29725 reason it certification will be important

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Page 1: 29725 reason it certification will be important
Page 2: 29725 reason it certification will be important

Technology professionals believe IT certifications reached their peak during the summit of the dot-com boom.

The consequent dot-com bomb led to an exodus of certified technicians from the industry.

IT certifications will provide more relevance than ever before. Auhor Erik Eckel,2008


Page 3: 29725 reason it certification will be important

#1: Job retention

When the organizations facing the fact that they have to lay off employees.

They are in the difficult personnel decisions, organizations generally try to retain the most skillful and knowledgeable employees.

Certified IT professional have a credible advantage over their colleagues.

Even holding a current IT accreditation is no guarantee against being laid off, the more education, expertise, and skills you can demonstrate, the better.

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#2: Salary maintenance

In some cases organizations are asking employees to accept salary reductions.

Today many are being asked to cut their compensation by those amounts.

Holding current IT certification does not guarantee you won’t face salary reductions. But possessing specific certifications — including A+, Security+, Microsoft credentials, and other accreditations –often qualifies employees for higher pay grades.

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#3: Career improvement Many technology professionals feel they’ve done all they

can do as a support technician or network administrator.

IT certifications can certainly open the door to such promotions.

By completing project management training and proving command of the fundamentals by earning a Project Management Institute (PMI) Project Management Professional or CompTIA Project+ certification, an administrator can demonstrate initiative and expertise in an effort to win a project management promotion. Likewise, a support tech might leverage a Microsoft Certified IT Professional (MCITP) accreditation to gain a new position as a server administrator.

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#4: New-generation IT certifications increase relevance

Everything in technology needs need reworking, many organizations, including CompTIA and Cisco, are revamping and redesigning exams and instructional initiatives. And Microsoft really stands out due to the variety and impact of changes made to its training and certification program.

Microsoft’s new generation of certifications — including the new MCITP, Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS), and Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD) accreditations — map directly to real-world needs.

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#5: Organizations will become more discriminating

As clients more closely guard expenses and become more discerning, organizations needing to outsource computer services and support will want to ensure the firms and technicians they hire are competent.

IT certifications are a great method for consultants to demonstrate their skill, knowledge, and expertise to potential clients.

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#6: New products will gain momentum

As organizations begin replacing older or failed equipment with these new products, and as myriad other factors require that the new platforms be deployed, these organization will seek qualified IT technicians, managers, and consultants to plan, deploy, and administer the upgrades.

The employee must be aligned the their expertise with the new product.

If you can demonstrate your skills and expertise with these platforms, you’ll be better positioned to provide those services.

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#7: Organizations must minimize downtime

IT certification programs are one method of ensuring that staff members have the training and instruction required to fulfill specific responsibilities.

Employees who are better trained and educated as the result of certification efforts will be less likely to commit errors that lead to failure. And when outages do occur, the corresponding education and training will prove helpful in speeding recoveryServer, desktop, and network downtime, as well as mean times to repair


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#8: Organizations need to reduce costs Reducing operating costs becomes critical in some

businesses. During periods of recession, organizations are obligated to maximize efficiency. As a result, productivity requirements become greater for each worker.

From a cold and calculating perspective, IT certification is one proven method for leveraging an organization’s salary expenses. By ensuring that technicians have specific skills via training and certification programs, whether those skills target desktop support or network design and optimization, organizations know that IT certification efforts help maximize ROI.

A Kotler Marketing Group study published by CompTIArevealed certifications enabled organizations to reduce expenses, identify knowledge gaps, and improve productivity. In addition, certifications proved helpful in improving uptime and reducing turnover.

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#9.Build a Community of Peers

Networking is an important part of your career. Through study groups, technical conferences with other certified folks, and classes, both live and online, you'll be constantly meeting others with your areas of interest and specialization. This can come in handy if you're laid off or unhappy with your current situation.

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#10.Strengthen Your Weaknesses

Going through certification training can a) Reinforce information you already know, like taking a refresher course, and b) Show you new stuff. All IT pros have their strong and weak areas of knowledge. Prepping for certification will likely bolster areas in which you're not that strong

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#11.One single standard

People taking certification exams have to demonstrate approximately the same level of knowledge and skill. Thus, when you pass the exam, it’s the same as when you learned the stuff in Switzerland, England or Cambodia.

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#12. Certification is skill-oriented

What makes a professional different from an amateur is skill. Modern IT industry needs people who not only know how to do something, but really can do that something. Theory is not what money is paid for in IT, especially when it comes to annual amounts one needs more than 6 digits to write down.

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#13.Gain Unique Access to Resources

Many companies, like certification heavy-hitters Microsoft and Cisco, offer special access to online forums and training materials to their certification holders