OMB Approval Number: 2506-0180 (Expiration Datei 9 / 3 0 /2009) Substantial Amendment to Cook Counfy's Consolidated Plan 2008 Action Plan for the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP) Grantees eligible to receive funds under the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re- Housing Program (HPRP) are required to complete a substantial amendrnent to their Consolidated Plan 2008 Action Plan. This form sets forth the required format for this substantial amendment. A completed form is due to HUD within 60 days of the publication of the HUD HPRP notice. To aid grantees in meeting this submission deadline, the HPRP Notice reduces the requirement for a 30-day public comrhent period to no less than 12 calendar days for this substantial amendment. With this exception, HPRP grantees are required to follow their Consolidated Planzs cittzenparticipation process, including consultation wittr the Continuum of Care (CoC) in the appropnatejurisdiction(s). Grantees are also required to coordinate HPRP activities with the CoC's strategies for homeless prevention and ending homelessness. To maximize transparency, HUD strongly recommends that each grantee post its substantial amendment materials on the grantee's official website as the materials are developed. A complete submission contains the following three documents: 1) A signed and dated SF-424, 2) A completed form HUD-40119 (this form), and 3) Signed and dated General Consolidated Plan and HPRP certifications. For additional information regarding the HPRP program, visit the HUD Homelessness Resource Exchange (www.hudhlgj!&). This site will be regularly updated to include IIPRP resources developed by HUD and its technical assistance providers. The information collection requirements contained in this application have been submitted to the Office of, Management and Budget (OlvtB) for review under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501- 3520). This agency may not collect this infor,mation, and you are not required to complete this form, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Information is submitted in accordance with the regulatory øuthority contained in each progrqm rule. The i4formationwill be used to rate øpplications, determine eligibility, and estoblish grant amounts. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to be 16 hours, including the time for reviewing insfructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and cornpleting and reviewing the collection of information. This information is required to obtain benefits. To the extent that any information collected is of a confidential nature, there will be compliance wÍth Privacy Act requirements. However, the substantial amendment to the Consolidated Plan 2008 Action Plan does not request the submission of such information. Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. (18 U.S.C. 1001, 1010, l0l2;31U.S.C. 3729,3802) HUD-40119

HHRP substantial amendment

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Substantial Amendment to Cook Counfy's Consolidated Plan 2008 Action Planfor the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP)

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Page 1: HHRP substantial amendment

OMB Approval Number: 2506-0180(Expiration Datei 9 / 3 0 /2009)

Substantial Amendment to Cook Counfy's Consolidated Plan 2008 Action Planfor the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP)

Grantees eligible to receive funds under the Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-

Housing Program (HPRP) are required to complete a substantial amendrnent to theirConsolidated Plan 2008 Action Plan. This form sets forth the required format for thissubstantial amendment. A completed form is due to HUD within 60 days of thepublication of the HUD HPRP notice.

To aid grantees in meeting this submission deadline, the HPRP Notice reduces the

requirement for a 30-day public comrhent period to no less than 12 calendar days for thissubstantial amendment. With this exception, HPRP grantees are required to follow theirConsolidated Planzs cittzenparticipation process, including consultation wittr the

Continuum of Care (CoC) in the appropnatejurisdiction(s). Grantees are also required tocoordinate HPRP activities with the CoC's strategies for homeless prevention and endinghomelessness. To maximize transparency, HUD strongly recommends that each grantee

post its substantial amendment materials on the grantee's official website as the materials

are developed.

A complete submission contains the following three documents:

1) A signed and dated SF-424,

2) A completed form HUD-40119 (this form), and

3) Signed and dated General Consolidated Plan and HPRP certifications.

For additional information regarding the HPRP program, visit the HUD HomelessnessResource Exchange (www.hudhlgj!&). This site will be regularly updated to includeIIPRP resources developed by HUD and its technical assistance providers.

The information collection requirements contained in this application have been submitted to the Office of,

Management and Budget (OlvtB) for review under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501-

3520). This agency may not collect this infor,mation, and you are not required to complete this form, unless

it displays a currently valid OMB control number.

