Sophie Barber

Music Video Evaluation2

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Page 1: Music Video Evaluation2

Sophie Barber

Page 2: Music Video Evaluation2

Andrew Goodwin’s Theory to Music Video Analysis.

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Many key features have been identified by Andrew Goodwin in his music video theory

which distinguish a music video. He believes that there is a relationship between the lyrics and the visuals, whether that be contradicting

them or illustrating them. He also believes that there is intertextual references to other

music videos, films or TV programmes. He has many theories into a music video which

I do not believe my video possess as much as they should and that would have been

something to consider before producing my products.

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Conventional ideas towards my product have been linked to the artist and genre of the artist and track rather than the conventional ideas of

a music video. Lily Allen is rather a funky individual who’s genre is mainly based on

unconventional idea’s using bright colours and her own individual style.

I have tried to incorporate this style in to my video and work by using bright colours and

funky styles through clothing of some people appearing in the video, the way some of the

video is acted out (such as the card style chorus) and through editing, especially towards

the end with different effects running across the screen which I have tried to make different

each time.There is also clips of Lily Allen herself which links

to one of Goodwin’s theory. Also linking to Goodwin’s theory is the relationship between lyrics and the visuals using the card effect like

Bob Dylan’s and with other clips as well.

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Bob Dylan- Subterranean Blues

In my video I continuously use the idea of using cards to highlight

parts in my chorus. This idea I had from one of the first music videos

ever made, a song called Subterranean Blues by Bob Dylan.

This shows conventions of real products and uses the theory of

Andrew Goodwin’s work. Throughout this video there is one

boy stood swapping around the cards like in my own video,

although it is simple, it is effective and was a very successful video,

just how I wish mine to be.

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The way in which my music and ancillary products can be linked is through the idea of bright colours and types of fonts used

throughout. It is apparent in both my video and products that the same font is used and

similar colours. However I believe the darker CD cover is more effective and the colourful poster is. The darker CD cover is

unconventional in my theme but still seems effective with some idea of colour in the

fonts. The images which are used throughout the products and digi-packs are

all the same, original images taken by myself and effective on the products. I

believe it is a good, effective combination and going off feedback from my audience

they too are happy with the outcome of the combination.

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I do believe I could have made my products better. The poster and CD

covers are all really simple and plain and I believe by using the software

which I had I could have made these more effective.

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My audience feedback has been vital to me and my production of the combination of

products. The main success from my audience feedback is that it has helped

me find faults in my video that I had noticed myself first time. They also told me their opinions of what they thought I could improve on and what they’d prefer to see. This has helped me to produce a

video and supporting products to my best ability for the audience.

I have learnt from this that the audience feedback is vitally important in producing any media product and does help to be more successful and effective in your


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I used many examples of media technologies throughout all the stages of my work. Many programmes and software was used to get work to a better quality in addition to the

camera’s that I used to shoot my video and take pictures of my shoot locations with. Also media technologies such as social networking sites like Yahoo!, MySpace and Facebook have helped me through my coursework. Examples of programmes I have used include the usual

Microsoft PowerPoint and Word as well different programmes such as Macromedia

Fireworks and Pinnacle Studio to produce my video and supporting products. These last two programmes were very successful in editing

and making my work a better quality than what they would have been using the usual

Microsoft programmes.

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In conclusion it has already been said that I believe that I could have improved my products a bit more to make them more effective and successful given the time

that was available and also the programmes. However I do believe that over all it has come together well and my products as a whole have been as

effective as they could and my video is quite successful in the way it uses conventions, or in Lily Allen’s case,

unconventional things.