Marketing and PR Presentation

Lo4 Booklet

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Marketing and PR Presentation

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ObjectivesAs Crumple Zone’s marketing company, our main objective is to bring them back to life through a ‘Summon Impossible Dreams: Greatest hit tour’ this tour will include there previous successful songs (for example Jealous Leading and day or not) and also there new modern electric album ‘Summon Impossible Dreams’. We have made sure that this tour will run through the Christmas holidays so that Crumple Zones target audience are free and available to join the different concerts around the world. The tour dates that we are going to release are locations from New Zealand to California USA, the fact that it’s going to cover the whole world just shows how successful the band is. By creating this tour it means that old fans can go to this and see there favourite band again, this raises awareness and helps them to promote there new album that there fans should love. The audience that Crumple Zone have targeted in the past was 18-19 year old women (when the band was in there 20’s and at there peak of success), they were a modern electric band that grabbed a lot of female attention through there looks and music type as not many other bands were doing electric music at the time, it was something new and fresh that the audience liked. Now in 2013 the target market for this band will be women in there 50’s as they have kept being fans with Crumple Zone, we want to keep targeting this kind of market because they would prefer supporting a band that they’ve always cared about, whilst a younger audience wouldn’t want to support this band as they would be classed as ‘too old’ for there age group. The sales that we want for the new album ‘Summon Impossible Dreams’ is around about 2 million, we feel that this amount would be really incredible for the band and think that this will raise enough awareness so that newspapers, websites and programs can talk about them through positive publicity. We would try produce 2 million records sales by constantly playing the song on Radio 2 and Capital FM etc, these radio stations have millions of listening combined and this will help the audience to listen to the song before they buy it. Another method that we would use to sell sales would be going on a lot of talk shows and magazine interviews, the type of talk shows that Crumple Zone would go on would be Graham Norton and Jools Holland, these are great opportunity as they both allow you to perform the music but also want to talk to you as well. Which is what the band needs, they need people to understand there personality and why they want to be involved with music again after all this time. Methods like this will help to raise sales but also contribute build up excitement for the grand tour itself. The target market for this band will watch Loose Women and read magazine’s like ‘Now’ so by having one member of the band on a Loose women program it means it fits the target market perfectly.

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Band Profile

Name: Crumple Zone

Age: 60 Years Old

Previous releases: Melbourne, XHFW-TV, Faiella and Matrix

Genre: Electric

Style: Leather, Tight Jeans, Stretchers and Motorbike Fanatics

Contemporaries: Queen, Pink Floyd, ACDC

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AudienceThe audience for the band Crumple Zone will be for women in the 50’s, we have chosen this target market for the fact that they have grown up with this band in the 70’s so they know about there fashion trends, who they are and what there music is like. The women that support this band would be quite quirky in the way they look, when researching the fans I found that a lot of women had some sort of dye in there hair which was a mixture of colours from blue to pink, this proved that they don’t mind expressing who they are and what they like. The clothes were also very colourful and the use of patterned tights were used quite often, this stereotypical showed that women that like Electric music like to dress differently and be very colourful. We also found that our audience have families of there own and that they are a social status of BC which means they are comfortable and hard working people that enjoy both work and social opportunities. When the band toured around the world we met fans that were lovely people and kind but were willing to be crazy when the band played music, this shows that they have a strong personality that we couldn’t ignore. Now meeting the fans in there 50’s you can see how mature they are but still in love with this band and what they have to offer. We believe that they love Crumple Zone because of mainly there looks when they were in there 20’s, there attitude towards there fans was obvious from the beginning, whenever there was a concert they would always introduce a new fan onto the stage so that they can dance and have a amazing time. That’s what there aim was, to bring people together and dance to there music so that it made it more catching and addictive (which got them more sales in the end). Now that the members in the band are 60 years of age they look completely different like Pink Floyd’s men have, two of the men have curly grey hair with there distinctive features, whilst the third male has shaved his hair completely as he didn’t want grey hair yet, finally the last male has a well cut hairstyle which makes him look more mature and modern. That last man is called Levi, he was the favourite man amongst the female fans (Harry Styles of the group) as he was always the lead vocalist and had incredible moves like Mike Jagger. His dance moves always went to the beat of the electric music which helped the audience to get involve and dance as well which made the atmosphere much stronger. Another reason why the audience loves the band is that they always talk to each other, if a fan wants to talk to any member of the band then they will go on twitter which is @CrumpleZone and asks them different questions, wherever the band is they will always reply to there questions, this creates a big bond between fans and the band which to them is the most important thing. The two main bands that we found our audience liked as well was ‘Front Line Assembly’ and ‘Blur’ these bands both do electric music and are around a similar generation to Crumple Zone, this tells us that the generation that has grown up with bands like this have still kept working with them and being huge fans which will never die.