Information is submitted in accordance with the regulatory øuthority contained in each progrqm rule. The

i4formationwill be used to rate øpplications, determine eligibility, and estoblish grant amounts.

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to be 16 hours, including the time forreviewing insfructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and

cornpleting and reviewing the collection of information. This information is required to obtain benefits. Tothe extent that any information collected is of a confidential nature, there will be compliance wÍth PrivacyAct requirements. However, the substantial amendment to the Consolidated Plan 2008 Action Plan does not

request the submission of such information.

Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal and/or civilpenalties. (18 U.S.C. 1001, 1010, l0l2;31U.S.C. 3729,3802)


Page 2: HHRP substantial amendment

Substantial Amendment to Cook County's Consolidated Plan 2008 Action Plan forthe Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP)

.4.. General Information

Amount Grantee is Eligible fo Receive* $4,121,046

Amount Grantee is Requesting s4,121,046*Amounts are available at http://www.hud.sov/recovery/homelesspreventrecov.xls

Grantee Name Cook Countv Board of Commissioners

Name of Entity or DepartmentAdministering Funds

Cook County Planning and Development

TIPRP Contact Person

(person to answer questions aboutthis amendment and HPRP)

Gloria Mullons

Title Planner

Address Line I 69 W. Washington

Address Line2 Suite 2900

Cify, State,Zip Cod,e Chicago, IL

Telephone 312-603-1006

Fax 3tL603-9856

Email Address [email protected]

Authorized Official(if different from Contact Person)

Todd H. Stroger

Title President, Cook County Board of Commissioners

Address Line I Attention: Bruce Washington & Maurice S. Jones

Address Line2 69 W. V/ashington, Floor 29

City, State,Zip Coile Chicago, IL 6A602

Telephone 3n-6A3-1073

Fax 3t2-603-9732

Email ^{ddressmrj [email protected]

Web Address where this Form isPosted



Page 3: HHRP substantial amendment

Substantial Amendment to Cook County's Consolidated PIan 2008 Action Plan forthe Homelessness Prevenfion and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP)

B. Citizen Participation and Public Comment

1. Briefly describe how the grantee followed its citizen participation plan regardingthis proposed substantial amendment (limit 250 words).

Response: Notice will be made available to encourage participation from citizens ofsuburban Cook County via Cook County's website. Cook County will also postNotice in the Chicago Sun-Times newspaper to be published for general circulationthroughout Cook County and the State of Illinois in said newspapers. Cook Countywill also make the Notice available for public review and comment in the followingpublic libraries: Arlington Heights Public Library, Banington Area Library,Bellwood Public Library, Berwyn Public Library, LaGrange Public Library,LaGrange Park Public Library, Lemont Public Library, Matteson Public Library,Midlothian Public Library, Oak Park Public Library, Orland Fark Public Library,Park Ridge Public Library, South Holland Public Lifuary and the Winnetka PublicLibrary.


2. Provide the appropriate response regarding this substantial amendment by checkingone of the following options:

I Grantee did not receive public comments.

I Grantee received and accepted all public comments.

I Grantee received public comments and did not accept one or more of thecomments.

Cook Counfy wiII make notations to this section, when the informationbecomes available.

3. Provide a swnmary of the public comments regarding this substantial amendment.Include a sununary of any comments or views not accepted and the reasons fornon-acceptance.

Response: cook county will summarizetheinformation as it becomesavailable.

C. Distribution and Administration- of Funds

Rerninder: The HPRP grant will be made by means of a grant agreement executed by FIUDand the grarrtee. The three-year deadline to expend funds begins when HUD signs the grantagreement. Grantees should ensure that sufficient plaruring is in place to begin to expendfunds shortly after gtantagreement.


Page 4: HHRP substantial amendment


Substantial Amendment to Cook County's Consolidated Plan 2008 Action Plan forthe Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP)

l. Check the process(es) that the grantee plans to use to select subgrantees. Note that asubgrantee is defined as the orgarlzation to which the grantee provides HPRPfunds.

ffi Competitive Process

I Formula Allocation

X Other (Specify: Dirçct Allocarion

See #3. below for further explanation.

