All My Children A WYD Challenge: Chapter 1

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Babies galour!!

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Page 1: All My Children A WYD Challenge: Chapter 1
Page 2: All My Children A WYD Challenge: Chapter 1

Why would I add yet another lengthy challenge to my already extensive list?

Because, I may have need or some unique genetic experiments for my other

challenges I have going currently. It’s how I work, making things and

downloading stuff for those “just in case” moments. It has worked before,

where I downloaded something at one time not thinking about what I could

use it for, then having a plot line come up where I ended up needing it, so

this is just another one of those things.

Well now that is out of the way, let me tell you about my theme naming

scheme for this WYD, POKEMON!! Yep, Pokemon. It has a wide range of

names that begin with every letter of the alphabet and most people know it.

Pokemon has been around for nearly 20 years so two whole generations have

grown up with it, its influence is known worldwide. Not bad for a Japanese

kids thing that no one expected to take off hmm? The anime first debuted in

North America in 1995, so that is 19 years ago already…and the first Game

Boy games came out in 1997, two years later. The old lime green 1989 Game

Boy screens, I remember them well. *is old* Game Boy Color was huge for me

and playing Pokemon Yellow in FULL COLOUR was exciting for 15 year old

Ani-Mei. Also having Pikachu follow you just like Ash was amazing, I

remember being so excited to see that we got Pikachu instead of the other

Kanto starters. Oh, did you want to see my founder instead of listening to

my Pokenerd rambling? Well fine then…

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So I want to “try” and go for points this time, I have never succeeded in

going for points, in like forever. So already I got one for a non-Uni blank lot

start, bonus. This is the current house, tiny, cramped and making my OCD

rage about space. But no money cheats…I will refrain…I will. I even reset my

Desiderata Valley for this too, and I won’t be placing lots on the road by the

lake as much as I would love to… it messes up the terrain for some reason.

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So here she is, my baby machine, I mean founder, Whimsy Scott. She has skin tone 1, red

hair, and custom green eyes. And if you’re a Pokenerd like me, you’ll get that her name

is a Pokemon name. Whimsicott ,The Windveiled Pokemon: Dex Number 547, a

Grass/Fairy type from the Unova region. In Kalos, the current Pokemon generation, it

gained the Fairy type and lost its Flying type that it had in Unova.

Flavour Text (X and Y):

X :They appear along with whirlwinds. They pull pranks, such as moving furniture

and leaving balls of cotton in homes.

Y : Like the wind, it can slip through any gap, no matter how small. It leaves balls of

white fluff behind.

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Building her a house used up all but $1008 of her $11 300 she had for the 5x4

lot I put her on. So to digging we go, hopefully we’ll find some good stuff.

Like a treasure chest or Ming vase, that’s nine grand of free money without

cheats for things like bills and food, and clothing…also the Matchmaker. When

she comes to visit the only CAS-created playable in a newly reset hood. She

needs Baby Daddy A, and a husband.

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She only stops digging to greet the Welcome Wagon. Which consisted of John

Mole, Natasha Una, and Victor Aspir. One of these two men may be a baby

daddy for the black haired one we need. I will be using the Sim Blender for

baby-making, but only once she’s managed to make Best Friends status with

the daddies, some NPC’s like Unsavoury Charlatan and Witch Doctor can’t be

made playable to be the baby daddies for fear of impending game borkage, so

that’s where the Sim Blender helps. And I also don’t want a whole whack of

Had an Affair icons in Whimsy’s memories so…

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The search for Baby Daddy A begins…

Whimsy: Here’s $1000 of my remaining $1008 funds, find me a good NPC man

because you’ve prevented me from being able to pay my bills this week.

Gypsy: Ah, well when it comes to matches I’ve seen worse…

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*sounds of anvil falling*

Whimsy: Well hello Mr. Two Bolt Blond Cop NPC man…

Tucker: The name is Officer Tucker Gray, miss?

