Multiuser GSM based NOTICE BOARD (Engineering project) PPT in PDF

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Federal Institite Of Science And technology (FISAT),

Notice Board is a primary thing in any institution/organization or public

utility places.

Sticking various notices day-to-day is a difficult process. A separate

person is required to take care of this notices display.

In the case of digital displays if they wants to change the message or style

an operator have to go there and connect the display to PC or LAPTOP.

Time & money consuming complex method.

A permanent solution for these difficulties is wireless access to the

Notice board, with a user friendly system .

The main objective of this project is to develop a GSM based notice

board whose contents can be updated simply through an SMS which

is realized through an embedded system with microcontroller.

Why GSM ?

GSM(Global System for Mobile Communication) is globally

accessed by more than 212 countries and territories.

It’s one of the fastest growing telecommunication technologies of the world

Short Message Service is a most commonly used communication technique.

Offers very much data secuirity than any other wireless transmission.

Overall functioning:

Notice Board is primary thing in any institution / organization or public utility places like bus stations, railway stations and parks. But sticking various notices day-to-day is a difficult process. Wireless communication has announced its arrival on big stage and the world is going mobile. As we wish to control everything and without moving an inch, notice board need to have wireless access. In present digitalized world, the exploit of GSM and SMS is popular.A new display using the GSM technology to access it by communication between microcontroller and mobile would be effective. So we come to the conclusion to design a GSM based Notice board such that it can fulfill the requirements such as less manual operation, same notice can be displayed at the various places at the same time, compact and compatible, easy handling etc.

The components required for the application are readily available at pocket friendly prices .

Using GSM mobile we can send message to any distant locations , from any part of the World.

As it's a GSM wireless transmission system it has very less errors and needs less maintenance.

Prevents unauthorized access of notice board (password) Gsm wireless transmission offers higher secuirity to the transmitting data.

Multiple Users are authorized to update notices on the electronic notice board

No printing and photocopying costs. Thus saves time,Energy and finally environment.

Problem related to direct manual update of notice board is removed. Just an SMS is enough.

Notifications can be delivered within seconds


Educational institutions

& organizations

Managing traffic


Conference hall

Bus/Railway station

Any Public utility places

A P P L I C A T I O N S :

A microcontroller is a small computer on a single integrated circuit

containing a processor core,memory, and programmable I/O

peripherals . It can be considered as a self-contained system and can

be used as an embedded system, that is dedicated for a particular


The microcontroller used for this project is ATMEGA328P-PU which is

an 8 bit microcontroller manufactured by ATMEL.

It can be easily programmed by simply inserting in an ARDUINO UNO



Flash 32 Kbytes

RAM( SRAM) 2 Kbytes

EEPROM 1 Kbytes

Pin Count 28

Programmable I/O lines 23

Max. Operating Frequency 20 MHz

CPU 8-bit AVR

No of timers 3(two 8 bit+ one 16 bit)

No of general purpose registers 32 8 bit registers

Instruction set 131 nos

Ext Interrupts 24

No of PWM channels 6

Operating temperature -40°C to +85°C

Power supply 1.8-5.5 v

Advanced RISC Architecture

High Endurance Non-volatile Memory


[ Data retention: 20 years at 85°C/

100 years at 25°C(1)]

High Performance,

Low Power Consumption

Other features :

7 : VCC Digital supply voltage. 8 : GND Ground. 20 : AVCC Supply voltage pin for A/D Converter 21 : AREF Analog reference pin for A/D Converter. 22 : GND

Port B (14,15,16,17,18 19,9,10 : PB0-PB7) 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pull up resistors PB0-PB5 : D8 - D13 PB6,PB7 : XTAL1, XTAL2

Port C(23,24,25,26,27,28,1: PC0-PC6 7-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pull-up resistors PC0-PC5 : A0 -A5 PC6 : Reset

PORT D(2,3,4,5,6,11,12 : PD0-PD7) 8-bit bi-directional I/O port with internal pull-up resistors PD0-PD7 : D0 - D7

A GSM modem is a wireless modem that works with a GSM wireless network.

It is a specialized type of modem which accepts a SIM card, and operates

over a subscription to a mobile operator, just like a mobile.

Here SIM 900 GSM/GPRS TTL UART Modem is used which is built with Quad Band

GSM/GPRS engine.The Modem is coming with selectable interfacing voltage,which

allows to connect 5V & 3V3 microcontroller directly without any level conversion chips.

GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) , is

a standard developed by the European

Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) to

describe protocols for second generation (2G) digital

cellular networks used by mobile phones.

Send and receive data through radio


Provides serial TTL interface for easy

and direct interface to microcontrollers

Can be controlled through standard AT


Can be used for GSM based Voice

communications, Data/Fax, SMS,GPRS

and TCP/IP stack

Low power consumption of 0.25 A

during normal operations and around 1 A

during transmission Configurable baud rate from 9600-115200).

