Chapter 38 The Matrix A Piratical Legacy Chapter 38 The Matrix

A Piratical Legacy Chapter 38 - The Matrix

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Chapter 38 – The Matrix

A Piratical Legacy Chapter 38 The Matrix

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It was a bright, sunny day on Pirate island and a pair of simselves were just settling in to their brand new cottage, fully furnished thanks to Mansion & Garden Stuff. "Well? Was it worth what you paid for it?"

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"Every penny," I said happily, snuggling just a little bit closer to my very deific sim-husband. "And have you actually been playing your legacy families?" he prodded. "Umm..." "That's what I thought," simChris scolded. "How are you ever going to get to generation ten if you don't actually play?" "Err... well, if you increase your Nature hobby just a bit more, we might get a genie lamp..."

"Sarah..." "Okay, okay," I said. "I'll stop redecorating and building and stuff and actually work on a chapter." "Well, you don't have time for that now." "I don't?" "No, you're supposed to meet with our granddaughter in ten minutes. In Paris." "Shoot!"

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Hastily, I flipped on the TV to check. Sure enough, Persephone Biggs was waiting outside her house for me to show up for our coffee date. "Better hurry. You know she gets testy when someone stands her up," Chris said helpfully. "Oh, hush and hand me the controller."

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"Okay, um, I'll have a Venti half-pump skinny mocha... with extra whip." "That kinda defeats the purpose of the 'skinny', Grandma," Persephone pointed out. "No, the 'skinny' removes the guilt of the extra whip, child. Alas, you have much to learn. So what are you having?" "Um, I'll have a Venti steamed milk with a shot of eggnog."

I stared at her. "What?" "You are so your grandfather's granddaughter." "Well, I don't like coffee. It's gross." "Like I said..."

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A few moments later, we and our hot beverages were seated at a nearby table. "How's school?" I asked conversationally. "Oh, it's fine," Persephone shrugged. "I can usually talk one of the boys into doing my homework for me so it's super easy." "How do you pass the tests if you don't practice the material?"

"Duh. I'm not stupid... just lazy." "Right. Well, you shouldn't cheat. You might get caught." "It's not so much cheating as creatively evading work." "Semantics. Keep in mind that I don't suffer cheaters lightly, Persephone," I said. "Then again... cheating the old-fashioned way is just a game between you and the teacher. Using your deific powers, on the other hand..."

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"Waitaminute. I have deific powers?" I coughed. "In a manner of speaking." "Really?" "Sort of." "What's with the qualifications? Do I have them or not?" "Well, you do. And you don't." "Now you're not making any sense."

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"It's like this," I said, gesticulating wildly with my coffee cup and slopping espresso all over the floor. "This is my 'verse, right? I made it, I make the rules, all that fun stuff." "Uh huh." "So that means that I get to decide how deific powers work. And I've decided that you get to inherit your mother's portion of the powers instead of her."

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"Me? Won't she get seriously cheesed?" "She's already pretty cheesed off at me, and no I don't want to talk about it. It's safe to say that she isn't really missing her powers at the moment." "So how do I use them?" Persephone asked. "That's where it gets complicated," I said.

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"I've got time to listen," she shrugged. "Lert's doing my homework tonight." "How'd you convince him? You can't exactly use your feminine wiles on your half-brother." "No, but I can blackmail him," she grinned. "Ooh, what'd he do?" "Spent yesterday afternoon making out with Tracy GilsCarbo instead of watching Horatio, that's what." "Ophelia would kill him if she found out. Or give him a medal. I'm not really sure which." "Me neither. And don't change the topic. I want to know about my powers."

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"It's not as easy as all that," I shrugged. "Sure, I make the rules and I assign the powers. But it's way easier to demonstrate." "Ooh... can you turn the barista into a frog?" "No!" I said scoldingly. "I only ever use my powers for justice. Which, you will note, is not the same as good." "Duly noted," she said obediently. "Do you predestine people?" "To an extent," I said. "There is some free will. More in my 'verse than some, for that matter." "But ultimately, everything good or bad that happens to the beings in

the 'verse is because of you? That's kinda a heavy load." "But fun," I said. "Now, do you want to learn or what?" "I'm ready!" "When's spring break?" "In theory, whenever you want it to be." She stared at me in puzzlement. "What's that got to do with it?" "Because I want to show you, and we should really do that back at my place..."

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By the time our drinks were finished, it was a done deal--Persephone would be coming over to visit in a few days so she could learn the extent of the powers I was willing to give her. We would have started sooner, but she had matters at home to attend to first. "C'mon, Horatio," she cooed, bouncing her baby brother on her hip as she carried him into the kitchen. "Time to get you all fed and diapered before your birthday party starts. Though I don't see why Dad or Ophelia couldn't be doing this."

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Toby and Ophelia had a good answer for that: they were busy downstairs, both decorating for the party and redecorating the rec room.

