Enec hps prezentacija 2

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ENEC HPS presented on the river Nil

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ENEC HPS is short for Enes Ecolology Hidro Power System – an innovation in clean energy based on the patent IP-06818/09-07RS.

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On this picture we see build in six paddles from one side and six on the other and the generator that is attached to the paddles in the middle.

What kind of problems do we face ?

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5MW system consist of 6 blades, which are mutually wrap around each other for ( 6 x 60° = 360°).

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On the animated pictures above is displayed position of the supports (girders) which are calculated in Constructional Project.

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On this picture we see a basic workshop model

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The primary object of the invention is to make the turbine, which will transfer as much kinetic energy to the generator without creating large reservoirs of water, and in this way to produce as much as possible of electric energy.

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How much would it cost ?

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