Get Millie Get Mad. Media Evaluation. Sameena Waheed.

Get Millie Get Mad Evaluation

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Get Millie Get Mad.Media Evaluation.

Sameena Waheed.

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Introduction.For this project I worked alongside Ghulam and Rukhsar, together we decided to create

a music video. After a lot of thought and consideration we decided to create a video of the Bassline Genre, which is an ‘up and coming’ genre.

Bassline to us, was a genre that promotes fun, so we immediately knew that our sound track had to be fast, upbeat, reflective of our chosen genre.

Rukhsar created our title track, and the contributions I made to the project were those of doing thorough research into the genre, planning the video alongside both Rukhsar and Ghulam, I designed and created two ancillary tasks- the magazine advert and the album cover, I did the majority of editing but minimal filming, I also helped construct some of the shots in the video.

Our track is called ‘Get Millie Get Mad’, and our target audience is mainly people aged between 15-25 of no specific gender, and it mainly appeals to students or people who come under the C1, D and E socio-economic status groups, similarly it applies to people who are fun loving and enjoy this sort of music, not to anybody of a specific religion or geographical area.

According to Young and Rubicon's cross cultural consumer characteristics ‘Get Millie Get Mad’ belongs to the ‘individuals’ these are people who respond to advertising and marketing that emphasises quirkiness and individualism, these people don’t come under any specific category because they don’t want to fit in any box.

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Genre.Our chosen genre is a hybrid genre of Dance and Bassline Music. We have chosen this genre because it is an "underground" and up-and-coming genre and is easy to experiment with creatively.

The conventions of the genre are:Dance music videos are primarily for the purpose of the use within night clubs settings or an environment that is based upon dance. Dance music is ever-evolving genre, with evolving styles and sub-styles.

The conventions of dance music videos are that they are mainly set in studios with clubs settings and locations of such, the performance mainly consists of people raving or dancing creating a very energetic atmosphere, and the use of females dressed very minimal is popular, the use of flashing lights and bright colours is common and they entail fast paced editing and are upbeat, also the vocals are essential to the performance and the use of graphics and green screening is popular.

Below is an example of a Dance video called Ayla Part 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VU9HjiyKnZw However, Bassline differentiates Dance to some extent, although the conventions are similar Bassline is a sub genre having its idea of proving social realism. Bassline is a type of music related to UK garage and has emphasis on bass. The style originated in Sheffield around 2002. Bassline remained underground until the release of T2's single 'Heart Broken'. Here is the video of T2's 'Heart Broken‘ - Bassline remained underground until the release of T2's single 'Heart Broken'. This is the video link of T2's 'Heart Broken’- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KG28976TmDM.

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Genre & Conventions.There are many typical conventions ‘Get Millie Get Mad’ follows, thus being dancing, upbeat music followed by a lively atmosphere, also we filmed in a studio another element similar to traditional Bassline videos, however one aspect that wasn’t similar was that of not having a variety of shots, as commented on by our target audience who said the product could be improved if there was ‘A bit more variety in the clips’, however, whilst shooting there was many limitations and difficulties due to appalling weather conditions however, eventually, we got over this and the results were impressive.100% of the target audience also thought that the product was conventional of the Bassline Genre, and understood the ideologies encoded into the text, those of having fun and enjoying yourself. We used a selection of locations which all worked well together, these were not traditional locations however, this was effective as they suited the music genre, it offered familiarity within the genre to the audience, which leads to the theory of Graeme Burton (2000) which suggests there is a tight relationship between the manufacturers in the music industry and the consumer, the audience it is targeted at, he created a circle of reinforcements and meanings in which he highlighted that: ‘Genres are good for industries because they are good for profits. They are good for profits because, by definition, the audience pays for them consistently, and sometimes well. The audience is attracted to genre material and pays for it because it takes pleasure and satisfaction from the material.’

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Branding and Brand Image.According to mudvalley.com there are eight elements that create brand identity. Brand identity is the presentation of a product to its consumer.‘Get Millie Get Mad’, In relation to Mudvalley.com's theory of brand identity our brand consists of the following elements:-

Brand Essence - It represents minorities as it is an 'up & coming underground' music and the genre itself is a minority as it is not classed as mainstream music.Brand Slogan - 'Bring On The Bass'. Brand Personality - It is fast paced, upbeat and something to rave to and for everyone to enjoy. Brand Values - It is a representation of many things including Love, Youth, Pride of Hometowns and much more. Brand Appearance - As it is an auditoria product it has no visual appearance however the music is shared between Mc, Instrumental and Vocals (Singing). Brand Heritage - It is a mixture of all traditions and cultures but the genre originated in the early 2000s. Emotional Benefits - It offers a release from worldly affairs and gets you in a hype as it is highly energetic and the beat is forceful. Hard Benefits - It is cheaper because there is no manufacturer costs, printing and publishing costs as albums are made on request. The 'real' quantifiable benefits to the consumer are that it is easily accessible and is cheaper to purchase as it is not sold at a music store.

