Dr. Ida Kahn: (NWMC) book photo I "Childhood in Three Country's" I“在在在在在在在在在在” By the time Ida Kahn had first opened her eyes, female babies had become a burden on families, and her family in particular. Her parents had been eager for a son through each of the five babies that had been daughters and now the sixth was too. According to Chinese custom the blind fortune teller was called in to declare his verdict to deduce her fate and give his advice about her future. They were harsh words indeed: she must be abandoned or killed for as long as she lived under the same roof, no boy child would be born. 在 在在在在在在在在在在在 在在在在在 在在在在在在在在在在在在在在在在在在在在在 ,。一, ,。,, 女女 在在在在在在在 ,,,,。,。 Her parents were not ready to end her young life, and resolved to engage the child to a neighboring boy, letting his family raise the girl. Again, the fortune teller was called in to seek his judgment. He declared "the little girl was born under the Dog Star and the little boy, the Cat Star and therefore marriage between the two should not be thought of." 在在在在在“在在在在 ,,。,: ,,,。

Dr. Ida Kahn Chinese version

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Dr. Ida Kahn:

(NWMC) book photo

I "Childhood in Three Country's"     I“在三个国家的童年时代”

By the time Ida Kahn had first opened her eyes, female babies had become a burden on families, and her family in particular.  Her parents had been eager for a son through each of the five babies that had been daughters and now the sixth was too.  According to Chinese custom the blind fortune teller was called in to declare his verdict to deduce her fate and give his advice about her future.  They were harsh words indeed: she must be abandoned or killed for as long as she lived under the same roof, no boy child would be born.


Her parents were not ready to end her young life, and resolved to engage the child to a neighboring boy, letting his family raise the girl.  Again, the fortune teller was called in to seek his judgment.  He declared "the little girl was born under the Dog Star and the little boy, the Cat Star and therefore marriage between the two should not be thought of." 


The family’s perplexity became known to a few neighbors, one of whom was teaching Chinese to Miss Hoag and Miss Hughes of the mission. After hearing the circumstance, they went with

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them to retrieve the baby.  Thus when Ida was two months old she was adopted by Miss Howe, who she called "my mother, with no other like her in the world."

几个邻居都知道了这个家庭的困难。其中有位教 Miss Hoag 和 Miss Hughes 中文的邻居听说了此事,就和Miss Hoag 和 Miss Hughes 一起去救这个孩子。就这样,Miss Howe 收养了两个月大的康爱德,康爱德称她为“妈妈,这个世界上独一无二的人 ”

 The same year Ida was born the mission had begun a girl’s school with Miss Hughes and Miss Hoag as the teachers.  Ida started classes as soon as she was able.  At the age of nine, Miss Howe took Ida to the United States and enrolled her in a Chinese school where most of the students were from Guangzhou and spoke Cantonese, making her studies difficult.  At such an impressionable age, the stay in the U.S. helped her to learn English fluently.  During the return to China, they stayed in Japan for several months before going on to Chungking in Szechwan province, for two years.  In 1886, the mission compound was razed by a mob; its workers running for their lives. For two months, Ida was in hiding at a carpenter’s home while the mission workers were at the governor’s Yaman residence.  When it became possible, all made their escape from the city.  Although still young, Ida had experienced much more then a Chinese woman five times her age.  Without a pause, another adventure began with a swift trip of several days through the Three Gorges on the Yangtze River, the current raging with springtime snow-melt, flooding the lowlands along the river. 

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就在爱德出生的那一年,教会创办一所女子学校,Miss Hughes 和 Miss Hoag 就在这所学校里任教。康爱德一到上学的年龄就在这里读书了。康爱德 9 岁时,Miss Howe 将她送到美国的一所中文学校,该校的大部分学生来自广州,学校用粤语授课,这让她感到学习很吃力。康爱德正值可塑性很大的年龄段,留在美国使她熟练地掌握了英语。在归国途中,她们在日本滞留了好几个月,然后又在四川重庆生活了两年。1886 年,教会大院被一群暴徒夷为平地,教会的工作人员为了安全都跑到别的地方去了。康爱德在一个木匠的家里躲藏了 2个月,而教会的工作人员都躲在总督衙门。只要有机会,他们便赶紧逃离了这座城市。紧接着,康爱德又开始了冒险之旅:她要在几天内通过长江三峡。当时正值春天冰雪融化,江水很急,沿江的低洼地带都被洪水淹没。康爱德虽然很年轻,但中国上百岁的老太太也没有她那样丰富的经历。

