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Comparisons of mastheads

•Similarly To Kerrang I used an effect font on my masthead to make it stand out more and look more bold against most other magazines and the rest of the content on the magazine. Kerrang uses a sort of smashed glass look for their magazine which is in bold and therefore stands out, however I use a font which has notches missing from the words and the letters varies in different sizes and boldness.

•Unlike Kerrang I have also used a logo to help people recognize my magazine and I have put it on the left hand side of the page so that it is the first thing that the buyer would see when looking through the magazines and would recognize it from that.

•Like Kerrang I have also used a ticker tape at the top of my front cover, however theirs is offering promotions and mine tells the buyer that this is the number 1 magazine for metal.

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Comparison of images

•For both my front cover and Kerrang’s we both use a image which uses artists which represent the genre of music our magazine is based on. The make up on the artist as well as their stance is what helps to connote the genre of music.

•We both use images which help to captivate the audience because our artists are staring out which kind of makes it feel like they are looking at you and therefore drawing you in.

•Also both of our images are the main focus of the front cover.

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Comparison of colours

• Similarly to Kerrang I have used dark colours however, Kerrang has used a lot of bright colours too whereas I have stuck for the dark gothic theme of colours.

• Both of our main artists are dressed in black with black make up around the eyes and on their faces.

• We both have used a variation of colours for our cover lines which helps to draw our readers towards them as they stand out on our backgrounds.

• Unlike Kerrang I do not have a massive amount of cover lines however the ones that I do are similar to Kerrang’s style as they are in a different font and are different colours.

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Comparison of lures

• Similarly to Kerrang on my front cover I have used a button to represent the competition to win download tickets and Kerrang have also used a button on their front cover, although theirs is to represent the posters which you will be able to get which means it has been used for a different purpose to mine.

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How have I constructed representation of social groups?

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• I have represented different social groups throughout my piece with the genre of music that I have chosen and the colour scheme and artist of which I have chosen.

• Mainly I have represented the social groups of metal heads/Goths and Rockers through out my piece by using dark colours like the gradient on each background which fades from a black to white but is still very dark which is very stereotypical of metal heads etc…I have also chosen a very big metal band to do my magazine on this would represent this audience because it is the music of their genre and stereotype so therefore they will be more likely to read it.

• I have also chosen to represent young males through the dark more manly colours but also this will be a predominantly male magazine however I do also believe that many females will read this magazine to as they may want to read about the artists and may be able to relate to the female artist like Kirsten Liz Hayes.

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What kind of media institution will distribute your product and why?

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• I believe that media institutions such as paper shops, paper stands, big stores like Sainsbury's, HMV and small independent stores like Martian records because small independent stores would like to sell magazines on music from their specific genre, which means they will be selling to my target audience. I also think a large part of sales would be through the internet through things like the website and people applying for subscriptions.

•I think all these places would sell my magazine because they sell a wide variety of magazines as it is branching across all hobbies and genres so they would gladly sell my magazine as it would sell well with all of the other magazines and would attract them in more customers.

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Who would the audience be for my media products? How would I

address them?

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