2. Briefly describe the process(es) indicated in question I above (limit 250 words).

Response: Cook County intends to make grant awards to subrecipents through anR-FP Process. However, Cook County also reserves the right to make direct grantsto current subrecipients of ESG, CDBG and or HOME funds, independent of andoutside of the RFP process.

3. Briefly describe the process the grantee plans to use, once HUD signs the grantagreement, to allocate funds available to subgrantees by September 30, 2009, asrequired by the HPRP Notice (limit 250 words).

Response: Cook County will use an RFP process for the purposes of identiffingand selecting subrecipients. Cook County may elect to award funds directly to oneor more of Cook County existing subgrantees, independent of the RFP Process.Additionally, Cook County may utilize a portion of the HPRP funds to administerone or more of the eligible activities in-house. Cook County plans to have allsubrecipient agreements executed by September 18, 2009.

4. Describe the grantee's plan for ensuring the effective and timely use of HPRP grantfunds on eligible activities, as outlined in the HPRP Notice. Include a descriptionof how the grantee plans to oversee and monitor the adr,ninistration and use of itsown HPRP funds, as well as those used by its subgrantees (limit 500 words).

Response: With the exception of the five percent (5%) reservation ofadministrative costs, Cook County plans to provide grants to subrecipients for theremaining portion of the HPRP grant funds. Notwithstanding foregoing provision,Cook County reserves the right to perform one or more of the eligible activities in-house. Cook County has traditionally funded subrecipients through its EmergencyShelter Grants Program and the CDBG. Cook County believes that it has anadequate pool of agencies and other resources within Cook County to discuss useof the HPRP grant funds. Cook County plans to have various meetings withexisting and potential parhrers throughout the County, to ensure effective andtimely use of the HPRP grturLt ñ¡nds. Cook County has also taken steps towardscreating a centralized communications network, to help connect subrecipients andProgram beneficiaries with HPRP grant funds. Cook County will designate both


Page 5: HHRP substantial amendment

Substantial Amendment to Cook Countyos Consolidated Plan 2008 Action Plan forthe Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP)

administrative and accounting staff to oversee and monitor the administration and

use of its own HPRP funds. Additionally, Cook County, plans to integrate theHPRP into its existing process, which includes a data base management system tomonitor Program activity and reporting.

D. Collaboration

1. Briefly describe how the grantee plans to collaborate with the local agencies thatcan serve similar target populations, which received funds under the AmericanRecovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 from other Federal agencies, including theU.S. Departments of Education, Health and Human Services, Horneland Security,and Labor (limit 250 words).

Response: Cook County will continue to work with the homelessness preventioncommunity, other participating jwisdictions as well as other local agencies toensure an effective use of the grant funds. Cook County has been in discussionswith the legal community, the Continuum(s) of Care, and other grantees. CookCounty has been strategizing with these groups for the best use of the HPRP grantfunds. Additionally, Cook County's Department of Planning and Development has

'been working with other intergovenmental agencies of Cook County (i.e., thePresident's Office of Employment and Training, etc.). Through these internal and

' external collaborations, we will be able to maximize the use of the FIPRP grantfunds and avoid duplication of services. A key issue that continues to surfacearound homelessness prevention is the need to have a centralized method ofcommunication to facilitate the flow of information and serviees to Progtambeneficiaries. Cook Counfj' believes that a Homelessness Prevention Call Centerwill address this need. Cook County plans to utilize a portion of the HPRP firnds toestablish a Call Center for homclessness prevention within the five regional areas

of suburban Cook County. The Program will benefit eligible IIPRP beneficiaries.Call Center workers will be able to quickly ¿Nsess the needs of Programbeneficiaries, make referrals and transfer calls to the appropriate agencies(governmental, non-profit, etc.). Through a centralized point of communication,Cook County will enable the efficient channeling of resources to Programbeneficiaries for the prevention of homelessness. Cook County plans to have theCall Center operational by October 15, 2009.