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Before long, the house was filled with the sounds of people cheering for Horatio's birthday transition. Both Toby and Ophelia's closest relatives were in attendance, eager to get to know the newest Smith-Biggs child.

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Once Horatio had transitioned to toddler, his parentage was immediately obvious. While he had Ophelia's colouring, his features were all Toby. Horatio proved to be slightly different from both of his siblings in temperament, with a messy, outgoing, athletic, playful, and mean outlook on life.

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Right from the start, the entire family was utterly charmed by his infectious smile and laugh. And never did Horatio laugh louder than when he'd discovered a particularly exciting 'treasure' up his nose.

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Calico Legacina plonked herself down in front of her newest cousinly relative. "Hey! Where's Horatio?" she asked, covering her eyes with her hands. The toddler wiggled and squealed. "There he is!" "Aaah! Again, Callie! Again!"

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Before Callie could repeat the maneuver, however, Laertes swooped in and grabbed her in a headlock. "Noogie time!" he crowed, knuckling the top of her head. "Augh! Get off, Laertes!" Callie protested, beating on him with her fists. "My hair!" Laertes snickered as he finally released her. "You know you liked it." "Did not!" The namecalling and mutual accusations continued for the rest of the night, and only stopped once Ophelia suggested that if all Callie and Laertes could do was flirt, they'd be separated.

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"Come on, Horatio," Toby said, scooping up his son off of the kitchen floor. "Time for potty and then bed!" With the ease of someone who'd had much practice, he carted Horatio up the stairs towards the nursery.

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"Now, go potty in the chair," Toby said. "Why?" "Because you can't wear a diaper forever. Besides, you'll smell bad if you just keep going in the diaper." "I do the flush?" "No flush on this potty," Toby said, grimacing. "Instead, I get to clean it out and flush it down the big toilet. On second thought..."

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"I a big boy now?" "Yep," Toby said proudly. "You're my number one younger son! And getting way too big, way too fast." "Too fast?" "That's just grown-up talk," Toby said with a sad smile. "Almost done, kiddo?" "Done!"

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"How was the flight?" I asked, giving Persephone a great big hug a few days later. "Get through customs okay?" "Pirate Island doesn't have customs," Persephone said. "I got interviewed by this dark-haired woman in a catsuit who asked something about... what was it? Oh yeah. She wanted to know if I had any merchandise to declare to the Syndicate. Nothing about Pirate Island Customs, though."

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I nodded. "Don't lie to Toshiko. She can sense it." "Anyway, everything was cool and now I'm here," Persephone said brightly. "So, when do I start learning how to zap people and stuff?" "The zapping is the easy part," I said, gesticulating wildly. "It's figuring out when to do it that's the tricky bits." "I'm all ears," Persephone reiterated. "Can we start now?"

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"No sense doing anything on an empty stomach," I said. "Let's go inside and I'll make us lunch while you look around the place." "Sounds good to me!"

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While I busied myself with bread and cheese in the kitchen, I could hear Persephone wandering around the living room, studying everything carefully. "I'm all about hands-on learning," I called over my shoulder. "So if you want to touch any of the stuff in there, go ahead." "Even the giantscreen TV?" "Even the TV. Just don't touch the video game console. That comes later."

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Persephone nodded and wandered over to the end table. "What's this?" she asked.

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I looked over at her. "Oh, that's just my notebook. You know, for keeping track of the legacy plot and stuff." "Can I look through it?" "Sure!" "This is so cool!"

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As I carried the frying pan over to the stove, Persephone settled on to the couch. "Anywhere in particular I should start?" "I've got things split by generation," I advised. "You want 'Generation 7' -- it's the green tab." "Awesome. I can't wait to see what you've got in store for everyone." She paused thoughtfully for a moment. "Hey, is there stuff about me

and Lert in here?" "Yep," I said. I snapped my fingers. "But you can't read that part now. After the stuff in it has happened, though, it's fair game too. A deity has to keep some secrets." "Aww, phooey." "Just read the main plot stuff. I know you'll like it."

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Rrrring! With the shrill sound of the final bell still ringing in their ears, the students of Pirate Island Composite began fleeing the site of their daily forced imprisonment in twos and threes. Of course, for some of them this meant going no further than the school's front lawn. Not everyone was in a hurry to get home to chores, homework, and babysitting. "So, Balthier... got a date to the dance yet?"

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"Nope," Balthier sighed loudly to his two best friends. "Nobody's asked me yet. I hate this stupid rule that the girls have to ask the boys." "Oh?" a feminine giggle sounded. "Is there somebody you want to ask you?" Balthier shrugged. "There are one or two candidates, I admit."

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"Dude, you can't leave us hanging with such a tasty tidbit of gossip," Chandler Platz scolded, shaking his red locks emphatically. "Who's floating your boat?" "It's not that there's anyone in particular," Balthier shrugged. "But I could be proactive, y'know? None of this waiting around thing." "Now you know how us women feel most of the time," the third member of their party said chidingly. "Always waiting around for the phone to ring... it can get quite disheartening." "You don't have to wait around," Balthier shrugged. "That's the whole point I'm trying to make, really. People should be free to ask out whoever they want, regardless of gender."