Example of Brand identity that were inspirational: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lOB0my97SA

An institute that would distribute ‘Get Millie Get Mad’ would be ‘Speedy Dubz’ it is an independent label, one which is known for media texts such as ‘Get Millie Get Mad’, they promote and create music for individuals, people who according to Young and Rubicon's cross cultural consumer characteristics belong to the ‘individuals’ these are people who respond to advertising and marketing that emphasises quirkiness and individualism, these people don’t come under any specific category because they don’t want to fit in any box. Below are examples of their work.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jdLpsP_9l4http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSXNrHxregU&feature=related

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Branding and Brand Image.To maintain the brand image for our artist (Ruky) we decided to create a recurrent theme throughout all the products. We decided we wanted to keep our ancillary task looking traditional, yet promote our ideologies thoroughly, we decided to keep a colour scheme which would be recurrent through all ancillary products, the colours we chose were yellow and purple, these were additional colours applied to the background. I created the background using many effects on Photoshop, the original image was found on http://i.ehow.com/images/GlobalPhoto/Articles/4590863/TallBuildings2-main_Full.jpg I then applied many effects to it and used it as a background, the effects I applied are hard light, over lay, exclusion and a few others. I used this background as the bass of all the products to show a theme and colour consistency. After this I added images of the artist and text and added effects to these so they blend in and it all blends in as one product and not different products merged into one. To the background i added brushes which also look effective.

We kept the same text throughout, this was a deliberate choice, the font we used was Blackoak Std, we chose this as it is a strong font, with sharp edges, it is also very rounded which adds quirkiness to the font, reflecting energy and enthusiasm. The colours we used for the texts are purple, white and blue, this was also a deliberate choice as purple connotes energy, yet mystery, two elements very traditional, within the Bassline genre hence the colour purple, blue and white as they stand out on the background. I backed the text with a yellow box, this added depth and made the two clashing colours look effective together, the yellow is very bright and playful, reflective of the genre which is targeted at fun loving people, also we used pictures of the artist and used the over lay effect to blend them in.

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Branding and Brand Image.The logo of our product, was RUKY, this is Ruky's personal music as he is a DJ, the logo is purple, again a colour used throughout our products, which shows colour consistency, which makes the products appear very authentic. The font of the logo is also very quirky which again reflects the genre thoroughly. Keeping this consistency throughout the products made them look professional and of a high standard. There is also additional images applied to the ancillary tasks, those of the main two performers, this was done to create verisimilitude and to inform the audience as to what they should expect from the product. The colour consistency was commented on by the audience as ‘very consistent’.


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Audience.The target audience of ‘Get Millie Get Mad’, is mainly people aged between 15-25 of no specific gender, and it mainly appeals to students or people who come under the C1, D and E socio-economic status groups, similarly it applies to people who are fun loving and enjoy this sort of music, not to anybody of a specific religion or geographical area.According to Young and Rubicon's cross cultural consumer characteristics ‘Get Millie Get Mad’ belongs to the ‘individuals’ these are people who respond to advertising and marketing that emphasises quirkiness and individualism, these people don’t come under any specific category because they don’t want to fit in any box. In relation to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, the product is not a Physiological Need,however, the most suitable audience is those who come under the Esteem needs, these are people with self-esteem, confidence and those whi take pride in themselves, it also appeals to those who come under the Self-actualization needs those are the ‘Being Needs’ , these are popel who are aware of their full potential as human beings.This genre is targeted at a large number of people, it is a royal niche audience, however, because it is an ‘up and coming’ genre the audience is constantly increasing. They are the right target audience for the product as the majority of them are students who go clubbing and enjoy this sort of music, they support it financially as they have the money to go out and enjoy themselves without spending too much money. The audience has been involved n several stages throughout ‘Get Millie Get Mad’ through questionnaires, and audio and video interviews, from an early stage we got the audience involved, this can be seen on our blog. By doing this we became aware of the fact that because Bassline is an Up and coming genre, not many people familiarise with it, however, there is a minority known as ‘individuals’ who are strong fans of the genre.