2. Briefly describe how the grantee plans to collaborate with appropriateContinuum(s) of Care and mainstream resources regarding HPRP activities (limit250 words).

Response: Cook County has and will participate in comrnunity discussions withthe Continuum(s) of Care and mainstream resorrces regarding HPRP activities.Cook County has already begun a dialog with such groups. On March 23,2009,members of the Cook County staff attended an initial HPRP meeting, hosted by the


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Substantial Amendment to Cook County's Consolidated Plan 2008 Action PIan forthe Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP)

City of Chicago. The meeting, facilitated by HUD and the Corporation forSupportive Housing, included a discussion of the HPRP guidelines. On April 9,2009, members of the Cook County staff attended a subsequent HPRP meeting.The meeting, hosted.by the City of Berwyn, was attended by various non-profitgroups, member of the Continuum(s) of Care, and other Entitlement communityrepresentatives. Cook County will build upon its existing relationships with theContinuum(s) of Care, and will work to link the existing homelessness preventionnetwork with other communitv resources.

3. Briefly describe how HPRP grant funds for financial assistance and housingrelocation/stabilizationservices will be used in amarTnet that is consistent with thegrantee's Consolidated Plan (limit 250 words).

Response: Cook County's Consolidated and Annual Action Plan identifieskey objectives: (l) to ensure decent and affordable housing; (2) tohomelessness in suburban Cook County; and (3) to establish and maintain asuitable living environment for its citizens and expand economic opportunities.Cook County will utilize the FI?RP funds to expand existing services related tofinancial assistance and relocation/stabilization services. Cook County will be ableto increase the level and types (rent, utilities, moving expenses, security deposits,storage fees, emergency shelter, etc.) of financial assistance to families, throughsubsidies. Additionally, Cook County will utilize the funds to provide grants tosubrecipients in order to ensure that the necessary wraparound services areprovided to Program beneficiaries. The additional funding will also be utilized toenable intensive case management, credit repair, legal assistance, mitigation,housing search and placement, outreach and engagement (including the creation ofa rapid response system), as well as any other activity allowable under the HPRP.

E. Estimated Budget Summary

HUD requires the grantee to complete the following table so that participants in the cltizenparticipatioR prooess may see the grantee's preliminary estimated amounts for variousHPRP activities. Enter the estimated budget amounts for each activity in the appropriatecolumn and row. The grantee will be required to report actual amounts in subsequentreporting.


HPRP Estimated Budget Summary


Rapid Re-housing

Total AmountBudgeted

Financial Assistancel s800,000 $1,200,000 $2,000,000

Housing Relocation andStabilization Services2

8854,471 s 854,471 s|,708,942

Subtotal s1,654,471 s2,054,471 s3,708,942


Page 7: HHRP substantial amendment

Substantial Amendment to Cook Count5r's Consolidated Plan 2008 Action Plan forthe Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (HPRP)

Data Collection and Evaluation3 $ 206,052.00

Administration (up to 5Yo of allocation) $ 206,052.00

Total HPRP Amount Budgeteda $4,121,046.00

(add previous two rows)

rFinancial assistance includes the following activities as detailed in the HPRP Notice:

short-term rental assisûance, medium-term rental assistance, security deposits, utilitydeposits, utility payments, moving cost assistance, and motel or hotel vouchers.

2Housing relocation and stabilization services include the following activities as detailed in

the FIPRP Notice: case management, outreach, housing search and placement, legalServices, mediation, and credit repair.

3Data collection and evaluation includes costs associated with operating HUD-approvedhomeless management information systems for purposes of collecting undupticatedcounts of homeless persons andanalyzing patterns of use of HPRP funds.

aThis amount must match the amount entered in the cell on the table in Section A titled"Amount Grantee is Requesting."