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"I guess I can agree with that," Brittany Parker said thoughtfully. "Equal opportunity dating and all. Still, I kind of like the idea of a Sadie Hawkins dance." "Oh? Who're you going to ask?" Chandler asked, leering across the table. "Like I'd tell either of you!" Brittany retorted. "I know how it would work. You'd both harass the life out of the poor guy and he'd have to run off and join a monastery or something and then I'd never get to go out with him."

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"Aww, Britt, we wouldn't do that," Balthier said. "Chandler and I are both much too nice to tease anyone. Right, Chan?" "Exactamundo, my friend," Chandler agreed. "Although we might have to beat up the guy if he tries to kiss you or something like that." "You do that, I beat up you two!" Brittany scowled. "The two of you can leave my dates alone, thank you very much!" "Yeah, but you don't have any older brothers," Balthier said seriously. "As your best friends, Chan and I are duty-bound to ensure your honour remains intact."

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"I suppose it's the thought that counts," Brittany sighed in resignation. "It's kind of nice there are people looking out for me but--hey!" "Huh?" "How did this get switched around from poking Balthier about his dating choices to giving me the third degree?" Balthier grinned. "I'm just a master of deflection, that's all."

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"See," he continued, leaning closer to Britt, "the trick is to answer a question with a question. That gets the person off their guard, and if the other people involved in the conversation are a bit slow on the uptake--" "Hey!" Now it was Chandler's turn to protest. "I was just sticking up for my species, bro." "I know that," Balthier said. "You cut me off before I could get to that point. This is why interrupting is bad, Chan."

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"This is why making mass generalizations is bad, Bal," Chandler shot back. "Anyway, it seems to me that Miss Britt is as good at changing the subject as you are." He leaned forward in his chair. "So? Who's it gonna be, Britt?"

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"I already told you guys, I'm not telling," Brittany said, blushing a shade that almost matched her violently dyed red hair. "You'll just tease me." "Promise I won't," Balthier said earnestly. "Pirate's honour." "Yeah, we all know what that's good for," Chandler chuckled. "We've read our history textbooks, Balthier. Your ancestors are well-known for their scoundrel ways."

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"You guys like me better because I'm a scoundrel," Balthier said. "There aren't enough scoundrels in your lives. Why should I stop now? Besides, I'm nice." "Modest, too," Britt laughed. "That doesn't mean you're not going to tease me." "Yeah, but I'm totally not going to," Balthier said. "No matter how squicky the guy is. Or girl. Is it a girl?"

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"It's not a girl," Brittany said. "For that matter, I don't really know if I'm going to ask anyone to the dance at all. I haven't decided yet." "All that and you're going to chicken out?" Chandler said. "Does this mean you like someone so much you're terrified of rejection? Or you don't like anyone enough to risk the potential humiliation? Or you just plain haven't decided yet and don't want to admit it to us?" "All or none of the above," Brittany laughed. "Seriously, guys... can we talk about something else? This is getting kinda old."

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"Sure," Chandler said easily. "Either of you done that homework for Mr. Buccaneer yet?" "Which one?" Brittany and Balthier asked in unison, then started laughing. "Okay, so half of the teachers in the school have that last name," Chandler said. "I was talking about Mr. Buccaneer-the-Principal-who-teaches-history." "Ohh... that one," Balthier nodded. "I think I've decided what I'm

going to write about, but I haven't started researching yet. Mom should have most of the books I need at home." "I'm going to write about the early colonization of Pirate Island by the townies," Brittany chimed in. "It's a period often overlooked by scholars because they like to pretend we don't exist." "Maybe I'll write about the economic impact of Captain Jack's lifetime want," Chandler mused. "If he'd actually paid the Matchmaker with money things could have turned out very differently. What do you guys think? Too obscure?"

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"Nah, go for it," Balthier said. "Remember, if either of you ever need to look anything up my home library is even more stocked than the one at the school. You're certainly welcome to browse it any time." "I just might have to take you up on that," Brittany said, smiling prettily. "Me too," Chandler added. "Hey, how about we get together to work on our essays... tomorrow night?" Balthier frowned. "Sorry, guys... no can do. I've got a family thing happening. How about the next night?"

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Chandler furrowed his brow as he thought about it. After exchanging a look with Brittany, he nodded. "Yeah, I think we can squeeze that in." "Other plans?" Balthier sounded a little surprised. "Just some townie stuff," Brittany said dismissively. "House meeting. Somebody hasn't been flushing the toilet regularly and we've been having plumbing problems." "Yuck," Balthier shuddered.