Operation temperature: -40°C to +85 °C

Supply voltage range : 3.2 ... 4.8V DC

Quad-Band 850/ 900/ 1800/ 1900 MHz


VIN Power Supply Power Supply Input (4.2-13V DC,1A)

GND Ground Ground Level of Power Supply

V_ Interface

Interfacing Voltage

5V DC for interface with 5v µC 3.3V DC for interfacewith 3V3 µC

TXD Transmit Outputs data bytes at voltage Level same as the V_Interface Pin – Usually connected to the Rx pin of the microcontroller

RXD Receive Receives data bytes at voltage Level same as the V_Interface Pin – Usually connected to the TX pin of the microcontroller

GND Ground Ground Level of Interfacing Signals

LCD display is used as the physical notice board that displays the contents received through SMS ,which is directly interfaced to microcontroller. Project used 16x2 lcd display- that means 2 rows ,each of 16 characters. Hitachi HD44780 module,

Features Consist of 16 pins including 2 pins for led back light.

Works over 5v Dc power supply

The LCDs have a parallel interface, meaning that the microcontroller has to manipulate several interface pins at once to control the display

Alphanumeric dot matrix display is capable of displaying 224 different characters and symbols.

Are used in palmtop computers, word processors, photocopiers, point of sale terminals, medical instruments, cellular phones, etc.

This will work in 4 bit and 8 bit mode,we are configuring LCD in 4bit mode using Arduino Liquid Crystal Library.

7 I/O pins

1 Vss Power supply(GND)

2 Vdd Power supply(+5V)

3 Vo Contrast Adjust

4 Rs Register select signal

5 R/W Data read/write

6 E Enable signal

7 DB0 Data bus line

8 DB1 Data bus line

9 DB2 Data bus line

10 DB3 Data bus line

11 DB4 Data bus line

12 DB5 Data bus line

13 DB6 Data bus line

14 DB7 Data bus line

15 A Data bus line

16 K Data bus line

The Arduino Uno is a variety of arduino board based on the ATmega328 .

ARDUINO is an open-source physical computing platform

based on a simple microcontroller board, and a

development environment for writing software for it.

Can be used to develop interactive objects, taking inputs from a variety of

switches or sensors, and controlling a variety of physical outputs.

Has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6

analog inputs, a 16 MHz ceramic resonator, a USB connection, a power jack, an

ICSP header, and a reset button.

The Arduino programming language is an implementation of Wiring, a similar

physical computing platform, which is based on the Processing multimedia

programming environment.

The microcontroller inserted in the arduino board can be easily programmed by

simply uploading the program using IDE software.

The circuit mainly consists of Microcontroler , LCD display, Gsm modem, necessary resistors, capacitors, pots, crystal oscillator & an External DC Power supply The microcontroller used here is ATMEGA328P-PU which is interfaced with 16*2 lcd as well as GSM Modem. 5v dc power supply is given to the µc with necessary clock pulse of 16 Mhz given using crystal oscillator. Reset button can be used to clear registers and to execute program from beginning. 16*2 LCD display is used for displaying data received through a valid SMS. 5V DC power supply is given fo both LCD and backlight. Two 10k pots are used, one two adjust the contrast and another to control the brightness Of LED backlight. Here LCD is working in 4-bit mode that requires seven I/O pins from the µc ( 4 data lines ,RS ,R/W,ENABLE . For reading or writing data to the display, logic1 is set to RS pin and 1,0 respectively to the R/W pin.

GSM GPRS TTL UART MODEM-SIM900 is powered with 5v Dc. 5v dc is given also to the Vinterface pin for proper interfacing with µc. The serial communication is accomplished between Modem and µc through RX,TX pins. TXD pin of modem is connected to the Rx (2) pin of µc and RXD of modem to the Tx(3) of µc. GSM modem is configured and processed through a set of AT commands. The µc is progammed in such a manner that it gives necessary AT commands to the modem for initialization,sim registration,reading the incoming sms, sending reply to the users etc.

The system has worked successfully and delivered the necessary output as expected


• Initializes LCD

• MODEM Initialization Modem search Cpin verification SIM registration

• Shows the status of all processes on LCD


• µC waits for a new message from GSM modem

• Format : *GNB<space>content#


• Indicates the arrival of information through one Buzzer & Blinking LED light

• Prints the content on 1st row of lcd

• Prints NAME of sender in second row if the sender's number is present in our contact list. Otherwise prints senders NUMBERitself

• Sends reply to sender "NAME,Your message is received and displayed in LCD,THANK YOU :)". NAME will be added only if it is present in our contact list

IF FALSE • No change to the notice board.

• Sends reply to the sender "INVALID PASSWORD !!! sorry cannot access the notice board"


Temperature and time (RTC ) display during periods when no messages are

to be displayed.

Multilingual display in different areas as per the local language. This feature can

be added by programming the microcontroller to use different encoding decoding


The large LED scrolling display can replace small LCD panel in which

multiple messages can be displayed.

Graphical display. MMS technology with relatively high end microcontrollers to

carry on the tasks of graphics encoding and decoding execute it .

Use of multiple modems with displays with duplicate SIMs to increase degree of


GSM based home security system, GSM based robot control, GSM based DC

motor controller,GSM based stepper motor controller, GSM based voting machine

control etc