Making a simple jQuery plug-in

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Making a simple jQuery plug-in

Dylan Fogarty-MacDonald


jquery.comA Javascript library.

jQuery plug-ins

Two types of plug-ins:

Utility array, callback )

jQuery commands
$("p").click( function )

An example of writing a little plug-in

Spock *
A jQuery command which will (hopefully) find proper nouns in the elements' text and wrap them in a span with a class of keyword.


* I was watching an episode of Star Trek at the time.


Create a file for the plug-in

1. Create a file for the plug-in

Naming convention:


In Spock's case:



Create a file for the plug-in

Make a closure

2. Make a closure

All plug-in code should be within a closure. Pass jQuery to the closure and alias it to $. This allows you to safely use $ within your plug-in code (and not worry about clashing with other libraries or frameworks who use $ too).

(function ($) {

// 1227 plug-1n c0dez go here



Create a file for the plug-in

Make a closure

Define the jQuery command

3. Define the jQuery command

Extend the $.fn object. *

(function ($) {$.fn.extend({spock: function() { // Stop. Hammertime!} });})(jQuery);

* $.fn is an alias for the prototype property of the jQuery constructor function.


Create a file for the plug-in

Make a closure

Define the jQuery command

Return the jQuery wrapped set from function body

4. Return jQuery wrapped set

jQuery hackers don't want their chains broken.


Return a jQuery wrapped set so your plug-in can take part in the chain:

return $(this);


Create a file for the plug-in

Make a closure

Define the jQuery command

Return the jQuery wrapped set from function body

Set up options hash

5. Set up options hash

Users of the plug-in will want to configure it. Set up a hash of defaults and allow them to be overridden by options passed to the plug-in function when it's called.

$("p").spock({ spanClass: "encino-man"});

5. Set up options hash

(function ($) { var opts;

$.fn.extend({ spock: function(options) { opts = $.extend({},$.fn.spock.defaults,options); } }); $.fn.spock.defaults = { spanClass: "keyword" };})(jQuery);


Create a file for the plug-in

Make a closure

Define the jQuery command

Return the jQuery wrapped set from function body

Set up options hash

Private methods

6. Private methods

$.fn.extend({ spock: function(options) { opts = $.extend({},$.fn.spock.defaults,options); return this.each(processElements); } });

function processElements () { // Frodo, don't put on the ring }


Create a file for the plug-in

Make a closure

Define the jQuery command

Return the jQuery wrapped set from function body

Set up options hash

Private methods


7. Events

Your users will probably want to customise functionality. Assign a private method to a default option. Call the method through its option property. This way the users can hook into events via the options hash.

$("p").spock({ processKeyword: function (match) { return ""+match+""; }});

7. Events

$.fn.spock.defaults = { processKeyword: processKeyword };

function processElements () { // ... return opts.processKeyword(match); // ... }

function processKeyword (match) { // Kiss my aura, Dora. }


The Spock code is on Github:

I'll put these slides online and tweet it through: @dylanfm