9 Frame Analysis The Vaccines – If You Wanna

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  • 1. 9 Frame Analysis The Vaccines If You Wanna

2. Shot One This is the opening shot of the video and we see the band with their instruments. In this long shot the band Is the only thing we see and becausethey have their instruments this is typical of the indie genre music video. Thefull video is set in the same room, with it looking as if they are playing a live show because the set looks like a stage. 3. Shot Two This is a close up of the guitar and we see the guitarist playing it. This shot is used because we can see the band is playing the instruments. Nearly in every single indie music video the band isplaying their instruments, this will be shown throughout the video. 4. Shot ThreeThis shot supports Goodwins theory as he says the performers in the shot are wanting to perform and thats what the audience wants to see. Just like theprevious shot the of the guitarist, but in this shot we can actually see the drummers face which appeals more to the audience because of the connection. 5. Shot FourIn this shot we can see the bass player, guitarist and lead singer who is also playingthe guitar, although we can not see the drummer we can see the kit in the shot. It isa medium close up as we can see from the waist upwards. 6. Shot FiveThis is a meat shot of the lead singer. As he is the front man of the band he appears in a lot of the video with the use of close ups. Shallow focus is used, this makes the other band members seem insignificant. The close up and thefocus is used because the audience watching the video is familiar with the lead vocalist. 7. Shot SixIn this shot are behind the lead vocalist. This is like a point of view whichgives the feel to the audience that they are in the band. Also the lighting is cleverly used because the silhouette is created from the spotlight in front of the vocalist. 8. Shot Seven This is a meat shot of one of the guitarists in the band. Throughout the video thereis a lot of these type of shots mostly focused on the vocalist. As you will of already picked up on there is a constant theme of the colored lights going from yellow to orange to red then to blue. 9. Shot EightThis is the opposite of the shallow focus edit we seen earlier on in the musicvideo. The main themes throughout are that the focus is on Justin towards theend of the music video. In this particular shot although the other bandmember is in the shot all of the focus is on Justin. 10. Shot Nine This is the last shot we see from The Vaccines. I think shot is very important because the audience can see the whole band. This is different from the wayanother genre of music video would finish, because in a indie video the main focus is always on the band, this is what the audience wants.