The band has one 3 Grammy's and have produced 3 platinum albums. The lead singer of the band Zac Brown was born in Georgia where he was the 11 th child of 12. in 2002 the Zac Brown Band was formed. A year later they produced their first album. Their first big hit song was called “Chicken Fried”. The song was a huge success among many fans. The Zac Brown Band have still been producing many top songs and their career is still excelling. http://countrymusic.about.com/od/zacbrown band/p/ZacBrownBandPR.htm

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The band has one 3 Grammy's and have produced 3 platinum albums. The lead singer of the band Zac Brown was born in Georgia where he was the 11 th child of 12. in 2002 the Zac Brown Band was formed. A year later they produced their first album. Their first big hit song was called “Chicken Fried”. The song was a huge success among many fans. The Zac Brown Band have still been producing many top songs and their career is still excelling.


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• Zac Brown’s social media presence is excellent. They have many different websites to connect with their fans and keep them updated with information fans want to know.

• Some of Zac Brown’s most popular websites are; Twitter, Facebook, and their blog site at zacbrownband.com

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• I feel as though this band has most definitely found their audience. The reason I believe this is because Zac Brown is a popular band with a lot of fans. I have been to 4 concerts around the country and every time the concert has been sold out. The reason for this is because Zac Brown knows what to post on their websites and knows how to keep up with new technology and websites. Media over the years has changed. Our most popular social media website right now is Twitter. Zac Brown made sure that they had a presence on Twitter so that their fans could connect with them on this new social media site. Not only did it allow for this, but it also allowed for new fans to join in and listen to their music.

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• Zac Brown posts a lot of information. The meaningful, sharable content I find that they post about the most is what is going on in the world. This band is concerned about everyday politics, what has gone on in the news etc. and they think that it is important to voice their opinion and share what they think. I believe that by big name bands like Zac Brown posting their opinion about real world issues, that their fan database will grow and help them become a better band then they already are. I know from my perspective that if a band shows that they care what is going on in our world that you have much more of an appreciation for them.

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• Zac Brown engages with their current fans a lot. I think that they two most effective ways they engage with their fans is by doing interviews on popular radio stations like 106.5 WYRK, and by talking to them over popular social media websites such as Twitter.

• Generally, Zac Brown engages by answering questions fans have on social media sites or making them feel included by allowing them to participate in some sort of cool contest on the radio. Or, they call into a radio station and answer frequent questions by fans on the radio.

• What I believe they could do better on is holding more meet and greets, playing at smaller venues, and playing closer to where a lot of their fans are located so that way all of their fans get an opportunity to meet them or even just to have the opportunity to listen to one of their concerts.

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• Zac Brown overlaps online and physical spaces by posting information about their upcoming concerts, engaging with contests for their fans, by posting new information on what upcoming events they have planned on social media sites. Zac Brown generally does a good job of making their fans aware of where they are going to be and when they are going to be their by posting this information on social media.

• I think this is definitely affective because this way people are able to just look at their social media sites to see what upcoming events they might have to get a jump start on tickets etc.

Continue the social push IRL. Hand out swag. Put up flyers.

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• Zac Brown Band engages with their fans consistently by being in contact with them. Staying active with their fans helps fans stay engaged with the band.

• I look at Zac Browns Twitter page almost everyday to see what is new and if there is any new concerts coming up.• Zac Brown posts on Twitter at least once a day about anything and everything. I think by them doing this it helps their fans

realize that they are down to earth people that will engage and communicate with their fans.• They consistently post on almost all of their social media sites to ensure that all their fans are receiving the information

they need to stay linked with the band.

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• In conclusion, Zac Brown Band has effected my thoughts on music in a positive way. They made me realize that there are celebrities out there that do care about their fans and do care about what is going on in today’s society. Not only have the people themselves in the band taught me that but also their music. When sitting and listening to the music written and sung by Zac Brown you feel as though they care and they put time and effort into everything they do.

• Zac Brown knows how to engage with their fans and keep their fans wanting more every single time. I think this band will continue to succeed in their careers and I will forever be a fan of this band.