Page 8: HHRP substantial amendment

Substantial A.mendment to Cook Counú¡r's Consolidated PIan 2008 Action PIan forthe Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing program (HPRP)

F. .A.uthorized Sisnaúure

By signing this applicatioÍ\ I ceftiry (l) to the statements conained in the list ofcertifications and Q) that the st¿tements herein are true, complete, and accurate to the bestof 1r knowledge. I also provide the required assurances andìgree to comply with anyresulting terms if I accept an award. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulentstatemenfs or claims may subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties. (U.S.Code, Title 218, Section l00l

fllSígnaf ure./,Aufhorizn.dOffictaj

4/ 28/200qDate

President of Cook County Board of ConmissionersTitle


Page 9: HHRP substantial amendment

OMB Number:4040-0004

Expiration Date: 01/3 l/2009

Application for Federal Assistance SF-424

1. Type of Submission:



Chan ged/Corrected Application

. Other (Specify)

' 2. Type of Application: * lf Revis¡on, select appropriate lette(s):

I ttew

n Cont¡nuation

! Revision

808 -rJN- r_7 - 00l-

3. Date Rece¡ved:

5b. Federal Award ldent¡f¡er:

6. Date Received by State: 7. State Appl¡câtion ldent¡fier:

Cook Count Board of Comrnissioners* b. EmployerÆaxpayer ldent¡ficalion Number (ElNiTlN):

36-6006541 o07884302

. Slreet 1:

Street 2:

* CitY:


* State:



. Zip / Postal Code:

69 West on

808 -UC- 17- 00r.


Division Name:

Bureau of Capital, Planníng & Facilities ManagementDepartment of Planning and Development

f. Name and contact ¡nformat¡on of person to be contacted on matters ¡nvolv¡ng th¡s appl¡cation:


Middle Name:

. Lest Name:


* F¡rst Name: I MâIrrì aê ¡



FaxNumber: f-tur, "*-rr=,

. ----1mri ones@cookcount . com

Page 10: HHRP substantial amendment

OMB Number:4040-0004

Exoirat¡on Date: 0ll31i2009

Application for Federal Assistance SF424

9. Type of Applicant I - Select Appticant Type:

B-Type of Applicânt 2- Select Applicant Type:

Type of Applicant 3- Select Applicânt Type:

rtment of 1 and Urban De

I l. Catalog of Federal Domestic Ass¡stence Number:

L+-Za I

Homelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing program (HpRp)

* 12. Fund¡ng Opportuntty Number:

t ïtle:

13. Compet¡tion ldent¡f¡cat¡on Numbe¡:


14. Areas Affected by Project (Cities, Counties, Stetes, etc.):

" 15. Descriptive Title ofApplicant.s project:

Cook County HpRp:under Title XII ofAct) .

Homelessness Preventionthe American Recoverv &

& Rapid - RehousingReinvestment Act of

Program as defined2009 (Recovery

Page 11: HHRP substantial amendment

Application for Federal Assistance S,F424

'16. Congressional D¡str¡cts Of:*a.Applicant 1 through l-1 & 13 'b. Prograrn/Project 1 Èhrough L1 & 13

Attâch an addit¡onal list of prograrn/project Congressional Distr¡cts if needed.

17. Proposed Project:*a.starrDate:


* a. Federal

* b. Applicant

* c. State

- d. Local

* e. Other

'f. Progrem lncome

'g. TOTALl_

' 19. ls Appl¡cation subject to Rev¡ew By state under Execut¡ve order 12372 process?

a. This application was made evailable to the State under the Execiltive Order 12322 process for r."u¡.* onl------lb. Program is subject to E.o. 12372bu| has not been selected by the state for fev¡ew.

c. Progrem is not covered by E-O. 12372.

. 20. ls the Appt¡cant Del¡nquent on Any Federal Debt? (if 'yes", provlde explanat¡on.)

21. *By sign¡ng th¡s appl¡cat¡on, I certrT (ll to the statements conta¡ned ¡n füe l¡st of certif¡cat¡ons- and (2) that the statementsherein are true, complete and accurate to the best of my knowtedge, I also prov¡de the required assuiances *and agree tocomply w¡th any resutting terms ¡f I accept an award. I am aware that any false, fict¡tious, or fraudulent statements or claimsmay subject me to cr¡m¡naf, c¡vll, or admin¡strative penalt¡es. (u.s. code, Titie 2lg, section lool)

*' The list of cert¡ficat¡ons and assurErnces, or en intemet site where you may obtain th¡s list, ¡s contained in the ennouncement or agencyspec¡fic instruclions.