II "The University of Michigan"   II“美国密歇根大学”

Only those with extraordinary courage, or no alternative, attempted boat rides down this violent river, and after months of self imposed exile in Japan was it safe to return once again to Kiukiang.  Ida was impressed by the misery of her countrymen and decided to dedicate her life to addressing their sufferings.  Her fellow student, Mary Stone, had similar ideas. Miss Hughes, recognizing their commitment to a more thorough medical education than was available in China, received permission to enroll them both at the Medical College, University of Michigan, at An Arbor. They passed their exams with the highest marks, including Latin.  Both young women had many friends and Ida was the secretary of her class in her junior year.  They were the 1st and 2nd rated students their junior year, and 2nd and 3rd at the end of the senior year.  One professor wrote,  "These young doctors will be a credit to this University and any institution they choose to work for.  All those who had provided for their graduation will never regret for having done so."  

只有那些具有非凡的勇气或者别无选择的人,才会尝试乘坐小船在波涛汹涌的长江航行。在日本避难几个月后康爱德一行才再次安全地返回九江。康爱德对苦难中的同胞非常同情,决定终身致力于解救他们的痛苦。她的同学石美玉也有类似的想法。她们想接受进一步的医学教育,而中国无法提供这样的机会,Miss Hughes得知后决定送她们去密歇根大学医学院深造。在那里,包括拉丁语在内的各项考试她们都名列前茅。康爱德和石美玉交了许多朋友,读大三时康爱德还是班上的书记。大三以前他们的学业优秀,毕业时成绩也比较好。一位教授说: “这些年轻的医生将为密歇根大学和将来的工作单位争光。为让她们顺利毕业我付出了许多努力,对此我毫不后悔。”

Before commencement, there was a gift giving party where the newly christened doctors received much medical equipment to begin their careers as physicians in China.  In order to not attract attention while students, the young women decided to adopt western dress.  Yet for their graduation, they received fine Chinese silks with matching slippers; Ida’s being made of blue while Mary’s was made of pink.  As the two medical students ascended the platform to receive their diplomas a standing ovation emitted from the gallery, and the faculty rose in a rare moment of acknowledgment to extend the well deserved respect these two women had shown over the course of their medical studies while residing in Ann Harbor; their futures watched with every expectation of imminent success.

 在毕业前举行的一场互赠礼物的聚会上,她们得到了很多在中国的行医时用得上的设备。刚开始,为了不引起其他学生的注意,这些年轻的女毕业生决定穿西方服饰。然而,为了毕业典礼,她们还是穿上了与鞋子相配的中国丝织旗袍; 康爱德的是蓝色旗袍,石美玉的是粉红色旗袍。当两人作为医学院学生登台领取毕业证书时,

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Following graduation, two months were spent in Chicago touring hospitals and meeting prominent physicians.  Dr. Danforth Skelton was introduced, and a connection made for the funds to construct the Elizabeth Danforth Skelton Memorial Hospital, but I’m ahead of myself.

毕业后,她们花了两个月的时间在芝加哥的一些医院学习并接触了一些著名的医生。经过介绍,她们认识了Dr. Danforth Skelton,并就用于建造伊丽莎白丹福思斯凯尔顿纪念医院的资金问题进行了联系。

III "Seven Years In Kiukiang"    III七年的九江生活


Anxiety filled the young women the closer they came to China.  How they would be received?  Only one other female doctor, Dr. Hu King Eng of Foochow practiced in China. 


Friends had long been anticipating this return, and plans were laid out for a welcoming ceremony.  The mission was reluctant as to the propriety the Chinese were planning for the public ovation, but in the end consented.  From the moment they disembarked in Kiukiang, until they arrived at the gates of the mission, they were saluted by a continuous fusillade of fire-crackers.  The noise attracted even more throngs of people as they left the Kiukiang Bund, simply to catch a glimpse of the women doctors.  It was heard from the crowd that these women were being received with greater adoration than the local commandant.  Questions were continually asked: "Is it true they were studying in a foreign land? Can they heal the sick?  With the answer every time being a yes, the people responding with a resounding Hao! (Good).  "At home, the young doctors received a well deserved rest, with occasional visits from friends and relatives not seen for many years.  Three days later, they began touring local mission hospitals, sharing what they could in short notice.  This showed the people these new doctors knew their medicine and would gain their trust.

