The product

Pepsi Advertisment presentation

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The product

The target audience-generally anyone between 15 to 50,

specially those people are health conscious.-all genders and races.

Images-Chinese monks showing some Kung Fu knacks before and after drinking Pepsi;-they have also Pepsi sign on their forehead;-drinking Pepsi is like a ritual;

What do the images communicate?-that everybody who drink Pepsi become stronger;-he become a member of a community (Kung Fu-Pepsi).

Body language-any individual accomplishes skills that are achieved after hard work;-after drinking Pepsi they feel more relaxed and satisfied.

Music-chinese music used to mark the atmosphere of martial arts.

Emotions-the ad doesn’t play on the emotion of envy or anxiety;-it’s a serious, positive one.

Information-there isn’t any specific information about the product as price, taste or its components;-only the fact that it makes people stronger and more satisfied by theirselves.

Does it work?-I think it works because there are used serious people like monks;-the product is advertised in a very unusual way and theme.

What is most heavily used?-ethos – because it doesn’t rely upon emotion not to lose credibility;-it is based on the seriosity of the chosen theme for advertising –martial arts.

No violence!-the fighting is presented as an art.No sexuality!

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