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MediaThese are a few magazines that they might be in NME, Q, Rolling stones. In the magazines they could be either pictures of the band or maybe them with funny pictures or showing off some clothes that they would wear, or interviews that the magazine has organised and then they questions and the answers of the band e.g. why did you break up in the first place or what made you decide that you should come back together.

The TV programmes we think that the band should be on is Jools Holland show, Graham Norton, BBC news and Paul O Grady, etc. On these programmes they can talk about their new album and their tour that they are doing for Christmas from New Zealand to the USA .

These are a few radio stations that the band will be on doing interviews or playing one of their new songs or maybe one of their greatest hits BBC 1,2,3,4,5 and 6, capital FM, BBC radio York, 104.7 Minster FM.

They would give interviews to magazines, TV and radio stations. This is so then people who were fans of Crumple zone know that they are getting together for a greatest hits tour and a new album as they maybe getting back together but they maybe just doing the one off for Christmas album and tour.

The social media that they may use will be things like the Internet, facebook, twitter, MySpace, bebo etc. They will use these as then if the family member has this social media then they can tell their family member that likes it that they are getting back together for the greatest hits and then they can get tickets to see them for example when they come to the UK.

We would use the social media to advertise the bands return and also to have their own webpage and facebook page maybe that someone has set up for them and the same on twitter and the retweet people that tweet them and tell them about different events. You never know maybe younger people might like them too

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The merchandises that we will use for to promote the band will be on their website and at their concerts.

The merchandises that will be there will be things like…• T-shirts with their logo and maybe their tour dates on the back• Leather wristbands with the bands name engraved on them and maybe there logo but small at the side of their name.• Pin badges • Rucksacks or shoulder bags with the logo on it • Hoodies- picture, name, quote etc• Stickers- of the band• Posters- younger versions of them and now a days. • Phone cases • DVDs of the concert• CDs of their songs e.g. Their new album “summon impossible dream” greatest hits.

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Manage the message

We want the audience to remember this band as they have had a long break (20 years) and they want the message to say that they are still going and they are ready to create another album and ready to show people that they are not ready to give up on their fans. Crumple Zone have used social media to get there message across to there fans, this has hit a mainstream audience which means everyone can find out about what they are doing and why they have come back. Using radio and interviews have also helped to raise there awareness.

The main selling point would be the advertising and how it is presented as then people will want to come and see them in concert, and want to see how they have changed since they liked them when they were younger.

There was one critic that came to one of the concerts and said “ Crumple zone are a loud, and energetic band that attracts loads of people to come and shout and cheer at their concerts. They have draw lots of people to come to the concerts. The concert was a huge success and they have planned to do future event in this venue as that was the best venue which brought the biggest crowd which was Wimberley.They have reviews to make people think that the band will get new viewers and more of the public to like them, but they keep their message now which is “The music that we create will live on even when we have gone.” One of the critics messages was that when the band left/split up people still listened to their music to now and there is young kids in the family listen to the music too and love it too.

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Album: • The biggest seller out of all the albums yet• 5 start rating • The biggest come back ever• The surprise you’ve been waiting for• The crumple zone has a great return• The crumple zone strikes back

Tour•The biggest successful return•Biggest audience ever •Loudest band •Coolest band ever•Again next year

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EventsThe main event that needs to be promoted for Crumple Zone is the ‘Greatest Hits Tour’. However, there is also the release of the new album ‘Summon Impossible Dreams’ that would need to be promoted as well. The main focus will be on the tour seeing as this includes the new album; these songs will be played on the tour so that some of the old fans can hear the new music from a band that they used to love.

There could be small, secret gigs of previous albums and containing music from when they were popular before hand, with the theme of a different album a night. People who used to be fans and once subscribed to fan emails, bought merchandise or went to see gigs etc. would get emails and a first look at the secret gig dates and locations. It would also be a way of being loyal to the true and old fans of Crumple Zone.

Because this is a re-launch of a previously popular band, we could start the advertising for the ‘Greatest Hits’ tour with viral advertisements across television programmes, different web pages, magazines and newspapers. The viral adverts would be bursts of the most popular songs that Crumple Zone released when they were at their peak of fame. This could be the motivation of the media; they would want to gain an interview or some kind of contact with Crumple Zone because the viral advertising would make what is actually happening vague and unexplained to the public. Every magazine and television show would want to be the first to find out what is going on etc. and provide that information to the public who would be on the edge of their seats to find out what was going on.

