Play with Probability Let’s Get Started…

Play with probability

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Play with ProbabilityLet’s Get Started…


• There will be Mainly Three Rounds

• Rules for each will be given before that round

• All the rounds have group tasks

• All the rounds have time bounding tasks and all have to finish it in that time only.( excuse will be given for some tasks)

• Rules for deciding team will be given in next slide.


All have to follow this rules to decide the groups…• Each person has to tell a name of that person whom he/she don’t want in

his/her group.

• Accordingly the groups will be decided.

• But…its not going to be so simple, be ready for a twist.

• So think twice before taking someone's name….. That person might get a advantage.

And here is the twist…

• The person who gets the highest votes has the advantage of selecting his group members.

• Rest two groups will be decided by chits.

Sorry Guys……. APRIL FOOL

Round 1

Rapid Fire Round


• As the name suggests this round will be a rapid fire round.

• But, there is a twist….

• Each team has to answer 6 questions.

• Twist is each member has to answer 2 questions, other group members cannot help him for that question.

• The time given to answer this question will be 10secs.

• Each question is of ½ mark, so this round can fetch your team maximum of 3 marks.

Team 1



Team 2

Question 1


What is the probability that the selected number is 3 ?

A. 1/10B. 3/10C. 1/3

Question 2


Simultaneously three coins are flipped by—Rucha , Likita , and Priya—and all three land as heads. Each of the three coins being flipped in the preceding example is what is known as __________ event.

Question 3


What is the probability that the number is 4 or 7?

A. 1/10B. 1/5C. 2/5

Question 4


Something that has an even chance of happening has a probability of _______ %


Question 5

What is the probability that a randomly selected senior student is a female?

A. ½B. 9/17C. 9/16

Question 6


Are the events “female” and “senior” mutually exclusive?

Team 2



Team 3

Question 1


A bag contains 4 white buttons. How many black buttons must be added so there is an even chance of picking a white button?

Question 2


A simple task is given to Nilkanth as follows:draw an ace from the deck of cards and then again was asked to draw ace from the same deck of cards without replacing previous cardSuch a task can be called as __________ event.

Question 3


What is the probability that the number is odd?

Question 4


What is the probability that the number is not 8?

A. 1/10B. 9/10C. 1/2

Question 5


What is the probability that a randomly selected student is a female?

A. ½B. 7/13C. 8/15

Question 6


Are the events “female” and “senior” independent?

Team 3


Round 2

Question 1


What is the probability that the number is greater than 6?

A. 1/10B. 3/10C. 2/5

Question 2


What is the probability that the number is less than or equal to 3?

A. 1/10B. 3/10C. 2/5

Question 3


A bag contains just 5 buttons, all of which are blue. What is the probability of picking a red button from the bag?

Question 4


What is the probability that a randomly selected student is a senior?

A. ½B. 9/16C. 17/30

Question 5


What is the probability that a randomly selected female student is a senior?

A. ½B. 9/16C. 9/17

Question 6


If an event has an equal chance of happening it has a probability is 2.

A. TrueB. False

Round 2

Subjective Round

• there will be 2 questions per team.

• Time given to solve each question is 5 mins.

• Each question is of 2 marks.

• Answering both the questions will fetch your team 4 marks.

Do you want to score more??

• Here is the twist, you can take help from any one group of your choice as long as that group is ready to help.

• By helping other groups you can get 1 bonus mark for your group.

• No extra time will be given for groups for helping other groups, they will have to manage in the same time slot.

• Helping others is your choice.

Round 3

Try your luck


• There will be 1 question per team.

• The question will be selected by the team from the lot of questions.

• So, Believe in your luck

• Right answer will fetch your team 3 marks.

• But the twist is…• You can change your question with deduction of 1
