Film genres

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Page 2: Film genres

The narrative in horror films can have a number of different story plots. A few examples of a horror film plots include paranormal, murder and fiction. Horror films are usually targeted for people between the ages of 15 and 25.

Paranormal films are about people who experience ‘out of this world’ events. A number of films that can fall into this narrative include, The Woman in Black, Paranormal Activity.

The narrative in murder films is about people who are murdered. Usually in murder films there is people trying to figure out the deaths and eventually capture the killer. The people involved usually focus around family or the police. The main narrative in murder films is about serial killers. There a number of different horror films that include serial killers. These films include Scream, Halloween and Freddy Kruger.

For mystical narratives they include a story line based on non-existent people or animals. This can include Vampires, Zombies, Werewolves and Supernatural. Films included in this genre include Van Helsing, Dawn of the Dead and Underworld. In some films there are a mix of narratives to create one narrative. For example, in the film Freddy Kruger there is a mix of narratives, these narratives include fiction and murder.

In horror films the use of mise-en-scene usually represents dark feelings and people being scared. Stereotypically in horror films the killer or other main horror star wears dark coloured clothes to represent that he is the horror star. Other people in the films such as the victim usually wear colours such as black and white to represent there innocence. Also in horror films the use of cameras help us understand the plot and the feelings of the victim, For example, a lot of close-ups are used to show the facial expressions of the victim. Also in horror films the use of the hand held shots are used to make the audience feel as though they are in the film. The use of props also helps us determine the factors of a horror film. Props such as the murder weapon help determine the killers signature trademark. Locations in horror films are also vital to make the audience feel scared. Using locations such as a dark alley or house allows the audience to feel scared. Dark locations also add to the effect in films that make people jump in order to be scared.

Page 3: Film genres

Comedy films are films that aim to make a person laugh. Comedy films also use mockery to with hold a different type of comedy. These are known of spoofs. Spoof films usually contains adult humour and abandon the story line in order to make the audience laugh. These type of films can target a wide audience starting from children to adult humour. A comedy usually follows two classic scenarios. Depending on the target audience the comedy can either use a plot to and incorporate its comedy this will be more then likely a family based comedy or a comedy can abandon the plot line and use comedy throughout. Examples of a plot based comedy is Shaun of the Dead and Wayne’s World. Examples of comedy’s that have abandoned the plot are Meet the Spartans and Scary Movie.

A comedy will use content that either the target audience enjoys for example teenagers enjoy partying so they will make a film about his or it will use content that has been in the media such as a spoof film. Examples of a film that will target a teenage audience is Shaun of the Dead as it contains both comedy and horror both of which target teenagers. A film that will target an adult audience is Role models.

In comedy films mise-en-scene is used to make the film funnier by making the actor wear funny clothes or wear something that can be referred by other people in the film. In comedy films the actor usually wear bright colours to represent the comedy and bright personality of the actor and film. Props in films can be used as well to make the audience laugh. For example, in Shaun of the Dead the people involved in the film used records in order to attack the zombies, this shows the comedy side of a horror which makes the audience laugh. Locations in a comedy film are a vital part of the film in order to make an atmosphere for the audience.

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Superhero movies are very popular in today’s movie production line. The plots for a superhero movie usually follow two different themes. The first one is usually a superhero requiring his super powers at birth for example Superman. The other plot is a superhero who requires his power later on in life. For example Spiderman. Usually in a superhero movie a superhero movie must overcome a villain and to save the world. A superhero movie usually in incorporates love so we see two different sides of a superhero. A superhero movie incorporates a villain and in some films the villain may have a connection with the superhero. For example, in Spiderman the villain Green Goblin is in effectively a family member towards Spiderman.

In superhero films we see that the hero before he gains his powers is a nobody for example peter parker in Spiderman. In hero films we also see that a hero has a secret identity in order to protect his true identity. WE also see other people involved in the film such as civilians who either take the hero in or is known as a vigilante. For example, Spiderman is taken in by the civilian but is hated against by both the media and the police enforcement.

The mise-en-scene in superhero films is used to create a uniform for the superhero to give them a secret identity. This is also done for the villain in the film. Also in hero films the victim usually wears colours such as white to show there innocence. Location in a hero film is also important. In hero films they use main attractions such as New York to show the importance of the location. Props such as the villains weapons are used to put the superhero at a disadvantage in some films. Other props can include cars and main attractions to place the event in an important place and to give it a more real atmosphere.

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Action films are usually high octane and action packed in order to reach a wider audience. Action films usually give the audience an adrenaline rush which makes the atmosphere for the audience more real and enjoyable. Action films also involve the main character overcoming a task or objective in order to save the world or a certain person. Action films can have two plots. These include either the plot being set up or an objective. For example, in the film Salt the main character must overcome the government in order to plead her innocence. This plot can be known as set up. The objective plot can be known for a character to complete on objective for the greater good. For example in the film The Expendables a team is sent to an island by the government in order to kill a mina politician in the country. This shows two different plots in which an action film can follow.

In some action plots. The main characters past experience may put him or her in a predicament that sees them put there past experience into action. For example, the main character in Taken is a former CIA agent and he must use his past experience in order to find his daughter. This is another narrative in which an action film can take.

In action films the use of mise-en-scene sees the characters wear either government suits or actions suits such as army combats. This shows the action side to the audience through the use of clothing. In action films props such as guns and other army weapons are usually used in action films. Other props such as exploding cars gives a more dramatic and action packed atmosphere for the audience to enjoy. Locations in action films are usually army based location where explosions can be used to add the drama. They also use isolated places to add to the effect of being an assassin or government agent.