How does your media product represent particular social groups? Question 2

Evaluation powerpoint question 2

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How does your media product represent

particular social groups?

Question 2

Page 2: Evaluation powerpoint question 2

Colour Coding

Michaela Ives Kingshott – Orange Ingrid De Souza – Red Jhané Ormsby – Green Fatou Panzout – Purple

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What social group does your main character represent and why?

Our main characters social group isn't really evident in our opening sequence as she is always alone and is viewed as an outcast in society, therefore doesn’t really fall into a specified social group this is shown through the way in which the character dresses and presents herself.

The girl is shown sitting on the steps drinking alone in the establishing shot

The girl is shown sitting next to another passenger on the bus

The other passenger moves away which shows that the main character is an outcast

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How do you represent your character through the mise-en-scene?• Facial Expression

Throughout our opening sequence, the main characters facial expression connotes to the audience that she is not happy and is highly discontent with her life, although you can see the clear difference in the main characters facial expression between the flashback scene and the rest of the opening sequence.

Facial expression Scene Screen shot

• Empty • Lost • Confused

Drinking scene shot in Camden Town

• Unhappy • Discontent

Drinking scene shot in High Street Kensington

• Unhappy • Uncomfortabl


Posh shop scene shot in High Street Kensington

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Facial expression Scene Screen shot

• Happy • Comfortable • Joyful

Posh shop scene (flashback) shot in High Street Kensington

• Detached • Unhappy

Establishing shot, shot in Wembley Park

• Confused• Worried • Scared

Bedroom scene, shot in Ingrid's house

We represented our characters vulnerability and emotional detachment from society through our use of camera shots by using a lot of front mid shots to highlight her facial expression and body language. We also chose to edit our opening sequence into black and white to show the girls unhappiness, which is evident due to the flashback, which was a happier time for her being in colour.

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How do you represent your character through the mise-en-scene?


The prop we used in this scene, and through the opening sequence is to show that our character is an alcoholic.

By having two bottles of alcohol emphasise the fact that she’s over drinking.

The colognes and the male deodorant demonstrates she is in a male room.

The shoe the main character wears is to emphasise the fact that she’s not stable to by herself nice shoes.

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Explanation Example from Opening Sequence

Throughout the opening sequence the main characters body language comes across and very calm but intense

She shows no signs of emotions or even some remorse.

From the way she walks, which is without any care in the world, which matches with her mise en scene.

As she drowns her sorrows in a bottle, her body language connotes no signs of regret as she is comfortable with just herself and her bottles.

How do you represent your character through mise-en-scene?Body language

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Explanation Example from Opening Sequence

As the character is outside the Posh Shop, her body language seems to be more full of regret as she remembers the time she’s had before.

This is shown as she slows down her drinking and she starts to look around in paranoia.

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Explanation Example from Opening Sequence

In the flashback, you see that her body language has changed, as she comes across as more energetic and very happy to be with her friend

This is shown through the movements of her hands and her facial expression as she is smiling more.

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Explanation Example from Opening Sequence

After remembering a past scene, she then snaps backs to her careless self as she doesn’t seem to care about the people around her

When she bumps into the posh lady, she seems to have such little care, as her body language seems to be more relaxed then before.

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Explanation Example from Opening Sequence

Whilst walking down the an isolated road, she increases her drinking and her body language comes across as more drowsy and careless.

When she bumps into the young man, her body is limp and although she's not unconscious, to the audience it seems as if she is

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Explanation Example from Opening Sequence

When the main character wakes up, she almost wakes up in realization, as her body is quite tensed and frigid.

She comes across as if she paranoid, as she tends to move quickly when she looks out the window.

Her movements connotes the fact that she is somewhat in confusion and is trying to realized what she has done.

Whilst grabbing her remaining belongings, she moves quickly and runs out the door. This shows how scared she is, as she is somewhat unfamiliar with where she is.

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Question 2: What social group does your main character represent and why?

Our main character does not belong to a social group in our opening sequence as she is isolated away from society.

All she has is the comfort of her drink.

the main character ‘Sophie’ is isolated within society.

However, previously the main character was represented as a typical feminised teenager of the working class. This shows the stability which was established in her life previously and therefore she was an ‘ordinary youth’ who was accepted in society. The main character is accepted in society.

Sophie is dressed formally.

This shows the juxtaposition between before and after. Previously.

After the alcohol

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The main character previously was presented formally wearing a black blazer and which is of a more profession colour which was complemented by simple work trousers.

How do you represent your character through the mise-en-scene?• Through the use of costuming.

Costuming. Scene Screen shot

• Black Blazer• Black work

top• Black formal


Flash back scene in Kensington High Street.

• Ripped Tights.• Black Short

Skirt.• Red tank top.• Loose Army


Shop scene in Camden High Street.

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How do you represent your character through the shots/ angles and editing?

Shots Scene Screen shot

• Long shot- Isolation.

Wembley park- Sophie drinks on the steps.

• Close ups and midshots – facial expressions and actions.

Camden lock- Sophie constantly drinks.

• Extreme Close-up Bedroom scene-shot in Ingrid's house

• We represented our character as a depressed girl through the use of long shots which we had captured her body language throughout the opening sequence.

• Also, through midshots, close ups and extreme close ups, it presented actions, consequences and isolation.