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"How about we make a fun evening out of it," he continued. "I might have to babysit, but Ken's usually no trouble. Once we're done studying, we can watch a movie or play video games or something." "Yeah, that sounds like fun," Brittany said enthusiastically. "Besides, I like your brother. He told me I was pretty, which is more than either of you have ever done."

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"You're never going to let us live that down, are you," Chandler sighed melodramatically. "Nope!" "No matter how often we compliment you ever afterwards?" "Not a chance!" "Thought not."

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"Nigella! What in the world are you doing here?" Sterling Buccaneer, eldest daughter of Shere Khan and Coxinga Buccaneer, asked happily but perplexedly. "Do I need a reason to stop by and visit my best friend?" Nigella Traveller asked. "Perhaps you do when you're supposed to be at work," Sterling shrugged.

"Got fired," Nigella said. "Ouch... what happened?" "Tony... you remember Tony? The Assistant Manager?" "That guy who keeps lording it over you even though he's only a senior himself?"

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"That's the one," Nigella said. "Anyway, he made some implications about me being a Romancer and asking him to the Sadie Hawkins Dance and 'putting out' -- whatever he means by that -- or having my hours cut." "Yikes!" "Yeah, so I told him where he could stuff it," Nigella smirked. "'Sides, he's not my type. Even a Romance girl like me has standards. I won't date just any Pam, Alix, or Hetty."

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"So you're gainfully unemployed," Sterling said. "And it feels great," Nigella grinned. "Red hands?" "Sure." "So," Nigella added. "About the Sadie Hawkins dance?" "What about it?" Sterling blinked. "You planning on going?"

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"That actually kinda depends," Nigella said. "Ahh... one of those 'If the person I want to ask says yes, then I'm going' type of dilemmas?" "Exactly," Nigella nodded emphatically. "A dance is usually good for a laugh and all, but with this one falling on Valentine's Day... I kinda wanted it to be special, y'know?" "Yeah," Sterling agreed. "It's a bit more romantic than average. So who are you going to take?"

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"Actually, I was kinda hoping you'd go with me," Nigella said slowly. "M-me?" Sterling blinked. "Yeah, you," Nigella grinned. "I've wanted to ask you out for ages, Sterling. I have so much fun with you when we're together and... yeah."

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Sterling stared at her friend for a few minutes before slowly smiling. "I think I'd love to go with you."

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"Great!" Nigella said happily. "So... I guess we can figure out who's picking up who and stuff closer to the day, right?" "Err, I guess," Sterling said. "I don't drive yet, remember?" "Right," Nigella nodded. "But me getting the car is no sure thing either. So I guess we'll decide on the day of?" "Works for me. One thing's for sure--we're not getting my dad to drive us." "Which one? The one who doesn't speak Simlish? Or the one who doesn't stop talking about cars?" "Either!"

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"Anyway, I should probably get going," Nigella said reluctantly after the girls had chattered a few minutes longer. "Tina leaves for work in a few minutes and I'm supposed to babysit the kid tonight." "Yeah," Sterling said, looking over her shoulder. "Looks like Nanny Callista's about to leave, and I should probably make sure she hasn't actually killed my little bro or sis." "Nannies suck." "Definitely."

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"Well? Are you going to be good for Nanny Callista today?" Coxinga Buccaneer asked his younger daughter, Karat, the next morning. "Rawr!" Karat giggled. "Nanny smells like peepee." "Ugh," Shere Khan shuddered. "Do. Not. Want. Teh Nanny is can has litterbox." "She forgets jus' like Troy does sometimes," Karat said. "Only she doesn't gots a diaper."

"Invisible continence. A new 'sperimental idea, I has it." "Daddy, up!" a little boy's voice demanded from the floor. "I'll finish getting Karat ready if you deal with Troy," Zing said affectionately to his husband. "Dealz."

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"Not learns song," Karat pouted. "Want tickles and snuggles and a story." "If you're sure," Zing said. "I guess we can stop singing the spider song. Which story do you want?" Karat stuck out her lower lip for a moment as she pondered the choices available. "Um, itsy bitsy spider?" "Silly girl, that's the song!" Zing grinned.

"Is in a book," Karat insisted. "You look!" "Okay," Zing said obediently. A few short moments later he was back again. "I couldn't find an Itsy Bitsy Spider book anywhere, fuzzy girl. Are you sure you don't want me to sing you the song?" "I guess you can sing it," Karat said finally, as if conferring a great honour. "But I get to sing too!" "That's the best way."

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"No more tickles, Daddy!" Troy cried, doubled over with laughter. "No can has laughing?" Shere Khan mock-pouted. "Fun is a lie?" "Potty is relevant to my interests," Troy replied, pointing. "Learnin' to use da box is win," Shere Khan said approvingly. He whirled Troy over to the little red potty.

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When Troy was finished, Shere Khan set him down again. "Daddy, is we can be friends?" "Not friends nao?" Shere Khan asked in a hurt-sounding voice. "Always friends! I just makin' sure, Daddy." "Adorable Troy is adorable," Shere Khan chuckled. "Now is time for nomming, yes?"