朋友们早就期待她们回来,并列出了详细的欢迎计划。对于中国人正在筹备的隆重的欢迎仪式,医疗团虽然有些不好意思,但最终她们还是接受了。从她们在 Kiu-kiang 上岸那一刻起,直到她们来到医疗团的大门,一路上欢迎的鞭炮声不绝于耳。当她们乘船离开九江码头时,鞭炮声吸引了更多的群众,他们为的只是看一眼这些女医生。人群中有人说,连当地的大官也没受到群众这样的爱戴。人们不断提出各种各样的问题:“她们真的是在异乡做研究?她们能治病?” 每一个问题得到肯定的答复,人们以响亮的“好”来回应。 在家里,年轻医生们得到了充分的休息,偶尔有多年未见的亲友来串门。三天后,她们开始参观当地的医疗团医院并应要求临时做了几台手术。这表明:这些新医生懂得医术,会得到人们的信任。

After three days of rest, four patients arrived at their door asking for treatment.  The following day they returned with six more!  More patients arrived continually.  A dispensary was

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hurriedly arranged for proper medical evaluation by the mission.  The young doctors had only been home a month when a request came for them to visit a woman who was in very serious condition.  The city’s best native doctor, dressed in his finest silks, was already there, accompanied by his four sedan chair coolies.  He told the two new doctors that there wasn’t anything he could do for the woman and was discharged from her care.  Immediately upon arrival,  Dr. Ida Kahn and Dr. Mary Stone began their evaluation. Her family wanted assurances she would live, but of course they could not do this, so they turned to go.  The family fell to the floor and begged them to do whatever they felt necessary.  Their treatment was so successful, three days later the family invited them for a feast!  At the end of the feast, the old woman, by herself, wound red scarves around their necks as the entire family escorted them home amid the explosion of fire-crackers.

 休息了 3 天后,有 4名患者来到门口请求治疗。第二天,他们又带来了六个病人!更多的患者不断涌来。于是教会紧急安排了一个医务室。年轻的医生刚回来一个月,就有人请她们去为一个病重的女人去看病。医术最好的本地医生也去了,他穿着高档的丝绸面料,还带了四个轿夫。他告诉这两个新医生说他已经无能为力了,患者家属同意他放弃治疗。康爱德和石美玉医生立即开始会诊。家属希望俩位医生保证能救活患者,但他们当然不能做这样的保证。她们刚要转而去,患者家属跪在地上求她们想尽一切办法进行救治。后来的治疗很成功,3 天后,这家人邀请她们赴宴。宴会结束后,这位老妇人亲自给她们带上了红色的围巾,全家人用鞭炮欢送她们回家。


Dr. Kahn wrote at the end of the first year, With the exception of a month at the Nanking hospital, we kept working steadily since returning to Kiukiang.  "Our “Bible-woman” is well versed and sure to win converts; she is also a good chaperon to our girls aspiring to become nurses.  There were three girls who had been at mission school for five years now and helped with the care of patient’s, making prescriptions and reciting two lessons to us every day.  At present we have six patients in the ward and although this number may seem small, the hospital has only been open for two months and feels quite full due to the limited space available.  The building is Chinese and designed not as a dispensary, but modified by elevating the ceilings and adding windows."

