United Way Worldwide Identifying & Creating Nonprofit Content and Content Strategy Extending the Reach and Influence of Nonprofits with Social Media #nonprofitsm

Identifying & Creating Nonprofit Content and Content Strategy

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"Extending the Reach and Influence of Nonprofits with Social Media" presented to the United Way on 4 June, 2013. This is only my portion of the presentation -- there are other presenters. I will add the whole deck when I get their approval.

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Page 1: Identifying & Creating Nonprofit Content and Content Strategy

United Way Worldwide

Identifying & Creating Nonprofit Content and Content StrategyExtending the Reach and Influence of Nonprofits with Social Media


Page 2: Identifying & Creating Nonprofit Content and Content Strategy

April 11, 20232

Chris Abraham is a leading expert in digital: online reputation management (ORM), Internet privacy, social media marketing and digital PR with a focus on blogger outreach, blogger engagement and Internet crisis response.

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @chrisabraham

Google+: rnnr.us/plus

Facebook: facebook.com/chrisabraham

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/chrisabraham

Blog: chrisabraham.com

Mobile: +1 202-352-5051

Hashtag: #nonprofitsm

Chris Abraham


Page 3: Identifying & Creating Nonprofit Content and Content Strategy

April 11, 20233

• Your Organization

• Your illustrious history

• Your noble vision

• Your past wins

• Your narrative

• Your Staff

• Empower personal brand development

• Your Industry

• Industry news and happenings

• How do you influence the industry?

• How does your industry influence you?

Content Strategy


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April 11, 20234

• Your Issue

• Stop preaching to the choir

• No inside baseball or wonking out

• Remediate, remediate, remediate

• The News

• The news effects us all

• How are you part of the news?

• How does it effect your nonprofit?

• The Influencers

• Share the news of others – best way to connect

• People always notice retweets, shares, etc

Content Strategy


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• Social Media

• Online Influencers (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc)

• Twitter Lists (Create Your Own or Discover Public Lists)

• Keywords & Hashtags (Hitchhike or Create)

• Who do the influencers follow?

• Mainstream Media

• Mainstream Media Clipping Services (Meltwater News)

• Mainstream Media Email Alerts (WaPo, FT, NYT, etc)

• Organizations’ & Associations’ Email Lists

• Internet Search

• Google Alerts

Sourcing News


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• Feeds & Newsreaders

• Netvibes

• NewsBlur

• Feedly

• The Old Reader

• Reeder

• NetNewsWire

• Flipboard

• (TweetDeck)

• Blogs

• Alltop, Technorati, Google Search, Blogroll

Sourcing News


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April 11, 20237

Follow Influencers


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Like Facebook Pages


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Add Google+ Pages


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Twitter Lists


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Meltwater News


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Google Alerts


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OutsourcingWhen social media isn’t your core competency

Or, let’s be honest, you really hate social media

• When you can’t put the time in to do the reading

• When you don’t enjoy doing the writing

• When you haven’t mastered the art of social media grammar, protocol, hash tagging, semantics, timing, or format

• When you’re not yet in tune with the social mediasphere

When you need to extend and expand the volume, texture, and consistency of your content coverage

• Social media is a 24/7/365 commitment


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April 11, 202323

Social Media Maxima


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April 11, 202324

Thank You!

If you have any questions at all, you can reach me directly:

Email: [email protected] Mobile: +1 202-352-5051

Twitter: @chrisabraham

Google+: rnnr.us/plus

Facebook: facebook.com/chrisabraham

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/chrisabraham

Blog: chrisabraham.com

Socialmedia.biz: socialmedia.biz/author/chrisabraham

Biznology.com: biznology.com/author/chrisabraham/

Huffington Post: huffingtonpost.com/chris-abraham/
