gives the person teasing you power. Lots of kids tease because they are unhappy or not feeling good. Next time you're teased, laugh it off -- say "so?" or just walk away.

Page 4: Your kid is the best

UDGAM SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN www.udgamschool.com

BRACES ROCK!Don't worry about getting braces. Lots of kids have them. And soon you'll have awesome, straight teeth. But if you're worried about kids seeing your braces for the first time, ask your teacher if you can do "Show & Tell" on the day you get your braces. It might seem like you have to wear braces forever, but it'll be worth it. In the meantime, see if you can choose rubber band colours to match your style.

Page 5: Your kid is the best

UDGAM SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN www.udgamschool.com

YOUR SIZE IS RIGHT!It's more important to be healthy than a certain size -- thin, tall, short, or muscular. As you grow, your body changes. If you're worried about your looks or weight talk to your parents, a friend, or someone you trust. They'll help you see you're great like you are, and you can plan ways to be healthy together.

Page 6: Your kid is the best

UDGAM SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN www.udgamschool.com

DIFFERENT SPEEDSThere's a good chance that you or other kids in your class don't all learn things the same way. Some kids might have trouble paying attention, listening, or reading. They may learn so fast they're bored by what the teacher teaches. By realizing we all learn at different speeds and have different strengths, it's easier to understand why some classwork may take longer for you or your friends to finish.

Page 7: Your kid is the best

UDGAM SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN www.udgamschool.com

GLASSES ARE COOLIf you are having trouble reading or seeing the blackboard, you may need glasses. Lots of kids wear glasses, and it's great not to have to sit in the front row or squint to see. Don't be embarrassed about your glasses. You'll be able to pick out cool frames you like, and you'll get used to your new look soon. Chances are your friends will want to try them on.

Page 8: Your kid is the best

UDGAM SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN www.udgamschool.com

SPORTS IS FUNTeam sports like basketball or cricket can be a great way to make friends and be fit. Winning shouldn't always be the goal though. Getting better, practicing, and having fun is more important. If you mess up and teammates or coaches get angry and it bothers you, let your parent know. Together you can come up with a plan. Not into team sports? Try badminton, karate, or tennis.

Page 9: Your kid is the best

UDGAM SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN www.udgamschool.com

SAY NO TO BULLIESLots of kids are bullied. When more than 1,200 kids were asked, about half said they had been bullied. Bullying is when a person is being mean on purpose. If someone is picking on you, telling an adult is the best thing to do. It lets other kids know it's not cool to bully. You can also practice what to say to the bully at home, so you'll be calm and prepared if he bothers you again.

Page 10: Your kid is the best

UDGAM SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN www.udgamschool.com

YOU ARE COOL!Did you know some companies want you to think you'll be more popular if you buy their clothes, shoes, or electronics? But a lot of times the only difference between two brands is the price. It's not about what you wear but how you wear it -- with confidence is best. And when you see an ad with your favourite star showing off something, ask yourself, "Do I really like it, or do I want it just because a celebrity has it?"

Page 11: Your kid is the best

UDGAM SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN www.udgamschool.com

BE YOURSELF!Remember you are the best! Never compare yourself with others. Believe in yourself and you will definitely succeed in life. http://www.udgamschool.com [email protected], Ahmedabad-380 054 Phone: 07926850339 99251 53153Gujarat , India