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Page 1: Battleship
Page 2: Battleship

Questions1. What are film trailers? Film trailers are promotional tools which are used to get

audiences excited and talking about and upcoming film. They are short clips stringed together to create a short advert telling the audience all the key features of the film, including: The main actors and date released.

2. Why are film trailers made? The purpose of a film trailer is basically to make you want to see the movie, and there are a number of techniques that are used in order to tantalize the viewer.

3. Who are they for? Film trailers are made for the same target audience that the film is aimed at. People who are likely to be interested in the film.

4. How do they work? Each film needs a USP (unique selling point) This will help show to viewers how one movie is different from another. This could be done by using special effects, a mix of genre, good soundtrack or popular cast member/s.

5.Where do we see them? We see film trailers on the T.V during advert breaks, at the cinema before seeing another film, on the internet on movie websites and YouTube.

6. When are they released? Movie trailers are usually released a few weeks before the movie is due to be launched. This creates a buzz and gets the audience prepared for the movie.

Page 3: Battleship

The promotional Campaign will have a large impact on how the film is viewed

“We no longer simply consume marketing campaigns; we’ve become active participants in them, as can be seen in the recent trend in transmedia storytelling. Today, the movie released in cinemas is just 1 part of a wider narrative jigsaw that stretches beyond the confines of the theatre and across other forms of media”

Page 4: Battleship

Battleship earned a 3-day total of $25 million. By the end of its opening weekend, it earned $55.2 million from 26 markets, ranking second behind the 3D rerelease of Titanic. The reason the film was such a success was due to its marketing campaign. With out their marketing scheme the movie will not have done so well, as not many people would have known about it so fewer people would have seen it in the short space of time. In the earlier posters the title and date are both written in a bold metallic font, then in later posters they include pictures and names of the cast members and the slogan “The battle for Earth begins at sea”

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