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Technology.We used various forms of technology throughout this project, we used both hardware and software, the software we used was Final Cut Express – in which we made the product, It allowed us to edit, cut, paste and add effects to the video, i also used Photoshop, on which I created the ancillary tasks, and used the internet for research and planning, the Hardware used was a stills Camera to take different photos e.g. location shots, prop shots and a Video camera to shoot the video and also a Mac to use the software to create the final product.

Using final cut was effective as it was simple and we achieved the best results, it was simple to operate, yet temperamental at times. Providing all the times it crashed and wouldn’t work, the software was effective and not too time consuming, i found Final cut a lot more efficient than imovie. The effects were better and it was easier to operate., and made the products look less amateur.

Technology highly influenced the planning and construction of ‘Get Millie Get mad’, the internet helped with the research, on which we were able to look at and evaluate similar product which gave us an insight as to what is expected from Bassline videos. Al the research enabled our video to be of a high standard and more focused in terms of the target audience.

We attracted the audience by keeping the performers and the target audience of a similar age range, this was effective as the viewer was able to relate to the protagonist or performer.In relation to AIDA(S), we attracted the customer in many ways, firstly through simple aspects like, location and narrative, however, the attention was also gained through media language, the way in which the product was constructed attracted the audience, firstly, there was many transitions used which were effective. We raised the consumers interest through performance and location, also the transitions and editing contributed to the interest of the product.As commented upon by the target audience our product was able to convince them that the product would satisfy their needs, the use of the upbeat energetic track enables them to have fun and enjoy themselves.The majority of the audience we showed the video to, we not familiar with the Bassline genre so the consumer would consider the genre thoroughly before purchasing.

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Audience and Technology.We addressed the audience through the use of media language, ‘Get Millie Get Mad’ starts off outside in the snow, this is an unconventional location for a Bassline video, alongside this we combined a conventional element, that of a close up of the performer, this was effective as it is catchy and draws the attention of the viewer, this in regards to Halls reception theory offers the audience a chance to interpret the text as they wish so, thus making it an open text. Another element that attracted the audience is the dancing, we used a main dancer in the video, and some additional dancers, to which people would be able to relate to, linking this to The Users and Gratifications Theory, which suggests audiences who are able to relate to a product, will support it and develop a personal relationship, it highlights that ‘If you are not a fan of a certain media product you may find yourself an outsider of the dominant social communication’, we proved this wrong as many people we showed the product to said that the genre was not their type yet the product w as appealing to them, ‘Get Millie Get Mad’ made all its audience interact with the music video. We were creative with our shots, yet lacked some close ups and extreme close ups, we had a variety of shots such as high shots, low shots, long shots, canted and panning and many more but we enhanced these shots by cutting shots, reducing length and duration, increasing length and duration, reversing shots and many more. The use of the fast cuts and quick change of shots kept the audience drawn into the product and made it appeal to a wide audience. I also believe it offered viewers ‘diversion’, it offered them a form of release or escape from everyday life, as commented by the audience it ‘made them laugh’, this is effective as it would lead to multiple viewing had it been a real music video. We used filters which added further interest, such as video viewfinder effects and also by desaturating the clips at points this drew the audience in as it was not conventional of the genre and looked effective how the shots and effects changed. We framed the video, by using the first shot as the last shot but instead reversing it, this looked extremely effective and worked very well with the entire video.

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Audience Feedback.We received very good feedback from the target audience, they were thoroughly impressed and 'Get Millie Get Mad' received a very positive reaction, 54% said the product appealed to them, yet the remaining 46% said they enjoyed the video yet the music was not of their type. On a scale of 1-10, the product was rated between 6-8, and 100% said it has traditional conventions of a traditional Bassline video, 100% also said, the editing and the beat of the music did flow, and for its authenticity, it was rated between 6-8, 100% said there was colour consistency within all product and a recurrent theme was evident throughout and also that the product was reflective of the Bassline genre.Everyone decoded the correct ideologies encoded into the text, those of having fun and enjoying life, the video was also commented on as light hearted, compared to other Bassline videos, this was deliberate as we intended on breaking the traditional conventions so we created a light hearted, upbeat, energetic video. The only flaw in 'Get Millie Get Mad' or the only thing said to be improved was the variety of shots, in comparison to traditional Bassline videos, 'Get Millie Get Mad' could have incorporated a better variety of shots, we did intend on creating a variety, but due to limitations and certain circumstances, we could not, however, I have learnt that, in order to create a better video, we need to be more organised and shoot many different shots at different locations and combine the most successful ones, this would create an interesting and constantly flowing video. In reflection to the feedback we received the only aspects of the video that could be improved are the lip synching and a variety of shots could be added.

