Common people

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The opening scene involves a brightly coloured disco which immediately presents the video is set in the 1960’s. this is quite conventional of the indie genre as it is set at a different time to what it was created in. A person then begins to walk through the centre, people move out of his way which shows he is of high importance. It soon becomes apparent it is the artist as there is a close up, this shot presents some of Goodwin’s theory including the demand of the record label will include the need of close ups of the artist and the relationship between the lyrics and the visuals.

Page 3: Common people

A shot involving the artist on stage is very conventional of the indie genre as it represents live performance. This follows Goodwin’s theory as the video follows genre characteristics.A two shot can be portrayed as a conversation and uses Goodwin’s theory involving a relationship between the lyrics and the visuals. The next shot shows an unrealistic grocery store, this can reflect the creative of the indie genre. It also continues with Goodwin’s theory about the relationship between lyrics and visuals as it shows common people living their everyday lives which connects with the line “I wanna do what common people do.” In the background we also see a man stealing a box and hiding it under his coat, the fact the box says Pulp suggests the people should only consume this band, and they are so popular the “common people” have to steal in order to consume them which shows the band image is expensive.

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The fact he is being pushed around, and is positioned in the centre foreground of the shot continues to show he is of high importance. It also continues a relationship between lyrics and visuals “I took her to a supermarket.”Again in this shot the artist is in the foreground making him more superior than the “common people” in the background.Multiple visuals of the artist reinforces Goodwin’s theory and promotes his image to the audience – showing he is an important person.

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The music has a relationship with the visuals as we can hear a guitar and then visually see one; this shows Goodwin’s theory continuing to be present.Even though this shot has the artist in the background the images names is still present and clearly seen ‘Pulp’.There continues to be a relationship between the music and visuals, we can see this when the music begins to have a faster pace the shots begin to change more rapidly.

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It can be considered that Goodwin’s theory involving voyeuristic treatment of the female body is present in this shot as the woman is positioned in the centre foreground and is moving to the music. We then see a shot involving the artist and people in the background going through motions in sync, this could connote how he is becoming more like them. However, he is yet again positioned in the foreground and so continues to be of more importance. The ending shot acts like a blink which is similar to the opening shot, the effect of this creates a beginning and an end. Overall I feel this music video presents how our video follows the conventions of the indie genre as it involves creativity, however ours will not focus on the bands image but the music itself.