WWW.ITEA.UA DEVOPS базовый курс

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DEVOPSбазовый курс

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Вадим Тимошик(Vadym Tymoshyk)

Инструктор IT Education Academy DevOps Engineer в компании Levi9 20 лет работы в IT DevOps активность с 2014 Python, Ruby, PHP, Perl, Linux Shell Infrastructure & Cloud архитектура Computer, Microsoft Office (Word/Excel), E-mail, Modem, Fax (originally from 1996)


ua.linkedin.com/in/vtymoshykgithub.com/[email protected]


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DEVOPS: Topic 1


Что такое DevOps культура?

Введение в CI/CD/CT

Роль DevOps инженера в выпуске релизов

Вопросы, ответы и пожелания

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DevOps Flow

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Who are you, Mr. DevOps?

Programming Skills, Scripting

System Administration (Operations, Implementations, R&D)

IT Architecture and Design

Hardware, Software, Networking, Clouds, Virtualization, Containers

Troubleshooting, Optimization, Profiling

Testing (Functional, Integration, Performance)

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CI/CD/CT Overview

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CI/CD/CT Principles

Automate everything: build, test & deployment Keep everything as a source code Use Git flow (branches, pull requests, code reviews) Deploy the same way to every environment


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Continuous Integration

Process of executing the software in Build-Deploy-Test cycle Minimal manual intervention Constant communications Feedback among team members Detects software integration errors quickly Rapid bug fixing and conflicts resolution Code merging after approval by team

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Continuous Integration

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Continuous Delivery

The process of frequently deploy Continuous incremental fashion Out of local environment Could be started by a commit to branch Included automatic tests

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Continuous Deployment

A synonym to Continuous Delivery (not completely true)

Targeted to prod-like environments

Included automatic tests

No deployment on every change

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Cont.Delivery vs.Cont.Deployment

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Origin: http://www.puppet.com

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Continuous Testing

Uses as a part of CI process closely to release build

Included both heavy and light tests

Could be performed on other resources than build

Not related to build, could be started at any time

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Continuous Testing

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Origin: http://continuousdelivery.com

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Environment Types

Local (Workstation) – the current code

CI (Continuous Integration) – feature branches

QA (Quality Assurance, Quality Control) – a ‘develop’ branch

UAT (User Acceptance Testing) – the ‘master’ branch

Stage (Staging) – artefacts from UAT

Production – artifacts from UAT

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DevOps Role(s)

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DevOps Tools

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DevOps Role(s) nice to have

Design the infrastructure landscape

Environments creation, support and maintenance

Develop of automation code and frameworks

Assistance to developers and on-call 24x7 duties

Cost optimization

Solutions defense before stockholders

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Constant communication with customers

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DevOps Role(s) as must’ve

Generate requirements for the infrastructure code

Review the software versions

Software (re)design participation (both Infra, and App, if possible)

Push new ideas to the team

Offer most cost effective solutions

Be the general troubleshooter in the team

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Make announcements of new tools, software, technologies

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DevOps Role – it shouldn’t be!

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That’s it, folks!


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