Planning My Text Genre: Horror/Thriller

Planningmytext final draft

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Planning My Text

Genre: Horror/Thriller

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First Ideas

• A horror/thriller film trailer based on the lines of Pandora's box or a special object, which links to demonic possession of a character. The main character being an innocent girl; a conventional character for horror/thriller films.

This was the least popular option from the survey, but we may include some parts of this idea.OR…• Or a horror/thriller film trailer in the killer's point of view, his

perspective of why they are a killer, you see everything the way they see it. The killer would be the hero and the villain; the victim of possession. This is unconventional of horror/thriller films and so makes this idea new and more exciting for the audience.

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Narrative Ideas

1. Innocent girl walking her dog, her dog wonders into the church yard. 2. The dog disappears around a corner, she hears a creaking inside the

church that makes her investigate inside.3. A shadow/ cloaked figure moves down the side of the wall and

disappears.4. Girl calls out but no answer.5. Shadow/figure possesses her (use cuts to black, like in Cloverfield film

trailer).6. Starts going mad (shown in black and white and using mirror effects)

and is unaware of this state. She can’t remember when she’s normal.7. She starts killing her family (not necessarily shown in trailer).8. Starts to realise (using flashbacks), she sets up a hand held camera to

record what’s happening.9. Seeks help to fight demon (from friend/sister). 10. Realises she can’t and kills herself (left as a mystery: if it was her or

the demon inside her).

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Title Ideas

• In Her Eyes• Through Her Eyes • Point Of View • Perspective• Nightmares

We need a title that gives away the idea of a killer’s point of view; so these title ideas portray this. It’s also unconventional to do this in a horror film and will therefore attract more of an audience. On the other hand the title ‘Nightmares’ suggests some of it is real and some is not; this can be worked out during the trailer by the audience and perhaps attracting them more as they want to work it out.

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1. Girl (the main character) - The Villain and the hero, the victim of possession (name: Madeleine Blackwell).

Actress: Anna Self, studies drama at GSCE, 14 years old, fits in with the normal image, innocent; these factors are conventional of thriller/horror films.

2. Sister/friend- Amy Blackwell, acts as the helper/friend (props theory), is killed by Madeleine. Actress: me, actually sister of Anna, as I'm playing her sister in the trailer it will look more realistic.

3. Extras- people in the background, around Cabot Circus and school.

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Anna Self- Madeleine

Zoe Self- Amy

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• Church (In Burnett)- where demon possesses Madeleine. A setting the audience can relate to and is an iconic location associated with fear.

• Ellie’s house (big and in rural area)- where family deaths occur (not necessarily shown), Madeleine and Amy’s home.

• Surrounding woods- where she could wake up from a killing, with blood down her front, or a chase.

• An urban setting, Bristol Cabot Circus (somewhere with houses, roads and people)- normality, to make it relatable and real. More interesting as there’s a wider range of settings.

• School- scene where Madeleine is with friends, goes crazy.

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Wellsway School

Cabot Circus, Bristol

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Our local woods

Ellie’s house

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Locations The church, Burnett

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Costumes And Props

Costumes• Simple, everyday wear (jeans and T-shirts), relevant for context.

Makes it look real and believable which our research has shown to be important to horror/thriller, also conventional.

Props• The dog is one of the main props, it allows the audience to relate

to the characters, making it seem more realistic.

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Final Title And Font

Final Font:

Final Title: Nightmares

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Final Narrative

After chasing her dog into a church she should never have gone into, Madeleine Blackwell’s life takes a turn for the strange. She starts having blackouts and terrifying, vivid nightmares that may not be nightmares at all.

Madeleine is lured into a church after her dog disappears, it’s the place where the mysterious shadow will possess her. As her frenzies begin, she has no memory of what happens when they finish. She ends up destroying her family and friends. Her sister keeps her secret, but when things get out of hand it ends up destroying her too. Her closest friend attempts to help as she begins to develop a memory of what’s happening in her states of madness. But when the penny drops she realises she can’t fight it any more and she takes her own life… or did the demon inside her?

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