mation Networking Security and Assurance Lab nal Chung Cheng University 1 Port Scanners

Nmap(network mapping)

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Page 1: Nmap(network mapping)

Information Networking Security and Assurance LabNational Chung Cheng University


Port Scanners

Page 2: Nmap(network mapping)

Information Networking Security and Assurance LabNational Chung Cheng University 2


The first step in the process of hackingDiscover the servicesVersion labelOperation System

Send few packets to the host

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Information Networking Security and Assurance LabNational Chung Cheng University 3

Pre Study

TCP Packet Header

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Information Networking Security and Assurance LabNational Chung Cheng University 4

TCP conversation

Client Server




Connection Established

Client Server




Connection Closed

Connect Disconnect

Three-way handshake

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Information Networking Security and Assurance LabNational Chung Cheng University 5

TCP Flag Definitions

FlagSYN The beginning of a connection

ACK Acknowledge receipt of a previous packet or transmission

FIN Close a TCP connection

RST Abort a TCP connection

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Scanning for Hosts

Is the host alive ?Method

Pingnmap –sP

TCP Pingnmap –sT

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Scanning for TCP Ports

TCP connectnmap –sT

RPC servicenmap –sR

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SYN Scan

Nmap sends to Host Port

Nmap receives from Host Port

Nmap Assumes

SYN SYN/ACK Port is openHost is up

SYN RST Port is closedHost is up

SYN Nothing Port is blocked by firewallOr Host is down

Nmap –sS <target host>

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Information Networking Security and Assurance LabNational Chung Cheng University 9

ACK Scan

Nmap sends to Host Port

Nmap receives from Host Port

Nmap Assumes

ACK RST Port is not firewall-protectPort may be open or closedHost is up

ACK Nothing or ICMP unreachable

Port is blocked by firewall if host is up

No firewall~

Protected by firewall~

Nmap –sA <target host>

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Information Networking Security and Assurance LabNational Chung Cheng University 10

FIN Scan


Nmap sends to Host Port

Nmap receives from Host Port

Nmap Assumes

FIN RST Port is closed Host is up

FIN Nothing Port is open if host is up and not firewall-protected

Nmap –sF <target host>

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Information Networking Security and Assurance LabNational Chung Cheng University 11

Xmas Scan

Non-normal TCP operationSet the flags FIN,URG,PUSHWith –sX

Nmap –sX <target host>

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Null scan

Turn off all flags

With -sN

Nmap –sN <target host>

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Information Networking Security and Assurance LabNational Chung Cheng University 13

Scanning for UDP Ports

Nmap sends to Host Port

Nmap receives from Host Port

Nmap Assumes

Empty UDP packet

Nothing Port assumed open if host responds to Ping.Port may be closed if firewall blocking ICMP

Empty UDP packet

ICMP unreachable Port is closed

Nmap –sU <target host>

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Scanning for Protocol

IP HeaderNmap –sO <target host>

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Hiding Your Scan

(-D) (-r)(-f)

Nmap –sS –f <target host>

With –sS –sF –sN -sX

FTP Bounce

Nmap –b anonymous@<ftp server> –p <targer port> <target host>Nmap –D <spoof host> <target host>

Disable Randomizing Ports

Nmap –r <target host>

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Information Networking Security and Assurance LabNational Chung Cheng University 16

Timing Your Scan

Time-based algorithmUsing -T option

Nmap –T <name> <target host>name Probe

Response Timeout

Time Spent on One Host

Time between Probes

Use Parallelized Probes

Paranoid 5 min Unlimited 5 min No

Sneaky 15 sec Unlimited 12 sec NoPolite 6 sec Unlimited 0.4 sec NoNormal 6 sec Unlimited None NoAggressive 1 sec 5 min None YesInsane 0.3 sec 75 sec None Yes

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Information Networking Security and Assurance LabNational Chung Cheng University 17

TCP Reverse Ident Scanning

Who runs the process (-I)

Nmap –I <target host>

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Information Networking Security and Assurance LabNational Chung Cheng University 18

OS Fingerprinting

With –O flag

Sending specially TCP and UDP headers

Analyze the result and compare information

OS information

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Information Networking Security and Assurance LabNational Chung Cheng University 19

OS Detection on Linux

Nmap –O

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Information Networking Security and Assurance LabNational Chung Cheng University 20

Mapping Networks

Scanning a Class C subnet

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Information Networking Security and Assurance LabNational Chung Cheng University 21

Mapping Networks

Port scans in IP section

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Information Networking Security and Assurance LabNational Chung Cheng University 22

Scanning Tools on windows