 康医生在回九江的第一年年底写道:自从回到九江后,除了有一个月在南京医院工作外,我们一直在工作。我们的“以圣经武装的姑娘”业务熟练,而且理所当然地赢得了信任,她也是那些渴望成为护士的姑娘的好伙伴。有三个女孩在教会学校长达五年,她们帮助照顾病人,开处方并每天给我们讲解两个病例。目前,我们的病房有 6名患者,虽然这个数字看起来不大,但医院毕竟只开了两个月,而且病房有限。医院是一栋普通的中式建筑,为了改作医院,天花板升高了,墙上也增开了窗户。



(VHMS) book photo  但福德纪念医院的护士们


The China Medical Missionary Journal of December, 1896 in commenting on the work preformed by these two says: "Doctors Stone and Kahn have not up to the present time, had to endure the pain of losing a patient, although they have encountered several serious cases.  When that time does come, as of course it must, there will doubtless be some reaction, and present faith changed to distrust for a time.  Yet the most hopeful have not dreamed of commencing work without some opposition and that they were actually sought before making any efforts to secure patients has been a great surprise to all.  Their success is due largely to being back amongst their own people as true Chinese, and while they have gained much in international culture and intellect, love and sympathy for their race has been ever present: The ruling motive in all their efforts has been how best to prepare and serve their country-women. 

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The native women do not stand at a distance to admire them, but familiarity allows their hands to clasp, to touch their clothing, and while not hesitating to invite them as guests into their humble homes."

在 1896 年 12 月的《中国医学传教士杂志》是这样评价两位医生工作的:“尽管 Stone and Kahn医生已经碰到几起严重的病例,但目前还未出现因患者无法救治而死亡的情况,所以他们还不必承受失去病人的痛苦。但这种情况终究会出现,而这必定会在一段时间内让人们不再信任她们。”


The reputation of the young physicians was not limited to Kiukiang;  about the time of their return, the young emperor Kwang Si, issued edicts to the provincial Viceroys ordering them to search out and send to Peking, young men educated in modern affairs, to act as advisers for him.  Two men had heard of Doctors Kahn and Stone, fresh from the United States.  On their way to Nanking, they stopped in Kiukiang for the purpose of calling on them.  The doctors felt it wise to maintain a conservative attitude, to be sure their influences with fellow young women not be compromised, thus violating Chinese custom.  Therefore, Miss Hughes received the young men and answered all their questions, showing their diplomas, credentials, and letters, one of which was presented at the meeting in Nanking.  This created much interest.  The Governor’s son from Hupeh Province spoke at the meeting for over two hours, denouncing the act of foot binding, and the encouragement of the education of women.  A society of men was organized who pledged to only condone marriage of their sons to girls whose feet had not undergone this painful and barbaric act, and not to allow their own daughter’s feet to endure such torment.

在九江以外的地方这两位年轻的医生也很有名气。大约在她们刚回国的时候,年轻的光绪帝就给江西巡抚下诏,命令他们找到她们并送她们去北京。他需要这些接受新式教育年轻人给他担当顾问。有两位男士听说石医生和康医生刚从美国回国,所以在去南京的途中,他们决定停靠九江去拜访这两位女医生。这样做有违中国的传统,所以石医生和康医生觉得应该以保守的态度对待此事,以确保她们对身边的年轻女性不会有不良影响。就这样Hughes 小姐接见了他们并回答了他们的所有问题,还出示了两位医生的毕业证,行医资格证书和相关信函。 



Chang Chi Tung, the most eminent and spirited Viceroy of his time, sent a letter to Miss Hughes requesting the doctors to come to Shanghai and accept positions at medical and teacher’s college he was constructing. Foot binding, concubinage and slavery were addressed directly in the prospectus.  Sunday was to be a holiday, with the liberty of conscience to all religions allowed. While no religious studies were required by the school, the practice of religion was tolerated if done privately.  Chang Chi Tung’s invitation was a matter of great discussion at the following Woman’s Methodist Mission Conference.  A letter of sympathy was penned, with the recommendation the young doctors accept the position, if “thought by them to be in their best interest to do so.”  It came as a surprise when the doctors decided they would be more useful in Kiukiang.  The offer, even though refused, had shown the highest regard for Doctors Kahn and Stone, by the upper circles of Chinese society.

张之洞是他们那个时代最杰出、最英勇的总督,他写信请 Hughes 小姐派这两位医生医生去上海接受他正在创办的医学和师范学校的职务。学校的创立计划书中对裏脚,纳妾和奴隶制度进行了坦率的讨论。星期天学校

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Chang Chi Tung, Viceroy of Nanking


At the end of their second year of practice, they reported 90 patients treated at their dispensary, 134 in their homes, 3973 outpatient evaluations done, and another 1294 in the countryside, making for a total of 5,446 patients treated.  The third year saw more growth, not just providing additional care, but by the number of patient’s who could compensate for their care.  All money was turned over to the mission treasury to repay college expenses.  Included was four years service in exchange for the four years provided attending college in the United States.

