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2. Tomorrow When The War Began
3. "For the person to discover himself or herself as an individual, he or she must be able to place the self into relations with other selves. One does not lose individuality in a relation but gains a sense of self through it"
(Youniss 1980, 20, as cited in Grotevant and Thorbecke 1982, 480).
4. Development of Interpersonal Identity
The development of identity peaks during adolescence. Due to "cognitive, physical, and contextual changes" (Watzlawick and Clodius 2011), adolescents begin to think more abstractly and have inner reflections and hypothetical thinking, in turn slowly altering and contributing to the development of interpersonal identity.
(Watzlawick and Clodius 2011)
5. Integration and Rejection of Elements
Allows the individual to integrate or reject the elements in interactions with others, thus creating a new identity. Elements of interactions mainly include values, beliefs and behaviours.
6. Rory and Logan in Gilmore Girls.
(Bluechupacabra 2007
7. Family and Identity
Family is a major influence on the individual through the interaction that happens between the family members and the individual
(Grotevant 1997).
An example of this is the relationship of Lorelai and Rory in Gilmore Girls
8. Mother and Daughter
(Ashes4nsiks 2006)
9. 10. Who is she?
H. Verolme Hetty (n.d.) http://www.boomerangbooks.com.au/Hetty/Hetty-Verolme/book_reviews_9781921361333.htm
accessed 08/09/2011
11. Australian Broadcasting Commission (n.d.) Chasers War on Everything Season 2 Box set DVD http://shop.abc.net.au/browse/product.asp?productid=762408&SearchID=12340589&SearchRefineID=20107813
12. http://aso.gov.au/titles/tv/chasers-war-on-everything-apec/clip2/#
13. How we perceive others often leads to:
Other forms of categorisationWhat it means:A persons social identity is made up of our own prejudices and assumptions as we share limited or no transactions with that person
14. Stereotypes, Othering and Group identity:
An established concept from appearance, such as 1 or 2 traits, may lead to a person being identified primarily by their group than their individual identity.
D Ryan 2005 'The thin blue line honours fallen mates'http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/the-thin-blue-line-honours-fallen-mates/2005/09/29/1127804608224.html
J Resture 2010 Australia: European Settlementhttp://www.janesoceania.com/australia_europeans/index.htm
15. Greater Social Identities
What makes a Greater Social Identity?
Their image and likeness appears often in the public domain
Their name and other aspects of identity are shared openly and often in the public domain
Many aspects of their lives and profession are open to the public.
All of the above is of great interest to significant portions of the public.
16. Greater Social Identities
David Tennant (Joe 2007) Julia Gillard (DPMCCA n.d.) Keanu Reeves (S Weintraub 2010)
S Weintraub 'Exclusive: Keanu Reeves on COWBOY BEBOP, 47 RONIN, PASSENGERS, GENERATION UM, and Other Developing Projects'http://collider.com/keanu-reeves-interview-cowboy-bebop-47-ronin-generation-um/48872/Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet in Canberra, Australia (n.d.) 'Your PM' http://www.pm.gov.au/your-pmJoe 'Who Finale' http://forbiddenplanet.co.uk/blog/2007/who-finale/
17. Identity is still based on the eye of the beholder
A greater social identity is more defined because there is more material by which to draw conclusions from.
More closely resembles interpersonal identities than other social identities.