How did you attract/address your audience? By Alessia Carofalo

Evaluation five

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How did you attract/address your

audience?By Alessia Carofalo

Page 2: Evaluation five

This shot presents my production company logo. The background as we can see is black, which can connotes evil and perhaps death. Red is also another colour that is present from the text and part of the background, moreover this colour presents blood and could foreshadow an upcoming death of a character. The theme colours used are all common conventions in a horror film however theses colours are one way in which I have attracted my audience. This is because the audience will link the all the colours I have used to the common convention of a horror film in the horror genre. The big bold image of the full moon is also another way I have attracted the audience due to the fact that the moon is eye catching and will attract the audiences eye plus they can also perhaps link a full moon to the supernatural world as a full moon is a common convention in many supernatural horror genre films.

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The audience is also introduced to the victim first as we see him walking with his friend down a road going home. I used an off kilt camera shot so that it attracted the audience because the camera shot can signify that something is off and not right. With the audience getting a sense of this it can make them fear the unknown therefore attracting them. In this shot we also see the characters clothing, both characters are in fact in white, the colour white connotes a sense of vulnerability and purity, both character will have these traits as they are both fairly young. With there being no diegesis in the background either, it builds up tension for the audience, therefore making it another way I attracted the audience.

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This shot introduces the antagonist, the character is wearing black boots and trousers which could represent a dark personality because the colour black connotes evil. Additionally this attracts the audience because we cant see her face which would intrigue the audience as they want to put a face to the antagonist. Not showing the antagonist face straight away it can attract fear to the audience as well as creates a sense of mystery which would make the audience want to carry on watching.

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This shot shows the antagonist and her killer weapon of fangs. With the antagonist being covered in blood it can presents the idea of death and a dangerous character as the colour red connotes death and danger. This would make the audience fear the antagonist however it would lead to them wanting to keep watching to see if anyone else would be a victim to the antagonist. This would keep the audience on the edge of their seats which is what most horror genre films intend to do. When the weapon of fangs are shown the audience are still unware of what the antagonist looks like which will intrigue them and make them want to carry on watching due to the fact that they will want to see the face of the antagonist. This convention of not seeing the killers face will create suspense and tension.

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Here we see the camera slowly zoom toward to victim, this attracts the audience as they realise something isn’t right, the victim has seen something and in fear has stopped moving. The audience will being to feel frightened as they wouldn't want anything to happen to the victim because has so young. This is a typical convention in a horror film with how a victim is on their own and something bad happens. Having eerie diegetic sound in the background will also attract the audience because they will sense that something bad is going to happen which will make them want to carry on looking and find out.

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Here is a black screen, however non-diegetic sound is heard by the audience. The non-diegetic sound of a victims scream will not only attract the audiences attention as they will wan to know what's happened but it was also frighten them as they know someone is getting hurt but they don’t know what's happening as they cant see, which would make them want to carry on watching to find out. The colour black connotes mystery, death, uncertainty, evil and darkness all common conventions in a horror film. They all make the audience feel tense however they still want to watch what's going on therefore attracting there attention.

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This shot shows the audience a 360 degree shot of the location of fields and woodlands in the distance. The fast pace motion suggests that this location is one to fear which builds up tension later on in the film when the woods are seen again because the audience will link it to the fast paced shot at the beginning in the film.

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Here we see the dead body of the victim, he’s covered in blood with ripped clothing. All the blood will attract the audiences attention as they probably weren’t expecting the attack to be so brutal on a young boy, this is something the audience would want to see in a horror film as its common for horror films to be gory and brutal. This shot contains a slow paced motion because it creates more tension for the audience as they would be taking in the graphic scene of the young innocent boy who was walking home, it would also make them feel sympathy towards the boy as his life was taken away without reason. However this is a typical convention in a horror film therefore even if the audience didn’t want it to happen its still what they expected would of happened.

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Here is an extreme long shot of a dog walked in the extreme far distance being watched by the antagonist. This builds up tension for the audience as they’re unsure if the antagonist will act upon her instincts of a predator. At the same time it attract the audience as they will want to find out if the dog walker survives and if the antagonist will continue to be brutal and unhuman like. With there being no diegesis it creates more tension as it makes the audience feel like their in the middle of a horrific waiting game, waiting to see if another innocent individual will die due to the evil creature. It will also attract the audience as they will feel like prey when they are watching which is another typical convention of a horror genre film because most horror films make the audience feel weak and defenceless which attracts them to the film more making the want to find out if the victim survives.

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The title of the film appears again at the end of the film opening however its seen again in a much scarier manner as it uses the colour red and black which connotes blood, death and evil. Moreover all typical conventions of a horror film, therefore making the audience want to carry on watching as some of their favourite horror films as more than likely going to have the same conventions. Having the title at the end of a film opening also marks out the idea that it’s the end of the film opening therefore the audience should get ready for the beginning of the main part of the film.