Film Pitch

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Page 2: Film Pitch

WHAT GENRE IS IT?• For my film pitch I have decided to develop an idea of a mental illness patient. This idea will

portray the genre of a Drama. Throughout the opening scenes of this film, there will be slow, frail music to emphasise the emptiness of the patient. Not much will happen in the first few scenes as in real films, the story is given away in the first few minutes. The simplicity of the film will have a bigger effect than trying to overcomplicate the scenes. Due to the patient being in a mental hospital, it will release a lot of enigma codes for our audience to have questions of their own and want to continue watching the film.

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WHO/WHAT IS IT ABOUT?• My film pitch is about a female mental illness patient, in a mental hospital. The patient is empty,

she has no facial expressions and shows no emotion whatsoever. She is so silent to the extent where it feels as though she is looking straight through anyone that is attempting to have a conversation with her; there is no getting through to her. This will be shown by the patient having visitors who they to comfort her by saying things like ‘It’s over now, they cant hurt you anymore.’ I feel like this conversation needs to occur in my film to raise questions from the audience such as ‘Who’s hurt her? How has she been hurt? Why is she in a mental hospital? These enigma codes will make the audience want to continue watching the film. The film would then go on to guide the audience through the story of the patient by showing why she is in the hospital and the events that happened up until this point.

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WHERE IS IT SET?• My film pitch will be set in a hospital room then our group will have taken time to replicate. We

will look into filming in a room that is as close to a hospital room as we can, but as we know we would not be able to use an actual hospital room. The room will have a sad atmosphere.. I am going to use a room with a window in which we can film when it is raining in order to create pathetic fallacy when the weather suggests the mood. Although I know it will be difficult to film when it is raining because we cannot predict the weather but we can always create rain and also use foley to make the sound of rain. In the room there will be a bed and a few chairs and that is it, if we were to include anything else it would not give the feel of a realistic mental hospital room as they are quite empty and boring.

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WHAT ARE THE THEMES?• The themes of my film will include anxiety, loneliness and emptiness within a patient. I

want to create an solemn atmosphere by adding effects with music and foley. I also want to dull down down the colour of the footage we will record when editing to give it more of the effect i have in mind. I want the themes in the film to be mystery… I want the audience to ask questions about the film such as; What has happened to he patient for her to end up in a mental home? I will use lots of enigma codes to intrigue the audience.

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WHY WAS THE TARGET AUDIENCE WANT/PAY TO SEE IT?• The main target audience for my film will be 15-24 year old as i feel this is the target

market that will feel intrigued by it as the main character in my film will be about 17/18 therefore they could possibly relate to it in some ways.

• I think that the target audience will pay to see my film because it is original and not the cliche ‘horror’ film that everyone does for their films. The simplicity of my film and the opening scenes is what will make my target audience want to carry on watching my film. I am not going to try and over complicate my film so it appears the best, the simplicity of it will make it so good.

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INSPIRATION• I got the inspiration for my film through other students typically choosing to make films of a

horror/thriller genre or a romantic comedy. I wanted our film to stand out. I also got inspiration of the simple/effective stye of the film from watching other students film tasks and analysing where they went wrong. I noted that the films that didn't try to hard and focused more on their titles/sound/editing scored the highest marks.