The band would make appearances on a few different television shows to talk about their upcoming tour, their new album and their re-launch back into music. They will be seen on television shows such as The Jonathon Ross Show, Paul O’Grady and Graham Norton; different talk shows that are viewed by different audiences but which will also target the intended audience. They could also be on shows such as Chelsea Lately in the USA because the tour will be international and Crumple Zone need to appeal to their whole audience. They will talk about their new album and their upcoming ‘Greatest Hits’ tour without giving too much away so that it is still slightly mysterious for the public like the viral adverts.

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Internal motivationThe internal motivation behind this project is that Crumple Zone have chosen to re-launch themselves to the public and to make themselves popular and involved once again in the music industry. It is also a way to make money from the sales of the new album and the ticket sales for the ‘Greatest Hits’ tour. They also want this to be an enjoyable experience for the fans. Fans were upset and unhappy when the band split up 12 years ago, and so they want to reform to make the fans happy. This also guarantees popularity and success for Crumple Zone because they already have a fan base from their popularity and music production in the 90s.

The band did not split from any arguments or falling outs between the band members so it is easy for them to reform and play again together. The band split due to the fact that the members wanted to spend more time with their families.

It is an important project for us as a marketing and PR team because if this is pulled off well and the project is successful then there will be a good word of mouth of us as a team and we could be asked to do more marketing and PR for other people. If Crumple Zone become popular once more and the album and ticket sales for the tour are popular and successful then there will also be a money and fame advantage as well.

This project is important for the band because they want to reform and do what they once really enjoyed doing again. They loved their job before and they want to do it again. They also love their fans and they want to please them. It is also kind of a way of testing with the public and the fans to see if they could become a popular band again; if so then they will carry on.

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Motivation of mediaThe media would be interested in this project because when Crumple Zone were younger they were very popular, and were in the media a lot then. The reformation of the band for the tour and the album will mean that a lot of old fans will be excited about this and so therefore there will be a lot of media coverage allowed about it across different media outlets and platforms.

The media could also be interested in this project because they will all want an exclusive interview or some kinds of information, especially at the beginning of the advertising for the album and for the tour. The viral advertising will cause a stir across the media; it will make different media companies try to guess for themselves what is going on and what the advertisements are actually about. Once they realise that it is Crumple Zone’s advert then they will want to talk to them as a band or just a member in a one on one interview to try and get as much gossip and information as possible.

I think that mostly radio outlets e.g. Radio 1,2,4 and 5 would be interested in the story and project because they all belong to the BBC, and the BBC broadcast to a range of different audiences through their different radio shows. Radio one is mostly around the ages of 15-29 year olds and radio 2, 4 and 5 is to age groups over 35. Other radio stations that would be interested in this project would be Capital FM because they are interested in any kind of music and play to multiple audiences. Radio York would also be interested in this project because the band originated from York, this is where all 4 band members are from, so they would love to be involved.

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SMARTSpecific: Is there a clear aim? There is not a clear aim or a reason for wanting to do this project. There is a rather obvious aim for success that is not really something that can be worked to achieve; it will either happen or it won’t. This project can almost guarantee success because the band has previously been popular and people will jump at the chance to see them reform. This is similar to when the band Take That split up in 1996 and then announced a reunion tour and reformed in 2006. They were just as successful the 2nd time round which inspired them to start making music together again.

Measureable: How will you measure the effect?The effect of the success of Crumple Zone can be measured simply by how many of the new albums are bought by the end of the promotion for it, and also how many tickets are sold for the tour. We are aiming for 2 million sales of the album and it is estimated over 400,000 ticket sales for the tour. The success of the re-launch will be measured by whether we reach our target and estimated ticket and album sales.

Achievable: Is it something that you can do?Crumple Zone are capable of achieving these target sales for their album and tour tickets because they are a familiar band that people know and who people love. The hope is that as soon as people hear about the band making music again and somehow reforming that people will jump at the news and the chance to see them again. People will buy the album and the tickets because of the main news that the band is back together. This will drive sales and also their popularity so that our aim could realistically be achieved.

Realistic: Is this something that would actually happen?If all of the old fans support the band this time around then theoretically, Crumple Zone should have the same amount of success and fame as before! Realistically, this is achievable and quite within reach for the band with their re-launch. It should be easily reached.

Time-related: Are there timescales for your project?The only time scale that would really apply here would be when the album sales drop dramatically so we know that the main sales are over. We can also use the final date of the tour as a time scale because that is when we will know the final number of ticket sales. These are the two bits of information that we need to know to be sure that the project has been successful.