ARTIFICIAL LEAF Solving the energy crisis by mimicking nature PRESENTED BY: SHIVANGNI SHARMA EE32 1005420105

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ARTIFICIAL LEAF Solving the energy crisis by mimicking nature


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CONTENTS Introduction Structure Construction Reactions Working How to generate Electricity? Advantages Disadvantages Research is undergoing… Conclusion Reference

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INTRODUCTION“ Artificial leaf “ is Like living leaves, this device

can turn the energy of sunlight directly into a chemical fuel that can be stored and used later as an energy source.

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CONSTRUCTION1.Si semiconductor-Act as light harvesting catalyst . It capture

solar light.2.Co-OEC-> cobalt-oxygen evolving complex , It deposits oxygen at

anode side(on illuminated side of cell).

3.NiMoZn-Produces H₂ from combining H⁺ & e⁻ made available from semiconductor at cathode side.

4.ITO(Indium tin oxide) layer-A conducting metal oxide layer to stabilize silicon in water.

5.Stainless steel-Used for support . Si is deposited on it.

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REACTIONSAnode(Oxidation):2H₂O → 4H⁺ + 4e⁻ + O₂Cathode(Reduction):4H⁺ + 4e⁻ →2H₂Overall reaction:2H₂O →2H₂+ O₂

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WORKING When artificial leaf placed in a container of

water and exposed to sunlight it quickly begins to generate streams of bubbles: oxygen bubbles from one side and hydrogen bubbles from the other, the two streams of bubbles can be collected and stored and used later to deliver power. The device is made entirely of earth-abundant , inexpensive materials mostly silicon, cobalt and nickel and works in ordinary water.

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OxidationAt the anode of the cell, a

proton passing membrane used to separate the proton from the electron in the hydrogen fuel.

Anode half-reaction:2H2 4H+ + 4e-

ReductionAt the cathode of the cell, a

second catalyst (nickel) is used to recombine the protons,

electrons, and oxygen atoms to form water.

Cathode half- reaction:4H+ + O2 + 4e- 2H2O

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ADVANTAGESIt can store energy in the

chemical form that is the great advantage of this device over the solar panels which we use now a day.

Inexpensive.By products are eco



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DISADVANTAGESMaterials often corrode in water , when

placed over long period of time.Overall cost is not yet advantageous enough

to compete with fossil fuels.

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To increase the efficiency of this device To explore the use of photovoltaic (solar cell) materials other than silicon such as iron oxide which might be even cheaper to produce.

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IN INDIA……• Tata’s dream come true: Tata’s dream come true Ratan Tata has earlier expressed

his desire to build a car that runs on water. He has already invested $15 million for supporting research in the field. The product is slated to hit the market after 18 months

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CONCLUSION• Our goal is to make each

home its own power station. One can envision villages in India and Africa not long from now purchasing an affordable basic power system based on this technology

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REFERENCES• Discovery news.• D. Owen.“The Artificial Leaf.”The New Yorker.(

http://www.newyorker.com/reporting)• DR. Daniel Nocera a researcher at the

(MIT)Massachusetts Institute of Technology who heads the research

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