Cassandra NoSQL Lan party

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Cassandra/NoSQL LAN Party


Cassandra works on hetrogenious/commodity hardware

Naturally works in multi-node multi-dc scenarios

LAN parties are fun. Remember quake on 10mb?

Target Setup

Overall Steps


Setup Networking

Calculate Tokens

Startup Cassandra

Create Keyspace and Column Family

Quick example of read write



There should be three tables in room (ny,jp,fr)Each table has a switch

Each switch connected to other switch by cat5

Each tables should have 3-8 4ft ethernet cables

Note networking Guru's and spread them across tables

Not C* guru's and spread them as well

C* NYC people will help as well


At your table you should see an IP/mask

It should look like 10.1.0.X/

Count the number of people at your table with laptop (count the laptop already set up)

Give each a number 2,3,4... call it N

Those people should set to IP 10.1.0.N

When done ping,

If your using your own gear shut down firewall

If pings work wait for next stage

Calculate Tokens

Total machines N. Your machine is M(admin write numbers on post-its and hand them out, alternating number per table)

Run java TokenCalculator M N

Copy that # to cassandra.yaml

Set your IP as listen_address

Don't start Cassandra yet!

Quick check to make sure clock is in sync

Startup Cassandra

Projector laptop should be running 'watch nodetool ring'

Have someone give your setup the once over

./bin/cassandra -f

All cheer and take a swig as nodes join network!

Wait till we gets everyone online

Create a Keyspace and Column Family (done by admin)

create keyspace worldwith placement_strategy = 'org.apache.cassandra.locator.NetworkTopologyStrategy'and strategy_options={1:3, 2:3, 3:3};

use world; create column family data with key_validation_class=UTF8Type AND comparator=UTF8Type AND default_validation_class=UTF8Type;

Use world; set Data['bsmith']['name']='bob';

Quick example of read/write

Start bin/cassandra-cli -h -p 9160

USE world;

List data;

get Data['bsmith'];

Disconnect some cables

Consistencylevel as [QUORUM,ALL,LOCAL_QUORUM,ONE];