据统计,到她们行医的第二年末为止,他们的医务室接诊人数为 90 人,在自己家中接诊 134 人,门诊病人大约 3973 人,去乡下看病 1294 人。合计治疗 5491 人。第三年治疗人数更多,她们还提供特别护理。而且随着病人的数量上涨,他们所付出的艰辛劳动得到了回报。所有的收入被移交给教会财政部门。她们用四年的行医来补偿在美国读大学四年的费用。

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Dr. Kahn was awarded the honor of being The Woman’s Representative of the Mission World Conference held in London in 1899.  In 1900, news revealed Mission funds were being collected for the building the Elizabeth Danforth Skelton Memorial Hospital. Nearing completion, all worked ceased when the Boxer Rebellion brought everything to a stand still.  The missionary’s again fled to Japan to wait out the fighting, returning first to Shanghai as the countryside slowly became safe to travel China’s interior.  During this time a conference was arranged. Dr. Kahn was asked to give a speech on girl-slavery, demanding the abolition of this wicked practice.  Her appeal added force as a Chinese woman, almost the victim of this evil practice, yet by chance, whisked away from her opium-smoking addicted father.  Her plea resounded: “Surely, we the favored ones, must plead with all our might that these unnatural customs be swept away with the last relics of China’s barbarism.”

 1899 年,康医生作为妇女代表光荣地出席了在伦敦召开的大会。1900 年,新闻透露说,为了建立 Elizabeth

Dan forth Skelton纪念医院正在筹备基金。基金筹集即将完成时爆发了义和团运动,教会的所有工作停了下来。传教士再次逃往日本以等待战争结束。当去中国内陆地区渐渐变得安全时,他们首先返回上海。期间还安排了一次会议, Kahn医生被邀请去做一次关于女孩裹脚的演讲,她要求废除这种恶劣的做法。作为一名中国的女性,她的呼吁更有号召力。她那鸦片成瘾的父亲偶然地觉得不让她裹脚,否则她也差点成为这种野蛮习俗的牺牲品。她多次呼吁:“的确,我们是幸运的,恳请大家尽我们最大的努力废除这些违背人性的习俗,让它与中国的那些最野蛮的习俗一起被清除。”


Returning to Kiukiang, Dr. Kahn wrote; “Work on the building was going along smoothly.  Yet this being the Chinese New Year month, it is difficult to get our workmen to complete their tasks.  Not only is it a challenge to have them work so soon after the holiday, but as much to the ill omen of starting to work early in the day.  We normally have few patients at all, but now we have days where 30, 40 even 50 patients are treated which is certainly unprecedented.”  After pushing ever forward, the doctors were able to recommence their work in a new space with bright clean rooms, providing a higher quality of care.   Miss Robinson, from ChinKiang wrote; “The staff is as skillful in house-keeping as the doctors are with their medical care, excelling in the art of making their patients feel at home.  Such all around women are priceless and it would be advantageous to hold our next meeting in Kiukiang to display the examples set by these physicians”.

 返回九江时,康医生写道: “但福德纪念医院的大楼建设顺利。然而,这是中国的正月,很难让工人们来做工。不仅很难让他们过完年就回来开工,而且在重新开工的第一天早晨就已经有了疾病的征兆。平时来看病的人很少,但是现在每天有 30、 40甚至 50 个病人来接受治疗,这让我们始料不及。” 经过不断努力,医生们终于能够在新的地方重新开始他们的工作,那里有明亮的无尘室, 能提供了更高质量的医疗服务。从镇江来的Robinson 小姐说, “护士们善于整理病房,医生医术精湛,病人觉得就像在家里一样。这些全能的女性是无价之宝,我们可以提出人们向她们学习,这对下次在九江开会树立医护典型相当有利。”

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Nanchang Pagoda by the Gan River



IV "Pioneer Work In Nanchang"   在南昌的开创性工作


In the first year of the young doctor’s practice a launch had been sent to Kiukiang by one of the high officials from Nanchang, the capitol of Kiangsi, with the request that one of them return to treat his wife who was very ill.  Dr. Kahn was dispatched, returning with the woman to be cared for in Kiukiang.  After the officials’ wife fully recovered and went back to Nanchang, she gave glowing accounts about the two women physicians, their dispensary and its contented patients, many of the city’s wealthy women would forgo the advice of local shamans and seek the medical aid of these female doctors in Kiukiang.  At that time no missionary work was being carried out, but the joyous voices hearing the miracle cures these doctors were performing allowed the gates of the city to openly accept a new mission station. 