"Nanny food -- do not want," Troy said. "You can makes it?" "I can makes it." "Yay!" "Now plays with itteh bitteh kitteh committeh," Shere Khan nodded, gesturing towards Karat. "I cooks."

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"What is a 'committeh'?" Troy asked his twin sister in a puzzled voice. "Dunno," Karat shrugged. "Sterling can tell." "Sterling's not here now. She had to go to school." "I wanna go to school! An' play with dolls. Wanna play dolls, Troy?" "Okay."

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"You da best brudder in da world," Karat declared, pulling Troy into a clumsy hug. "Let's go play now!" "You can play in a few minutes, children," Nanny's voice sounded sternly from behind the toddlers. "Your fathers have left breakfast ready for you downstairs. Are you hungry?"

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Shere Khan had indeed followed through with his promise to make breakfast for the kids, though he had to leave for work before they actually ate. "Daddy makes nummies," Karat said blissfully, digging into her plate of gruel with her bare hands. "Big kids use spoons," Troy chided her from his chair. "I use spoons sometimes!" Karat protested. "Dis tastes better dis way." "Oh, now look at you," Nanny Callista clucked, coming over to inspect both children. "You've got oatmeal all through your fur, Karat. I'm afraid it's the bathtub for you before you can go play."

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As Troy settled in to play with his sister's dollhouse he could hear her shrieks ringing all the way from upstairs. Karat, like most kittens, thought water was poison.

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Her opinion was shared by the family cat, Echo. Echo distracted himself from the blood-curdling screams of the fuzzy orange toddler by overindulging in 'nip and chasing his tail around the house. To be honest, that was how he dealt with most traumatizing experiences. Next on his list of 'Do Not Want' was parties, and by the time the twins' birthday rolled around he was in one heck of a stupor.

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Karat, the slightly older of the twins, was up first. "Ready?" Shere Khan asked. "No spitting--no liecaek!"

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As Karat scampered away from the thankfully intact cake, Shere Khan carried Troy over to the other one. "Blowing out candles nao, plz," he said.

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Both children grew up utterly adorable, as is to be expected with such handsome parents. Troy in particular was the spitting image of Zing at that age.

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"Hooray!" Karat chortled, cornering her brother in the bedroom they shared with their older sister. "Now we can play the fun games!" Suiting actions to words, she pointed a forefinger at her brother. "Bang! Gotcha, you dirty criminal scum!"

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"Lie!" Troy grinned, dodging to one side. "You hafta try better than that if you're going to catch the Troyinator!" "I know you stole the bukkit," Karat growled. "An' I've got the evidence to prove it!" "Oh yeah?" "Yeah!"

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While the children played upstairs, their guests forgotten, everyone else partook of the copious quantities of cake. "More?" Shere Khan urged his brother-in-law. "I'm so stuffed I can hardly move," Spandrell complained. Both started laughing in amusement as Spandrell's stomach gave the lie to his words with an audible growl. "There will be nomming!" Shere Khan said. "Teh caek commands you." "I obey."

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Lee looked around at the assembled guests with a mixture of pride and pain. He desperately wished that Grace was still around to see how large and wonderful their family had become. Six grandchildren, with at least two more on the way! At times he could scarcely believe it. Then again, it was only the sharp pain of remembered loss that told Lee that he and Grace weren't young, foolish, and in love still. "Penny for your thoughts, Grandpa?" Sterling asked, looking up from her videogame. "My thoughts are worth at least $2.59."

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"I was just thinking how proud your Grandma would be of all of you," Lee smiled. "I miss her pretty bad," Sterling said thoughtfully. "I kinda feel sad for Karat and Troy because they weren't even born yet when you guys took me and Balthier on vacation. I wish they could've gone too." "Well, I think I've got enough energy in me for one last trip," Lee said with a smile. "Maybe when Balthier and Kennit's little brother or sister is big enough to go. And your newest cousin, Minerva." "Do Balthier and I get to go again, too?"

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"I think so," Lee said after a moment of reflection. "Heck, with so many kids along I'll need you two as babysitters!" Sterling smiled. "Yeah, somebody has to make sure the rugrats go to bed on time."

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"Now, now," Lee scolded lightly. "Is that any way to talk about your brother and sister?" "Well, they are!" Sterling protested. "I mean, they're way closer to the ground than I am..." "Point," Lee conceded. "But it's still not a very nice term for them." "They wouldn't know how to react if I called them anything else," Sterling shrugged. "I've called 'em both that since they were infants. I think they like it." "Teen logic," Lee said. "I should know better than to try arguing with a teenager. I never win." "Besides," Sterling said. "I like them both. They're just... ickle."

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True to her word, Sterling did have genuine love and affection for her younger siblings. In fact, it wasn't uncommon at all to find her reading them both a bedtime story before she settled in to sleep herself.