Middle Name:

'Last Name:




r rd of s]-oners

372) 603-

4/28/2009Author¡zed for Local Reproduction

OMB Number:4040-0004

Exoiration Date: 01 I31l2OOg

Standard Fom 424 (Revised 1ol2o05')

Prescribed by OMB Circular A-1 02

Page 12: HHRP substantial amendment

OMB Number:4040-0004

Expiration Date: 01i31/2009

Application for Federal Assistance 5F424 Version 02

* Applicant Federal Debt Del¡nquency Explanat¡on

The following field should contain an explanation if the Applicant organization is delinquent on any Federal Debt. Maximum number ofcharacters that can be entered is 4,000. Try and avo¡d extra spaces and can¡age retums to maxim¡ze the availability of space.

Page 13: HHRP substantial amendment

I{omelessness Prevention and Rapid Re-Housing Program (IIPRP)Certifications

The HPRP Grantee certifies that:

.Consolidated Plan - It is following a current tlUD-approved Consolidated Plan orCHAS.

Consisúency with FIan - The housing activities to be undertaken \ryift IIPRP funds are

consistent with the stategic plan.

Coa.fideatialÍ ty, - Itwill develop and implemenf procedures to ensure:(I) The confidentiality of records perfaining to any individual provided wifh assistanoe;

ffiO*u, the address or location of,any assisted housing will not be rnade public, except tothe extcnt that this pro,hibition contradicts a preexisting privacy policy of the grant€q

Discharge Policy - A eertifioation tl.nt the State or jurisdiction has establishd a policyfor tl,re discharge ofpersons from pub'licly fuuded institlrtions or systenrs of,ca¡e (such as

health care åcilities,, fostcr car€ or other )¿ouih.facilitics,or corrcction prograrru andinstitutions) inorder to preve.nt such diseharge fro¡.n immediately resulting inhomelessness for such per:sons.

EnÆS- It wilt comply with IdUD's standards forparticipation in a local ItrornelessManagement I¡¡for¡nation Syster,n and t&e collection ærd reporting of client-levelinforr¡ration.

4/28/2009Signæure/AuÉro¡izd Otrtcial Date

Pres ident of - Gook jpUn_ty Boa_rd of-Comís s íonersrirlé

Page 14: HHRP substantial amendment


In accordance with the applicable statutes and the regulations goveming the consolidated planregulations, the st¿te, territory, or local government certifies that:

Affirmatively Further Fair Housing - The state, territory, or local government willaffirmatively furttrer fair housing, which means it will conduct an analysis of impediments to fairhousing choice within the jurisdiction or state, take appropriate actions to overcome the effects ofany irnpediments identified through that analysis, uuà mai-ntain records reflecting that analysis andactions in this re$ard.

Drug-Free Workplace -- It wilt or will continue to provide a drug-ftee worþlace by:

1. Publishing a súatement noti$ing employees that the unlawful r,nanufacture, distribution,dispensing, possession, or u,se of a controlled substance is prohibited i¡r the grantee'sworþlace and specifying fhe actions that will be taken against employees for violation ofsuch prohibition;

2. Esf¿blishing an ongoing dnrg-fiee awareness pxograÌrr to inforrn employees about:

(Ð The dangers of drug abuse in the worþlace;(b} The grantee's polioy of,maintaining a drug-free worþlace;(c) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitatisn,and eu,rplope assistance programs;


(d) The penalties that may be imposed upon ernployees for drug abuse violationsoccurring in the workplace;

3. ìfaking it a requirenrent tha.t each employee to be engaged in the perfonnance of the grantbe given a copy of the statement required Uy paragrapnl;

4- Notifring the ernployee in úhe statement required by pragraph I that,as a condition ofenrp,loyrnent under the granf the employee will _ -