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It was not easy! Dr. Kahn  relates of one of the first forays to the city when Miss Stanton had the coverings lifted on her sedan chair, being a pleasant day, not realizing these actions would cause a crowd of young boys to follow along taunting.  “As the mission compound was reached and the coverings replaced, it was decided to delay entering the compound until evening provided some extra cover.  Much to our dismay, the crowd blocked the gate, allowing our chairs to leave, but once beyond the safety of the compound, violence began.  As a coolies would take a step, someone would pull on the pole bringing the sedan chair crashing down.  Yelling at them was to no avail.  When I stepped out of my chair thinking it’s safer to walk, a yell went out, “a foreigner!” I was almost ready to cry with vexation and could not help responding to the crowd and how cowardly, vicious and barbaric they were. "One or two in the crowd would take my side and administer blows to those responsible, telling me to not be afraid.  I sought the refuge of one residence, but had its gate slammed in front of my face."  After finding shelter in a second residence who welcomed me, I sent word to my friends where to find me.  Tears began to flow, not from anger, but humility that my fellow countrymen could be so mean.  My host related similar encounters by female friends and expressed remorse our countryside had such hooligans.”

 但是那又谈何容易!康医生讲述了发生在重庆第一次教会风波期间的一件事。因为天气晴朗,斯坦顿小姐让人把轿帘卷起来,没有意识到这种做法会招到跟在桥后看热闹的男孩们的嘲笑,“当到达教会大院门口时,轿帘被重新盖上。大家决定暂时不进院子,想在夜幕的掩护下再进去。但令人失望的是,拥挤的人群将门堵住,让我们的轿子离开这里。一位轿工刚要迈步往里走,就有人拽住轿杆把轿子拉倒了。大院外再次暴发了冲突。我们根本没法喝止这些人。我走出轿子,觉得也许步行会更安全,这时突然听见一声大喝 “外国人!”我气得快要哭出来,忍不住想申斥他们。这些人真是卑鄙、恶毒和野蛮。“人群中有一两个人同我站在一起,维持秩序的人回击了闹事者,并且告诉我不要害怕。我向一户人家寻求庇护,但是被拒之门外。”在第二户人家得以藏身之后,我告诉朋友们在何处可以找到我。这时我流泪了,不是因为气愤,而是为这些同胞们这样卑劣的行径感到羞辱。东家也讲述了我们的女修士相似的遭遇,他对村里有着这样的刁民而深感痛心。


Fellow mission members arrived to escort Dr. Kahn home and shortly thereafter, a wealthy businessman came to give apologies, and see how she was fairing.  He had caught wind of the disturbance while returning home, noticing the mission lanterns, and what the mob had done, suggesting, “Many impressions of foreign intent will have to be dispelled before acceptance of your teachings will be appreciated”.



With a total conviction to her faith in medicine, Dr. Kahn prepared to leave Kiukiang and the fellowship with her life-long friend Dr. Mary Stone, to begin the prosperous work she would undertake in the provincial capitol city of China, with three hundred thousand souls, and not a single educated doctor among them. 

Page 11: Dr. Ida Kahn Chinese version



In Nanchang, a recent convert offered the mission a generous home, allowing her to administer medicine from the the center of the city.  The local pastor preached he could raise the funds necessary to operate a dispensary for the local people, making another promise to do what was needed to expedite materials and labor in finding a bigger facility.  If the mission would guarantee the annual salary and supplies needed to maintain its day-to-day operations, the community would do the rest.



With every-one's dedication and determination, the facility in Nanchang evolved into the University Of Nanchang Medical School and Nanchang Normal University.



Nanchang Methodist Hospital: Dr. Ida Kahn started this hospital.