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And if one or the other woke up in the middle of the night with a bad dream, it was Sterling who settled them back down to sleep more often than not. It was just easier for Troy and Karat to turn to her for soothing, since she shared their bedroom.

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"Arr! I remember ye, boy! Ye're the one what used to eat me ears!" "Yes, but that was when I was little," Troy said, clutching the bear tightly. "Only babies eat teddy bear ears." "An' such a finely growed specimen as yerself has no need for such comforts, aye?" "Exactly. Only babies need that." "Arrr. So why're we just standin' here,

mate? I gots places t' go... peoples t' see... savvy?" "It's the first day of school and I'm kinda scared, Grandpa Jack," Troy said quietly. "Didn't want to tell Karat or Sterling 'cause they'd laugh." "Ah, school," the bear mused fondly. "I remember it well. I went for three whole days, mate, before they kicked me out. 'Twere why I becomed a pirate, savvy?" "So if I don't go then I get to be a pirate?"

"Aye!" "Nay!" Zing's voice came from down the hall. "Hurry up, Troy... you don't want to miss your bus!" With a sad sigh, Troy put the bear down and hustled down the hall. "Guess I can't be a pirate," he mumbled. "Live the dream, mate."

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Much to his surprise, though, he learned that he did, in fact, like school. There were plenty of other kids to play with and the work wasn't very hard. It got even easier once his dads had taught him and Karat how to do homework.

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And before long, both Troy and Karat were running off of the bus excitedly, report cards in hand. "Daddy!" Troy squealed, waving the paper and jumping up and down. "I got straight As!" "Me too!" Karat chimed in. "Wow!" Zing said enthusiastically. "That's great, kids! I'm so proud of you both! I think this calls for a celebration!" "Can we have anything we want?" Karat asked, her eyes wide.

"Anything at all," Zing promised. "We want pie from the Cafe Down The Road an' then a movie with you and Daddy," Troy said quickly. "Tomorrow's Caturday--can we? Please?" Karat chimed in her own insistent pleas to her brother's and before long Zing was laughing and assuring both of them that they could do exactly that. "Yay!"

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By the time Shere Khan, Zing, and the twins got back from their movie the weekly Caturday Teen Party was in full swing. All of Sterling's closest friends and relatives were in attendance.

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"So I heard you're going to the dance with Nigella," Devi Zomg* said in a gossipy voice, cornering Sterling in the living room. "Yeah, I guess," Sterling replied, blushing a little and glancing in her father's direction. He appeared not to be be paying attention, much to her relief. No teen likes discussing their love life with their peers in earshot of their parents, no matter how much they might tell said parents in a more one-on-one setting. "That's cool," Devi nodded. "I haven't quite decided who I'm taking yet. But I think my sister's going with Sketch Picaso, and you know his girlfriend's only been away at college for less than a month." _________________ * Devi and her twin sister Anne are the daughters of Robinoli (omgrobinn on the Exchange) and Lucretia Marius. Lu is the daughter of Professor Butters (loolooloo16play on the Exchange) and Flavius Marius (a creation of netsfn1427 on the Exchange).

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"I heard they broke up," Sterling shrugged. "Yeah, but you know he's still carrying a torch for Tammy," Devi said, a touch of annoyance in her tone. "Anne says they're just going as friends because neither of them has the hots for anyone, but I know Anne's just saying that. He better not break her heart." "It's cool that you're so protective," Sterling said, "but don't you think your sister is old enough to make that kind of decision for herself?" "Yeah, but I still don't have to like it," Devi scowled.

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"Either of you ladies feel like coming to the dance with me?" Orlando Pseudo* asked, butting in to the conversation uninvited. "Orlando, you're not supposed to be doing the asking," Sterling scolded him gently. "A girl has to ask you. Besides, I've got a date already." "Me too," Devi said. "I'm going with Isaiah Gavigan. I totally asked him out on a whim--you could've knocked me over with a feather when he said yes! I'm looking forward to it, though." "Man, it sucks that Freema's gone to university already," Orlando grumbled, referring to his previous girlfriend. "I hope somebody asks me." "I'm sure someone will," Sterling said soothingly. _________________ * Orlando is the grandson of Orikes (orikes360 on the Exchange).

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"Anyway," Sterling continued, turning back to Devi once Orlando's attention was drawn back to the TV screen, "have you thought about what you're going to wear? I definitely don't want to be wearing the same dress as anybody else." "Anne and I are going shopping next Saturday," Devi said. "You want to come? We've got room in the car for a few more people." "Yeah, Caturday works for me," Sterling said. "I'll have to cancel the usual party, but I think most people are going to be getting ready for the dance anyway since it's the next weekend. Nigella has to babysit, so I can pick out something fab and totally surprise her." "Awesome," Devi said, nodding emphatically. "I'll give you a call on Thursday to confirm, okay?"

