Perks of being a wallflower

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  • 1. Camera & sound 0 Establishing shots are mostly used in this trailer. This isperhaps to highlight the location i.e. a school which is one of the conventional locations for a coming of age film. 0 Also the camera pans a lot throughout the whole trailer and this could suggest how fast events may happen. 0 The sound in this trailer is mostly important dialogue such as I didnt think anyone noticed me or I really want to turn things around this year. Furthermore, the fast paced music highlights the target audience; teenagers. 0 In our trailer, we would incorporate an establishing shot and a range of mid shots to introduce the location and the characters.

2. Editing & mis en scene 0 Important visual this acts almost as a summary tothe film.0 It can also be used as character introduction.The students are all in the typical high school varsity jacket to add to the high school feel. 3. How it links to genre? 0 It tackles controversial issues such as bullying andtargets a teenage audience. 0 It contains themes that are especially typical of a coming of age movie such as drugs, relationships and friendships. 0 It follows the conventions of coming of age movies i.e. a protagonist who has some sort of secret or problem that will affect their high school life. 0 It challenges the fact that most main characters in coming of age movies are female. 4. Narrative structure Strauss 0 Strausss theory of binary opposites can be appliedthrough the different character types that are present in the trailer. 0 Male (Charlie) vs. female(Sam) 0 Strong(bullies) vs. weak(Charlie, Sam) 0 Protagonist vs. antagonist 5. Todorov 0 Equilibrium- New school, new friends. The idea of afresh start. 0 Disequilibrium- Charlie being bullied at school. Admitting that his aunt abused him. 0 New equilibriumBeing admitted to a mental hospital. 6. Propp 0 Propp theory can be applied through characters suchas: 0 Sam and Patrick who are seen as the HELPERS to Charlie 0 Sam also takes the role of the PRINCESS. 7. How it links into poster and magazine cover? The magazine cover mainly highlights the coming of age theme. The characters been wild.The characters have dark hair and this is darkens the top part of the magazine and may highlight the tragedy in the film.The female character is seen as dominant in this image. 8. Actors and actresses perhaps to attract teenage audience. The theatrical poster has a lighter feel to it. The font is a mixture Trixie Rough Light and Trixie Rough Heavy Almost like a summary. This phrase goes with the whole coming of age theme.The female character seems like the dominant one in the image The magazine cover and the poster seems to blend in well with each other both highlighting the female characters power but the magazine cover hints on the drama aspects in the film.