INDUSTRIAL TRAINING PRESENTATION ON EXCEPTION HANDLING IN JAVA Submitted to :- Mr.r.s.s.rawat (H.O.D. of it department) Submitted by:- Satish ahirwar B.e. VIIth sem enroll no.:-0601it131046

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JAVASubmitted to :- Mr.r.s.s.rawat

(H.O.D. of it department)

Submitted by:- Satish ahirwarB.e. VIIth sem

enroll no.:-0601it131046

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What is an Exception .

What happen when an Exception is occurs.

Runtime Error.

Exception class Hierarchy.

Types of Exception.

Exception Handling Keywords.Methods for printing the details of an


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What is an Exception?In general, Exception are run time errors caused due to logical mistakes occurred during program execution because of its wroung input.


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Exception Example(ArithmeticException)

1 class DivByZero {2


public static void main(String args[]) { System.out.println(3/0);

4 System.out.println(“Pls. print me.”);5 }6 }

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What Happens When an Exception Occurs?

When an exception occurs within a method, themethod creates an exception object and hands it offto the runtime system.

Exception object contains information about the error,including its type and the state of the program when theerror occurred.

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Example: Default Exception Handling

Displays this error messageException in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero

at DivByZero.main(DivByZero.java:3)

Default exception handler

–Provided by Java runtime Prints out exception description Prints the stack trace

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Runtime Error

It is also unwanted unexpected problem .

A run time error is occurs due to the system resource problem for run time error it is not possible to provide the solution programmatically.


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Exception class Hierarchy

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Types Of Exception

In java there are two types of exception .

Checked Exception-the checked Exceptions are recognised by compiler.

Unchecked Exception.- The Unchecked Exceptions are not recognised by comiler.

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Checked Exception

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Unchecked Exception




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Exception Handling Keywords






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try { // Risky Code } catch(type of exception-1 object-1) { // Handling Code } catch(type of exception-2 object-2) { // Handling Code} finally { // Resource releasing logic. }

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throw Keyword

Java allows you to throw exceptions (generate exceptions)throw <exception object>;

An exception you throw is an object

You have to create an exception object in the same way you create any other object

Example:throw new ArithmeticException(“testing...”);

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throws Keyword

Throws is a java Keyword use to by paas generated exception from present method to calling methods.

Syntax Methodname() throws <Exceptionobject>{//throw Exception object}

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Methods for printing the details of an Exception.

In java there are three methods for Printing the details of an Exception

• Public void PrintstackTrace(){name of the Exception: Discription of the Exception:Location of the Exception}

• Public String toString (){Name of the Exception :Discription of the Exception.}

• Public String getmessage(){Discription of the Exception}

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