Japanese economy S1200210 Adachi Seichi

Japanese economy

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Page 1: Japanese economy

Japanese economy

S1200210 Adachi Seichi

Page 2: Japanese economy

Which is good, Strong yen or weaker yen.

• We have to think which is good, strong yen or weaker yen.

• We have to think Japan depend on export, and Japan import many resource, and so on.

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• Japan sell the things all over the world.

• The most famous corporation is TOYOTA.

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Good point of strong yen

• Japan depend on many resource, so when strong yen, we can get the resource low cost.

– For example oil, a rare metal, food, and so on

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Bad point of strong yen

• Many tourists don’t come japan, because when yen is strong, the other countries money will be poor.

• Industry go bad, because Japanese things which is sold over the world, price go high price.

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The good point of Yen

• Current account balance in Japan are good, so japan is stability is very good.

– If the economy go bad in the world, Yen is bought For example, Subprime mortgage crisis.

– Recently when the economy go bad in the world, many people buy the gold.

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The bad point of Yen

• Yen depend on the west of Asia.

– Chinese problem, Korean problem, Russia problem, so on.

– If the north Korea do missile tests, Yen is sold

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domestic consumption

• When Yen is strong

– Japan is deflation now. Yen is strong, deflation will be more deflation.

– Domestic consumption will be more and more deflation, the economic will be worse.

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domestic consumption

• Japan will be more and more weak yen, because Japan is deflation now.

• Deflation cause worth economic.

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• Yen is strong have good and bad points, Yen is weak have also good and bad points.

• Japan is deflation. Deflation will cause bad economy.

• I think Yen is strong while Japan is under deflation.

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• Spending cap likely needed if Japan is to meet fiscal reform goal ww.japantimes.co.jp/news/2015/07/01/business/economy-business/spending-cap-likely-needed-japan-meet-fiscal-reform-goal/#.VZbihEb2Qu9 • The gold one IS the cheapest! http://forums.macrumors.com/threads/the-gold-one-is-the-cheapest.1842106/

• Five Reasons To Fear Deflation http://stockbuz.net/articles/five-reasons-to-fear-deflation?context=tag-deflation • Strong yen weighs on Japanese manufacturers http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/c622bd4c-edab-11e0-a9a9-00144feab49a.html#axzz3erII4qIv

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