(a) Abide by the terms of úhe staternent; arld(b) Notit the employær in writing of his orþer conviction for a violation of a criminal

drug stahrte ooatuiîä$ ín ttrè worlþlace nolater tñan five calendar days after strchconviction;

5- Notiffing the agency in writirrg, within ten calendar days after receivi,ng notice undersubparagraph 4(b) ftom an enrployee or otherwisu receir.ing actual nofiee of suehconviction. Ernployers of,convicted employees nrustprovide notice, inolud,ing positiontitXe, to every grant offroer or other designee on whose grant activity thc convictedenrptroyee was working un'less the Federal agenoy has ãesigna,ted acentral point fbr thereceipt of sueh notices. Notice shall include the identi,fication nur,nbe(s) of each affeotedgrant;

6- Taking one of the following aotions, within 30 calendør days ofreceiving notice undersuöparagraph 4(bù with respect to any emproyee who is so convicted -

(a) Taking appropriate persormel action against sueh an employee, up to and includingtermination, consistent with the requirements of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973,asar-nended; or

Page 15: HHRP substantial amendment

. (b) Requiring such ernployee to participate satisfactorily in a drug abuse assistance orrehabilitation program approved for such purposes by a Federat, state, or local health,law enforcement, or other appropriate ug"à"g

7' Making a good faiftr effo'rt to continue to rnaint¿in a dr,ug-free worþlace thoughimplementation ofparagraphs l, 2, 3,4, 5 and 6.

Ánti-Lobbying - To the best of the state, territory, or local govenunenf's knowledge and belief:

1. No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of i! to anyperson for influencing or attempting to influence an officèr or enrployee of any a5ency, aMember of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an .*ployæ of aMember ofCongress in connection with tAe awarCing of anyped'eral conûacÇ the rnaking of anyFede¡¿l 8rant, the rnaking of any Federal io*, thr entcringinto ofany cooperafiveagreeneenÇ and the extensior4 continuation, renewal, amendrnenÇ or modificøtion of,anyFederatr eontract, gænt, loa4 orcooperative agreer,ncnfi

2. Ifatty funds other than Federal appropriated, fi¡nds havc been paid or will bo paid to anyperson f,or inûuencing or attempting to influenoe ar officer or ernptoyee of any agency; afufenúcr of Congr,ess, au officcr or ãrnptoyee of Congress, or an

"*ploy". of a Member of

Congress in co¡noction with th,is Federal ðontract, grã"t, Iã-, or cooporative agreeme,nt, itwifl oornplete and submít St¿adard Forr¡r-LLL, .Disclosr¡¡e Forrn to R.pn* Lobbying" inaeco¡dance with its inshuctions; and

3. It wilt require ürat the la'nguage of pa,ragrapûs I and Z ef tÌris certification be included intIæ award docurnents for atrt subawards a,t àtt Cro (including subcontracß, subgr,ants', andcontracts unde,r granß, loans, and cooperative agre€Erents) and th¿t all subrooipients shatleertify and displose accordingty.

Autåorify of Incal Governm,enÇ Sú¡te, or Terrttory - The submission of the eonsolidated planis autho,rized,turder state law aa'd loeel law (as applicaille]aûd tho jurisdiction or state possossos

the tegøl auÉhori.fy úo carq¡r out tre pfag¡a¡ns under tlhe consolidat"d pfr" for which it is seeking

fundthg, in aocordar,rce with apptrioable- HUD r,egula,tions.

Cons*steney wtúh Plan -- The hotrsing activities to be und,m¡aken with FIPRF ftrnds a¡e consisûent$/iÉrfu sfrategic plan.

Sectisn 3 -- It will comply, with section 3 of the Hou*ing aurd {.Irban DeveloBment Act of 1968,and implernenting regulatious at2,f CFR part

1 35.

4 /28 1 2009Signatwiel Autlrorized Offi eial Date

Presídent of Cook CountyTí,tlc

Böard of Commissíoners

Page 16: HHRP substantial amendment



A. Lobbying Certification

This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when this transactionwas made or entered into. Submission of this certification is a prerequisigfor making or enteringinto thistr¿nsacfion imposed by section L3\L,tttle 31, U.S. Code. Any person whõ fails to file the requiredcertification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less ttran $t0,0OO and not more than $100,000 for eachsuch failu¡e.

