Qing Dynasty (pure) 1644-1911 The last dynasty in Chinese history

Qing dynasty

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Qing Dynasty (pure)1644-1911

The last dynasty in Chinese history

Two foreign reigns in Chinese history

Yuan Dynasty –Mongolians Genghis


Qing Dynasty – Manchurians


Foreign rule

Eight bannerstroops

Dorgon Manchurian ruling

Taiping rebellion Boxer Rebellion (1850-1864) (1898-1903)

1644 1911

Kang xi Qianglong 1662-1722 1736-1795 opium wars Tongzhi (1839-1860) restoration (1862-1874) 100 day’s


Ruling time

One of the most successful emperors in Chinese history (61 years of ruling)

Tours of inspections of the south

Compiled history books, encyclopedia, and Kangxi Dictionary

Emperor Kang Xi

Politically Manchu conquered China Culturally they were called “uncivilized northern

tribe” Culturally Manchu was greatly sinocized by

Chinese culture Early Qing emperors studied Chinese classics

and Confucianism books systematically Kangxi could recite the Four Books and Five


Balancing Manchurian culture and Han Chinese traditions

Qing rulers adopted various Chinese political institutions

Assimilated sophisticated Chinese beliefs and way of life

Chinese culture was also influenced by Manchurian culture, such as the language “Mandarin”


Mutual influence

During his reign, the territory expanded to its greatest size

Compiled the Complete Library of Four Treasuries

(3,000 volumes of Chinese poetry and prose)

Emperor Qianlong

 served as a means to control trade with the west focused all trade on the southern port of Canton (now 

Guangzhou) Was highly resented by the foreign traders Trading product: silk, porcelain, tea

Canton System一口通商

-numerous military campaigns

- Corruption and extravagance

- Growing population 450 million

- Incompetent government

The Decline of Qing

The Opium Wars

1st Opium War (1839-1842)

2nd Opium War (1856-1860)

The coming of Modernity

The biggest peasant uprising in China’s history

Set up a rival dynasty in Nanjing

The Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace ( taiping tianguo)

Controlled a large portion of territory

Taiping Rebellion

Posed a serious challenge to the Manchu dynasty

Has great implications in later time

- Inspiration of Communist revolution - Source of rejection of Confucianism - Source of the idea of communism (collective cultivation of

the land) - Equality of the sexes and the prohibition of concubinage

arranged marriages, foot-binding, opium-smoking, and gambling.)

Tong zhi Restoration (1862-1874)

Self-strengthening movement -Zongli Yamen to deal with foreign powers -non-traditional subjects such as math were

offered -arsenals and shipyards were built -policy studies and questions on governance

became the focus

Qing Restoration

Guangxu (puppet emperor)

Kang Youwei

Liang Qichao

Tan Sitong

Sun Yat-Sen

One Hundred Day’s Reform

The goal of the reform is to turn the imperial system into a constitutional monarchy or republic government

The reform threatened the interests of upper class group and the reign of Ci Xi (Empress Dowager)

Emperor Guangxu was arrested, Kang and Liang fled, and Tan was executed.

Guangxu died in 14th Nov 1908 Ci xi 15th Nov 1908

100 years of cold case

2008 confirmed that he was poisoned to death

Ci xi / eunuchs / Yuan Shikai

Emperess Dowager Cixi

 an imperial concubine for the Xianfeng After Xianfeng’s death, she attended state

affairs behind the throne unofficially but effectively controlled the

Manchu Qing dynasty in China for 47 years, from 1861 to her death in 1908

Was claimed for the collapse of the Qing dynasty the most notorious empress in Chinese imperial


-resentment towards foreign power-target: Christian missionaries and foreign

embassies-was originally anti-qing movement-was used later to fight for foreign power-surpressed by the Eight Nation Alliance

Boxer rebellion


12th Feb 1012

The last Emperor