How to develop Application without Backend Shuhei Hiya Technical Rockstars

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How to develop Application without Backend

Shuhei Hiya Technical Rockstars


• I’m Shuhei Hiya

• Founder of Technical Rockstars

• Study in Kyushu University in Japan

• “How to develop apps more easier.”


• Intoroduction of our service “milkcocoa”

• Some technical topics about our service.

X as a Service

• IaaS (Amazon Web Service, Google Cloud Platform)

• PaaS (Heroku)

• BaaS(parse.com, Firebase)

Simple APIs to store and sync data.

Very low maintenance costs

Heavy Transaction Volume

A Backend Architecture

Database cluster

application server

load balancer

Application Architecture• Backend and Frontend

• Backend

->Scale out, Security, Much Transaction

• Frontend


Need Experts Engineer

Browser other devices mobile

Can implement function to store and sync data with milkcocoa client SDK.

Need not to maintain.

Our SolutionLaunch a backend by one click

developer Powerful API • store data • authanticate

Management View

Management View

Management View

var milkcocoa = new MilkCocoa("https://appid.mlkcca.com/"); var ds = milkcocoa.dataStore(“message"); !//observe the changes in real time ds.on("push", function(data) { alert(data.value.content); }); !//store data ds.push({ content : "Hello!" });

Sample code of the simple chat.

Support platforms


Price $0Connection Max 20

Storage 200Mbyte

Technical Topics


• Web Site

• Campaign Site

• Mobile App

• IoT(various devices)

Backend Engineering

• Authantication

• Realtime Messaging

Authantication• *Problem* there are many auth provider.

• Auth0 solved authentication problem. It use JWT(JSON Web Token).

• JSON Web Token is important technology.It make authentication more simpler. JSON data to be transferred between two parties.

Identification providers

from https://auth0.com/

Real-time messaging

• WebSocket make us to use socket on browser.

• MQTT is messaging protocol for IoT devices.It decrease power/electricity consumption.It supports Pub/Sub model messaging.

Real-time messaging• NodeJS has feature non-blocking io. But an application run on one process basically.

• Erlang was designed by Ericsson. It’s born for telephony switches. It provides features for creating and managing processes with aim of simplifying concurrent programming.(from Wikipedia) Erlang used in Whats Up,Line.



• https://mlkcca.com

• Some contents are Japanese Language.

• Develop application with combination of the services such as Milkcocoa, Auth0, Algoria.