Analyzing Man on a Ledge

Man on a ledge

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Page 1: Man on a ledge

Analyzing Man on a Ledge

Page 2: Man on a ledge

This is the beginning shot of the trailer, it is a distance shot(establishing shot) showing where the main action will happen. This is also a high angle shot.

This is a birds eye shot from the main building that will be involved in the film, at this point there is only non-diagetic sound of the soundtrack.

This is a medium close up of the main character in low key lighting making it still mysterious to us as who it is. There is still non-diagetic sound track as well.

This shot shows the the main character who we can see now from a medium shot getting out a window, this shot still has non-diagetic sound as the sound track.

Page 3: Man on a ledge

This shot shows the man from a medium close up shot from what he is doing by getting out of the window, this is also a high angle shot of him.

This is again a high angle shot of his feet and how close he is to the edge, and from he we are getting diagetic sounds as well from the street and cars going by.

This is again a birds eye shot showing him on the ledge and the height he is at. Again the diagetic sounds carry on as well as the non-diagetic one. The scenes are also quite fast paced as well at this point.

This shot is again medium close up featuring non-diagetic and diagetic sound, this is a quite a fast paced shot showing his reaction to being on this ledge.

Page 4: Man on a ledge

There is then this reaction shot from a person in the public, this is a birds eye shot loking down on this person, this is also a fast paced shot and there is again diagetic and non-diagetic sound.

This shot is a medium range shot , showing still the woman's reaction to the man and wear he is standing. It is also a fast paced shot, and the dialogue is diagetic as well.

The company logo is shown at this stage showing which company made this film, this may make people watch this because they could have seen the films before.

This is another fast paced shot of police getting out of the van, this is a low angle shot and there is diagetic sound of the city as well as non-diagetic of a news reporter talking .

Page 5: Man on a ledge

This is a low angle shot of the news reporter, on this shot there is diagetic sound of her talking, this then carries on for a few further shots. This is also a fast paced shot.

This shot is a low angle shot of the helicpter going to have a look, there is still the non-diagetic sound of the news reporter talking, this is a fast paced scene as well.

There is then another birds eye view looking down on what’s happening below.

This shot is a medium close up and shows a person getting out of a looking up to the ledge where the man is standing.

Page 6: Man on a ledge

This is a high angle shot sowing where again he is on the ledge, this shot includes non-diagetic and diagetic sounds. Again this is a fast paced shot.

This next shot is a medium range shot showing a fight, it is fast paced again and has diagetic as well as non-diagetic dialogue in it.

This shot is a high angle shot and must have been form a helicopter, the fast paced action matches the speed of the cars.

This shot is again a extreme close up showing the face of the man running from the police, at this point the only diagetic sound is around him but not from him.

Page 7: Man on a ledge

This shot has the diagetic sound of the trains horn as well as non-diagetic from the sound effects, it is also a low angled shot that is fast paced.

On this shot there is diagetic sound from here talking to her team as well as non-diagetic from the soundtracks, it is also a medium close up, again it is fast paced.

This shot is a medium close up of the man that a diamond was stolen from, the sound for this shot was non-diagetic, the sound from the woman talking previously.

This is a close up of the diamond that was stolen from the man in the previous shot, again the the conversation carries on non-diagetically.

Page 8: Man on a ledge

This shot is another birds eye view of the people down below from the height that he is. There is only the non-diagetic sound of the dialogue. Again the shot is fast paced.

It then cuts to the shot of the police turning up and the siren is the only diagetic sound in that shot, it is also a medium range shot, again fast paced.

This shot is a high angle shot, but also medium close up as well, the diagetic sound is him talking and thatis the only sound. It is also a fast paced shot.

It then cuts to a distant shot of the crowd that is gathereing below.You can hear no-diagetic and diagetic sounds here from the cowd and the dialogue. Again it is another fast paced shot.

Page 9: Man on a ledge

It then has a high angle shot of him still on the ledge, this includes both diagetic and non-diagetic sounds from the crowd and dialogue. It is also quite a long shot as well as fast.

This is a close up shot of him and his reaction to him team on another building. Again its fast paced include diagetic of him talking and non-diagetic of his team talking.

This shot is a medium shot showing a conversation between the man on the ledge and him including diagetic sound of the conversation.

This is another birds eye shot of the man on the ledge, a high angle shot of him throwing money off the ledge. This is again a fast paced scene including non-diagetic sound.

Page 10: Man on a ledge

This is a reaction shot of the people below grabbing the money there is diagetic sound of the crowd cheering as well as the conversation still going on. This shot is also a high angle shot as well.

This is a long distance shot of the special effects of the explosion over on the other building. This shot is also low angle as well as fast paced, again both diagetic and non-diagetic sounds are in their.

In this shot the only diagetic sound is of the rope and nothing else, there is this low angle shot/ birds eye shot as well, in this low light area.

He then gets the news that his team are in, they show his reaction with a medium close up shot, still at a fast pace.

Page 11: Man on a ledge

This inter title is the next thing to appear on the screen, they have used this well because this might make people want to see this if they have seen Transformers etc….

This is a sort of over the shoulder shot of the conversation she is trying to have, it is also at a slight low angle as well, the conversation starts diagetic but then goes to non-diagetic in the following shots.

This shot is a panning shot as well as a medium shot, it also begins at an lowish angle as well. The shot is also fast paced with only the sound of the fire extinguisher in it.

It then carries on the conversation with this low angle close up shot of him talking back to her. The conversation at this point has turned back to diagetic.

Page 12: Man on a ledge

After the conversation that he has , it cuts to this shot, extreme close up of the man he sees as responsible. Again it is a fast paced shot.

There is then the shot of his team mate, it is a medium close up and the conversation is at this point diagetic, it is also fast paced.

At this shot it is medium range and there is diagetic noise from the computers alarms, there is no dialogue but the background music carries on non-diagetically.

After that shot it cross cuts to this close up, there is diagetic dialogue from this man and non-diagetic from the soundtracks.

Page 13: Man on a ledge

At this point there is again non-diagetic sound from the conversation with the man on the ledge (Nick), but the shot is low angle and very fast paced.

We have it then cutting to this shot of a close up with diagetic text from this shot. Again they have gone for the fast paced shot.

This is probably the fastest paced shots in the trailer and includes non-diagetic sound from command. This shot is really an over the shoulder shot showing the police about to abseil.

This shot is over the negotiator showing a mid range shot and diagetic sound of her talking, again it has very fast pace.

Page 14: Man on a ledge

This shot is a mid range shot of Nicks teams goal, and there is non-diagetic and diagetic sound of him talking to nick and from the soundtrack. Again fast paced shot.

This is another shot of the ground with all of the people round the building, again it is a birds eye view shot, fast paced with non-diagetic sound from Nick talking.

This is a low angle shot of the helicopter at long distance trying to get a view of Nick, it is fast paced as well as the non-diagetic music also being fast paced at this time as well.

This is a medium shot of Nick trying to get a grip on the ledge, the non-diagetic music carries on, its fast paced and is sort of a panning shot.

Page 15: Man on a ledge

This shot you see the police officers at a medium close up at the camera , with the non-diagetic music carries on, this shot is very short but fast paced again.

Again this is fast paced and the must is still on going with no dialogue in this shot, and there is the low angle shot as he is jumping off the ledge.

The music then hits its end note when this appears on screen, grabbing the audiences attention one last time, and then stops. The title is again animated like the Lawless trailer.