Whimsy: Whimsy, Whimsy Scott.

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Whimsy: So how about a relationship-building game of Glitchy Bag?

Tucker: Sounds good to me.

Seriously, the bag thing was hovering in mid air every time it got near

Tucker, it was freaky…broken Uni coding in AL maybe? I don’t know but the

purpose of it was still working.

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See what I mean? Tucker did not even touch the Glitchy Bag and it was

already hovering waist-high.

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First date went well. Whimsy got her First Kiss from who will be Baby

Daddy A and her hapless hubby. Plus I get the Blond/Blue eyes daddy early

this way. But I think it will be a while before they start to show, the custom

green eyes on Whimsy are bound to be strong.

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Date 2: Woo Hoo!!

Tucker: So I’m so glad you agreed for a second date, I was worried you wouldn’t.

Whimsy: Why wouldn’t I?

Tucker: Well the job of a cop is pretty hectic, breaking up loud toddler parties and

catching burglars, it’s hard on a relationship.

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Whimsy: We’ll make it work. I promise.

Tucker: I hope so…I really like you.

Whimsy: I like you too, actually I think I love you…

Tucker: Really? Wow…

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Baby A is on the way…hehe rhymes are fun.

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Natasha has officially cemented herself as the first BFF with Whimsy, she’s over here

all the time. Redheads unite.

Natasha: Well, this isn’t grill cheese but it’s alright.

Whimsy: Well that’s more of a lunch thing rather than dinner.

Natasha: Oh not for me, I can make it for breakfast, I love grilled cheese…

Whimsy: For breakfast? Interesting…

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Guess who has Culinary as a hobby? And she made cheesecake for her first

ever Cooking Contest.

Whimsy: Oh I hope it tastes alright, I wanted to use fresh strawberries but

they’re out of season now.

Well, it’s been a while since I’ve had non-cheated cheesecake twins so…

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Whimsy: I think I can make some BFF’s with my cheesecake, it’s meant for


Sharlene: Food is meant to be shared Whimsy, I’ll have some even if you don’t

win. Who can resist the creamy, dreamy, goodness of a cheesecake…

Whimsy: Next time I’ll use fresh strawberries. Yeah, that sounds good.

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Whimsy: What? I won really?!!

Julien: And I thought my pancakes would win. Aww…

Sharlene: Good job Whimsy! Not many first-timers can beat my amazing

Baked Alaska.

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Sharlene: Beginner’s luck…

Whimsy: Wow!! I’m the best!! WOO!! And the money prize is not bad either.

Yeah, she dug up a Ming vase and treasure chest, I sold the vase and bought her some

more furniture. That left her with $400 and the prize money brought her up to $900. I

never realized how much I relied on money cheats until now…this is hard. >_<

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And when she gets home, she decided it would be fun to go into labour while

stuck in the door.

Whimsy: Oh my Arceus!! This hurts!!

And of course she ate the cheesecake…so baby A will be Babies A. Good thing

there’s so many good Pokemon names that begin with A.

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So since Whimsy’s face is stuck in the door meet baby A-1: Absol, Dex number 359

(Hoenn). Red hair, custom green eyes, skin one. I love the pure Dark type Absol

despite the unfortunate Dex entry for it, and it has a beautiful Mega Evolution too:

X : It senses coming disasters and appears before people only to warn them of

impending danger.

Y : It appears when it senses an impending natural disaster. As a result, it was

mistaken as a doom bringer.

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After removing her face from the door, meet baby A-2: blond hair, green eyes, skin 1

Articuno. Dex number 144 (Kanto), Ice/Flying type and my favourite Ice type.

X: A legendary bird Pokémon. It can create blizzards by freezing moisture in the air.

Y: A legendary bird Pokémon that is said to appear to doomed people who are lost in

icy mountains.

