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Page 1: Childhood


Page 2: Childhood

This is one of the oldest pictures that I have. I was six months old. When I was nine months old I walked my first steps.

Page 3: Childhood

And talking about my childhood, here´s a picture of me when I really started walking. I was one year old and according to my mother, at that age I was not a little angel.

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Here is an old picture of me at my cousin´s birthday. I was three years old and the boy beside me was my two years old brother.

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My mother took this picture in our home´s backyard. I was about five years old at that time.

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I took this picture in 2009. I was doing a course to work in an office and it was great doing it. I learned a lot and it helped me to get a job.

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This is a picture I took in the day I graduated in that Office course. I took it in the beginning of 2010 and I was 16.

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My family and I travelled to Pirenópolis last year. I was exactly 17 years old in this picture.

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I graduated from high school at december, 2011. This picture I took here at UNIFAN College and High School.

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Few weekends ago, my friends and I went to the movies. We watched Breaking Dawn.