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Use of Creative Technologies.Using a Mac wasn’t a challenge for me as I work with them on a daily basis, however, using Final cut at first was not easy, we used media technologies in many ways, we used Stills cameras, Camcorders, computers, computers played a major role firstly in the research, we used the internet to do the majority of research, we researched many sites to gain knowledge as to what the Bassline genre consist, we then documented all the research onto blogger, this was useful as the research was available, when and as we needed it, we used the internet to find out about the target audience and what is expected of the genre as well as the typical conventions, we looked at other videos and tracks to gain inspiration and the advantages the internet are that its quick and efficient and accessible anywhere at anytime, also we gain all the knowledge on all aspects we desire to, the only disadvantages of the internet are that it can be slow or not work at all, also the information, had it been accessed in the wrong place, could be unreliable. For the construction we used a stills camera and a camcorder, once we had the footage we uploaded it onto Final cut express, the software we used to construct the product, here we did the editing aspect of the project. It was easy to use and effective but would play up at times resulting in us redoing tasks. To create an interesting product we added a variety of transitions and effects, transitions being, shot-reverse-shot, , reducing length and duration, increasing length and duration, viewfinder transition, desaturation, the effects we used were the glow, fade, wipe out, we also captured footage as a still and used stills as shots to add creativity. The editing was fairly easy and was done on a timeline which at times was time consuming and at times would distort all the footage, resulting in us starting again, as the majority of editing was done by me, my skills and knowledge of Final cut have improved and I am very confident and my skills have enhanced.

We also used Photoshop for the construction of the ancillary tasks, upon finishing the video I had an idea as to what I wanted the album cover and magazine advert to look like , we decided the colour scheme and layout, I created the background using many effects on Photoshop, the original image was found on http://i.ehow.com/images/GlobalPhoto/Articles/4590863/TallBuildings2-main_Full.jpg I then applied many effects to it and used it as a background, the effects I applied are hard light, over lay, exclusion and a few others. I used this background as the bass of all the products to show a theme and colour consistency. After this I added images of the artist and text and added effects to these so they blend in and it all blends in as one product and not different products merged into one. To the background i added brushes which also look effective.

We kept the same text throughout, this was a deliberate choice, the font we used was Blackoak Std, we chose this as it is a strong font, with sharp edges, it is also very rounded which adds quirkiness to the font, reflecting energy and enthusiasm. The colours we used for the texts are purple, white and blue, this was also a deliberate choice as purple connotes energy, yet mystery, two elements very traditional, within the Bassline genre hence the colour purple, blue and white as they stand out on the background. I backed the text with a yellow box, this added depth and made the two clashing colours look effective together, the yellow is very bright and playful, reflective of the genre which is targeted at fun loving people, also we used pictures of the artist and used the over lay effect to blend them in. Our ancillary tasks, in regards to the colours and fonts, were commented on as ‘very consistent’, the results we achieved on Photoshop were outstanding and very pleasing. Also as the designing and the majority of the construction of the ancillary tasks was done by me, my skills on Photoshop have further enhanced and because I already know how to operate Photoshop, the results were of a high standard.

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Use of Creative Technologies.We used the Video Camera and Stills Camera for character shots and location shots, they were reliable and appropriate for everyday use, they were easy to handle, the majority of filming was done by Ghulam however, it also enhanced my skills of using the camcorder, as I am already skilled with Digital Cameras, SLR’s and stills cameras. Get Millie Get Mad our audio track used was originally created by an artist named K-Dot which was copyright free and which then Ruky remixed to make our track.In terms of Planning we used Blogger, from the research gathered we planned our products using filming schedules and storyboards.I created my evaluation on PowerPoint, so I had to use slideshare to post it onto blogger.com All the technologies enabled us to see the hard work that goes into making a music video, the research the construction and planning that goes in to making it. It made us realize that technology does not always go according to plan and has limitations yet it also made me realise that it does play a major part in the process of a music video and make a video look effective and of a high standard and good quality.

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To conclude, I believe I made a major contribution to the research and planning part of this project, which is evident on the blog, however, I could have improved the blog further, by doing more analysis of real media products. I could have also contributed to shooting more and filmed more, which would have enhanced the branding as there would have been more constructive shots. I feel as though I have worked hard in this project, and to the best of my ability. I believe there were communication problems at times, but eventually, when we got on with it, we managed to create work of a high standard. I also feel I could have had improved the products further, if we as a group, were more organised, as we took far too long shooting our footage, but over all our product was of a good standard.
