
Genre presentation 2

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Page 2: Genre presentation 2

What is Genre?

Genre is the term for a category of literature or other forms of art and entertainment. Genre is a conventional category that identifies certain media as belonging to a tradition or a set of conventions.

I have chosen to look at indie music for my music magazine.

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Stock Characters

People who are defined as an indie person tend to wear the things that go against current social conventions. They all wear individual clothing and are all different.

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Stock Locations and Backdrops

Indie artists will tend to mainly be in empty rooms, or in recording studios. They will not in main any main locations such as big cities, or famous locations.

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Props and Signifiers

Indie artists will not usually have and props or signifiers and the photos will mainly be focused on the artist, and expressing their individuality. Also the album covers for these artists are usually bland, and doesn’t have much on it.

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Generic Conventions

Generic conventions that indie artists use are looking and acting individual. They also use darker colours when representing themselves, and don’t generally wear bright and fluorescent outfits. This is also represented in the artists albums as well. Despite this is true for most artists, some artists do wear colourful clothes and add the fluorescent colours.

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The people who are classed as indie are represented to be individuals, and not part of a group. Despite people being in a band they still try to stay individual, and act how they want in the band.

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From looking at genre I have found the different out ways that different genres affect the artists and how they are represented. I have found that Indie artists generally look like individuals and not part of a group, and they tend to go against the mainstream in what they wear and where they are. They generally have no props with them in their photos and despite being individual, follow similar conventions, such as not wearing bright clothing and tending to be in black and white.