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"Okay, that was the best movie ever!" Troy declared. "I want to go see it again!" "Me too," Karat decided. "But next time I get to hold the popcorn." "It's not my fault I sneezed," Troy protested. "I got allergies and sometimes I just sneeze!" "Yeah, but the popcorn went everywhere and I didn't even get to eat any." "Moar fight DO NOT WANT!" Shere Khan called from down the hallway. "Yes, Daddy!" they chimed in unison.

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"What part of the movie did you like best?" Karat asked. "My favourite was the bit where they were running across the river and all the ice started breaking." "That bit was okay," Troy shrugged. "But I liked the big fight the best. Especially the witch--she was awesome even though she got dead. Daddy said the wand and the sword were 'classic dual-wielding', whatever that means, and I agree with him."

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"I heard there's another one coming next year," Karat grinned. "Yeah, but there's books too," Troy said. "Grandpa Lee said we can borrow them from him next time we go there." "I'll race you to see who can read them all first!" "You're on!" Any further competition was interrupted by the arrival of the rest of the Caturday party guests: the other kids.

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"You're orange!" Karat said in surprise to one of the guests, Ragamuffin Legacina. "So are you," Muffy pointed out. "So?" "I never met anyone else who was orange before, except for Daddy and Auntie Rakshasi and Grandpa Rajah and Great-Auntie Rani and your sister," Karat explained. "That's kind of a lot of people," Muffy said. "Yeah, but they're all way older than me," the other tiger-girl said. "You're the only other little kid I've met." "Ohhh..." Muffy nodded sagely. "Yeah, you're the only other kid I've met with stripes too. Except Callie, before she got big. But she doesn't count 'cause she's my sister."

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"It's not easy, being orange," Karat said with the voice of great experience. "Everything gets stuck in your fur." "I know!" Muffy commiserated. "And baths suck because you take forever to dry off and if you have your bath at night then your pillow gets wet but if you have it in the morning you're late for school." "I know! And it's super hard to find clothes that don't look bad!" "I know!" Before Caturday was over, the girls were the best of friends.

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As for Troy, he was a bit shyer than his sister and sought out a more familiar face instead. "Grandpa, was Sterling telling the truth when she said we could go on holidays with you maybe in a little while?" "She was indeed, little Troy. What do you think of that?" "I think it'll be fun, only..." "Only what?" "If I bring my teddy bear, you won't tell Sterling or Balthier, will you?" Lee smiled and tousled Troy's hair fondly. "Not if you don't want me to. Now why don't you go and see if Kennit wants to play?"

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But Troy wandered upstairs to play with his Captain Jack bear instead, where he was soon joined by a few other kids who liked company and meeting new people, but preferred quieter play. Kennit was not left bereft of companionship, however, because Karat soon sought him out. "This is kinda weird," Kennit said. "What is?" Karat asked. "Just look at us," Kennit said, gesturing. "We're like... opposites. In colour." "Wow... that is weird..." Being children, they decided that this meant they had to be best friends, and when Ragamuffin got back from the washroom they included her in their group as well.

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Sterling and Balthier, meanwhile, had decided to retreat from the general commotion and hubbub of the party for a bit of time to chatter. Ever since the trip they'd taken with their grandparents as children, they'd been the very best of friends. "So... what do you think about the dance?" Sterling asked. "You dragged me away from the pretty girls and the movie to talk about the dance?" Balthier teased. "You've been talking about nothing else all day!" "Yeah, but I haven't been talking about it with my best friend in the world," Sterling pointed out. "I guess I'm stoked," Balthier shrugged. "How about you? You excited to be going with Nigella? I didn't know you liked her."

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"I didn't either, 'til she asked me," Sterling said. "I hadn't really thought about it, one way or the other. And then she asked... and I'm really, really glad she did. How about you? Anybody ask you yet?" Balthier grimaced. "Err..." "C'mon. If you can't tell me, who can you tell?" "Better you than Chandler or Britt," Balthier said emphatically. "They'd never let me hear the end of it." "Got asked by someone you don't fancy?" Sterling asked, nudging her cousin teasingly.

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"Uh," Balthier blushed. "Got asked by a boy?" "No," Balthier said, shaking his head. "So who asked you?"

"It's more along the lines of... who hasn't." "Oooh... do tell," Sterling snickered. "This is gonna be great." "Will the abbreviated highlights be good enough?" "I suppose that'll have to do for now."

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"So there I was, just minding my business at my locker after second period. You know I've got a spare for third period, so I was taking my time. "Suddenly, I hear this cough behind me so I look over." "Who was it?" Sterling asked eagerly. "Hold your horses," Balthier scolded. "I'm getting to it. Now, where was I?" "Coughing," Sterling replied helpfully. "Right..."

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"Anyway, so I turned around and there's this townie girl standing there. I'm not even sure what her name is--" "What'd she look like?" Sterling interrupted. "There may have been long black hair involved somewhere." "Sounds like Ivy Copur." "Maybe. I dunno. Anyway, before I can even say anything to her she starts asking me out!"