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Birthday time!! Up first is Absol, or Abby as I will now call her. Let’s hope we

see both parents in her and not just Whimsy…

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And then Articuno, who will be known as Arti from now on…

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*dies from the cute*

Absol Scott



Love that personality…so one in a thousand that every one is in order.

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Arti is hiding her face from me…

Articuno Scott



Super nice twins…expect plenty of Creepy Nice Point smiles from these two.

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I decided to make Victor baby daddy B, so I had to summon him over with the

Sim Blender, the phone was glitched and I couldn’t have her call anyone. It

also never rang anymore. Baby Daddy B has black hair and brown eyes, but I

only expect the hair colour to make it into Baby B, the custom green eyes

dominate. Wouldn’t be funny if all 26 babies had those eyes?

*crickets* Or not…

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So as you can see, Baby B is cooking. And I had to use the Tombstone of L&D

this time since the Sim Blender can’t summon NPC’s. So this is the one and

only time I had to use a familyfunds, when you add them via the Tombstone

to the family they get no move in money. So I guessed and gave them $15 000

and expanded the house since with TWO more babies coming I needed space,

yes, twins again this time not cheescaked…*sigh* Good thing there’s lots of

names for Pokemon.

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Tucker: I was hoping you would call again, I was worried you’d forgotten about me.

Whimsy: Oh no, never. My phone was glitched I couldn’t call out or receive any calls

either. It had nothing to do with you.

Tucker: I’m glad to hear that. And that you’re having a baby…is it mine?

Whimsy: Umm…we should talk.

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Well the rules say the husband can’t move in until the A babies are kids, which

happened just in time. Now you can see Arti’s face a little better.

Articuno: Camera!! *EEK!!*

Absol: I love the camera!!

Shy Arti is shy…aww. *huggles*

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So there was enough money left over to buy the girls matching dresses.

Articuno, since Articuno is an Ice type, gets the light blue dress. And Absol

because Absol is a Dark type, gets the black and grey dress. Also I love how

the twins look slightly different , Abby’s eyes are farther apart and Arti’s

mouth is slightly different. Still twin-ish though.

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Good timing indeed, and she’s not stuck in the door this time. Time for the B


Whimsy: Why did I want this again??

Only 24 more pregnancies to go…you can do it.

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First one Baby B-1: A black haired, green eyed baby boy meet Blaziken (Hoenn), Dex

number 257 A Fire/Fighting type who has a Mega Evolution as well that I like to call

Super Chicken mode, I have one in both X and Y and he’s amazing.

X: It can clear a 30-story building in a leap. Its fiery punches scorch its foes.

Y: When facing a tough foe, it looses flames from its wrists. Its powerful legs it

jump clear over buildings.

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Forgot a picture but Baby B-2 is called Breloom (Hoenn), black hair and green

eyes also. Dex number 286, Grass/Fighting type.

X: Its short arms stretch when it throws punches. Its technique is equal to

that of pro boxers.

Y: It scatters poisonous spores and throws powerful punches while its foe

is hampered by inhaled spores.

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And after the births of the B babies, they finally got married. Tucker Gray is now

Tucker Scott. And the girls are happy that their parents finally tied the knot.

Tucker: As long as I don’t have to see you with other guys, I can handle the challenge

you’re in.

Whimsy: I promise, you will never see me with another guy. Neither will our girls.

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Now kiss and seal the deal.

Arti: Eww mommy and daddy are being gross!

Abby: I know right? Let’s play Mary Mack and ignore them.

Arti: Good idea Abby!

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Now that the first babies have been born, it’s time to begin a list of who

fathered who.

Bab(ies) A: Absol and Articuno (female)

Father: Tucker Gray (NPC) Blond hair, blue eyes

Bab(ies) B: Blaziken and Breloom (male)

Father: Victor Aspir (playable) Black hair, brown eyes

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And the search goes on for the next baby daddies.

WANTED: Brown hair or red hair, grey, light blue, green or custom eyes

Happy Breeding!!