Question 6

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Hardwear used:Camera x2, apple computer, lights, iPhone.Softwear used: iMovie HD, Garage band, LiveType.

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Before starting this project, I had never properly used a video camera. We used two cameras to film our project: One hand held one, which was part of the film, and another, main camera, which we set up on tripods for a more professional look. As we were filming at night, we had to use lights to get enough light to see anything on the camera. The first time we tried, we only had a small light, and although the footage looked alright on the camera, when we uploaded it to the computer, it was too dark. We went back again to film, and that time used 2 lights, one much larger. Our shoots were then bright enough to use.

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I am a frequent user of social networking sites. However, they started to mean something new to me, when I needed feedback on my work. We were able to post our video on our social networking sites: Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. We could then ask for feedback on our work, and easily get a wide range of people’s opinions on it.

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YouTube was also used, to upload our film so we could share it on our blogs and social networking sites. We also took videos of YouTube for the sound. For example, for our sound of the camera fuzzing, we found a video of TV static, which said it was available for use by anyone. We then split the sound from the clip and used it in our film.

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Before the preliminary task I had never used a proper editing program before. We used iMovie and then used the upgraded version for our actual film, iMovie HD. We didn’t edit any of our scenes, on terms of contrast, etc. However, we edited the sound. We didn’t want there to be any non-diagetic sound in our film, so everything had to seem natural. In order to enhance tension, we took the sound of feet running from one scene, and copied it onto another. We also gave the camera the effect of breaking up, by giving the scene a pixelated effect, and the sound of technology fuzzing. We also had to change the volume in scenes, as many were quite quiet. However, in order to give our film a bit of background information, and to make the credits interesting at the beginning, we gave it a non-diagetic sound of a radio playing, talking about an event that happened in the woods. To do this, we used garage band, which we hadn’t used before. We recorded the voice straight onto the computer, than edited it in order to make it sound recognisably like a radio.

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We also used technological convergence to help us with our project. Although we had the video camera with us when shooting, we didn’t have a normal camera, so to take pictures of us during shooting we used a member of the group’s iphone, as it has a built in camera. Phones with Internet were also useful. We had problems with our ‘planning’ page on our blog, as the school Internet blocked it. However, we were still able to upload photos and posts, etc, on mobile phones, as their Internet was not blocked.

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Another piece of technology we used for our film was to create the title, LiveType. We tried the titles on iMovie HD, but none of them fitted with our theme. We tried the ones on LiveType, and chose one that fitted with the alien theme. I then had to learn how to put it into the movie and add some sound to it.