"And? What did you say?" "Well, since I hardly know her I told her I was flattered but that I'd have to say no." "At least you were polite." "I may have said 'No way in heck!'" "Less polite." "Anyway, it didn't end there."

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"No sooner had that Ivy girl left when Poppy Thayer--" "The one with the hippie parents?" "Do you want me to tell the story?" Balthier asked in an aggrieved tone. "Okay, I'll stop interrupting." "Good. Anyway, as soon as Ivy walks away, Poppy walks back up to me and basically repeats herself, only with less stammering. Thing is, she's never given me the time of day before. Sure, she's gorgeous... and she knows it. I had this feeling she was only asking me because

I'm a Legacy kid." "So what'd you say?" "A part of me wanted to say yes, but the rest of me realized I'd have more fun if I went with someone I know actually likes me. So I turned her down. At least I think I did." "I suppose you made the right choice," Sterling said. "Who wants to date someone who sees you as a status symbol?" "Exactly."

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"So Poppy wandered off to gossip about me behind my back with her friends and then Georgia Newson came over." "You're not trying to tell me Georgia asked you out, are you?" Sterling asked in disbelief. "Shy, bookworm Georgia?" "I could hardly believe it myself," Balthier said. "And I almost said yes. Georgia and I have hung out a few times, and she's really cute. Only right in the middle of her asking me I kind of got the hiccups, and I guess she thought I was laughing at her because she turned around and ran away!" "Aww... poor girl," Sterling said sympathetically. "Don't I get any sympathy here?" Balthier demanded. "Not really, no. So then what happened? Did you chase after her to explain the misunderstanding?"

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"I was going to, only when I turned to slam my locker shut there was Paprika Deity standing there and she started asking before I could get away." "What'd you say to her?" "I turned her down," Balthier shrugged. "I know she was just asking me on a dare. I heard her talking to Sarah Pseudo in English class first period. Besides, Paprika has the world's hugest crush on Orlando, but she's way too freaked to ask him out. I think she figured I was a safe bet."

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"So once you got rid of her, did you catch up to Georgia?" "Nope," Balthier said. "Last I heard, she had a date but she wouldn't tell anyone who it was." "So you're still dateless, despite being asked out by four separate girls," Sterling shook her head in disbelief. "Err... not four," Balthier blushed again. "Not four?" "Twenty-seven. Those were just the ones after second period..." "I think we're in for a long afternoon, cousin of mine. Spill."

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Persephone looked up from her reading, her face aghast. "Are you really going to let all this happen?" she called over to where I was still bustling about the kitchen. I shrugged. "Probably. Unless something happens to make me change my mind." "But it's so... harsh."

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"I know," I said. "But ... all in the name of the story, right?" "How set in stone is it?" my granddaughter asked, skimming rapidly through the pages. "I mean, they do have some leeway to influence what happens to them, right? You can't really have decided this much in advance, before you even know who all of the players are going to be--can you?"

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I flipped the sandwich expertly in the pan. "I've only got some of it figured out," I said. "I know the major stuff, right? But I don't necessarily have the 'why' or the 'how' figured out yet. Not for all of it. And there are some sims whose lives are blank slates. They've only just started telling me who they are, you know?"

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"Do-do you think I could help you a little?" Persephone's voice was quivering with excitement as her eyes traced the intricacies of my future plots through the pages. "I really want to help. Some of this stuff is so cool. And I'm getting tons of ideas." "There's a pencil on the bookshelf," I said. "Start making some notes so you don't forget!"

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The only sounds for the next few moments were the sizzling from the pan and the scratching of pencil on paper. "Come on and eat," I said invitingly. "I'll go over how it all works, and then you can tell me what you've got."

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"Basically," I said, putting my sandwich down after I'd swallowed my first bite, "how it works is this: I'm both inside and outside the 'verse at the same time." "How's that even possible?" Persephone asked. "You can think of me like an avatar," I said. "My attention is divided between many, many different realms and worlds--some controlled by me, and some in which I'm only a guest star. But behind all of those avatars in all of those worlds is the real me--and that's too big even for you to comprehend. You only exist in this reality, as it were, and any other world of mine that I choose to bring you into."

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"That's... bizarre," Persephone said after a moment of silence. "How can you be here, there, and everywhere? And are you seriously just like this puppet of yourself? There's a real you behind everything?" "That's exactly how it works, dear," I said. "You wouldn't believe the logistics of it if I told you. Suffice to say, I have far more deific power than you ever will. But there are some things you can access." "How?"

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"It's like a simplified version of how my real self accesses the 'verse," I said. "It's actually kinda technical, but only those with the right powers can make the tech work. To anyone else... well, they get SSX3." "You mean..." I put down my sandwich, stood up, and led Persephone into the living room.

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"That's right," I said. "We play them... exactly like they're a video game." "Ooh," Persephone said, staring at the screen. "Could I... that is..." I handed her the controller. "Go right ahead." To Be Continued...