B. ÐruÊr-Free'Worþlace Certification

l- By signing and/or submitting this application or grant agreement, the grantee is providíng thece¡fification.

2. Thæ certification is a material representatioil of, faat upon urhieh reliance is placed when the agencyawards the grant. If,it is l¿ter deterrnined that the grantee knowingly rendered a false certification, orotherwise violates the requirernents of the Drug-Free Worþlace Acl HUD, in addition to any oúerremedies av¿ilable to the Federal Govemrnent,uray takeaction authorized under the Drug-Free\üorþlace Act.

3. W'ork?laces under grants, for grantees other than individuals, need not be identified oIl thecertification. If knowrU they may be identified in the gr,aat applicatior,r. If the granæe does not ideartiStåe workplaces at the time of apptication, or upon aw.ar{ if there is no applicatioq the grantee mustkeep the identþ of the worþlace(s) on file in its ofüoe and nrake the infor,matisn av¿ilsble forFederal inspection. Faih¡re to identi$ all known worþtaces constitr¡tes a violationof the gralrtee'sdrug-free woiþlace reqtriromenb.

4. Worþace identifications rnust include the acn¡al ad&ess of buildings (or parfs of buildings) or othersites where work under the grant takes pl acø. Cate1oúcal descriptions may be used (c.g., atrl veåiclesofa mass hansit authority or State highway departnrent while inoperatior¡ State enrployees in each

Iocal unemploynrent of,fice, performers ia eonoert halls or radio stations).

5. If the worþlace identified to the agency char,rges during the perfor,mance of the grant, the gr,antee

shall infon:n the ageney of the change(s), ifit præviousþ i¿ent¡nø the worlçlaces in questioa (see

palagraph three).

6- The Grantee rna¡r insert in the space provided below the site(s) for the perforrrance of work done irleonnecfion with the speei^fic grant:

Place ofPerforrnance (ftreet address, city, county, s¡¿¡s, -ip eode)

69' I'Iest Washi'ngtor'r' Suite 2900ChÍcago,, Illinois 60642-

check -* if there are worþlaces on file ttrat are not identified here

The eertification with regardto the drug-free workplace is required by 24 CFR pùrtlr4,subparf F.

7. Definitions of terrns in the Nonprocuremeat Suspension and Debarment cofrrïron rule and Drtrg-FreeWorþlace comrnon rule apply to this eertification. Crrantees'attention is eatrled, in pártieular, to the

folÍowing definitions frorn tÌrese n¡les:

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oconholled substance" rReans a conholled substance in schedules I

through V of the Controlled Substances Act (21U.S.C. BI2) andas furtherdefined by regulation (2 I CFR t 308. t I rhrough I 308. I 5);

"Conviction" means a finding of guilt (including a plea of nolocontendere) orimpos-ition of sentence, or both, by any judicial bodycharged with the responsibility to determine vioútions of the Federal orState criminal drug statutes;

'criminal drug statute" means a Federal or non-Federal cnminal süatuteínvolving the manufacture, dishibution, dispensing, use, or possession ofany contolled substance;

"Employee" mean.ç the employee of a grantee directþ engaged in theperfonnance of work trnder a grant, includ,ing: (i) AII "di¡èct charge"employees; (iÐ aU "indirect charge" employees unless their impaet orinvolvement is insignifrcant to the perfor.mance of the grant; ao¿ (i¡Ðtemplrarype.rsonnel ¡nd consultants who a¡e directly engaged in theperformanee of work under the grant alld who are oû the grantee's payroll.This deûnition doee not include workers not on the pa¡noi,l of tåe grantee(e.g., volunteers; eveo if used to meet a matching requirement; oonsultangon independent conhaetors nst oa the granfeets payroll; or employees ofsubrecipiørb or subconhactors in covãred worþlaces).