question 7

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Overall, I have learnt a lot about the codes and conventions of a music magazine along with the knowledge surrounding the different types of technology that I used e.g. audio recordings, video recordings, Prezi, Blogger and Quark Xpress. These are things I have not come across using before these tasks therefore I have learnt an awful lot here.

In my preliminary task, the front cover background is completely white and the images are awfully stretched. On the contrary, the front cover on my media product is much more professional looking and does follow the codes and conventions of a front cover much better than my preliminary task did. The masthead looks official on my full front cover and on my preliminary task front cover, it looks quite amateur therefore I feel that my knowledge and understanding of media products and the codes and conventions of a music magazine have progressed greatly.

The contents page in my preliminary task is pretty basic. I only have a small amount of articles whereas in my full contents page, there is a lot of articles and the images are in a better layout. In the full contents page I made sure to add page numbers to each image which I did not complete in my preliminary task.

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Overall, it is clear from these two front covers that I have developed my general skills when it comes to the media production as a whole.

Professional masthead, compared to the amateur one on my preliminary task.

Main image with direct address whereas the main image in my preliminary task the image doesn’t take over the whole page.

For my main front cover, I have included a main heading whereas in my preliminary task I have only included a small heading.

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I have included page numbers for each article, which stand out with the images, I have not done this for my preliminary task.

I have included lots of regular and featured articles in the real media contents page however in my preliminary task I have only included a few.

My full contents page shows how much I have learnt about the codes and conventions of a music magazine and a contents page.

I have included the magazine title in the corner which music magazines done have, and I have not put this on the preliminary task.

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I have included a drop capital which music double page spreads have in all articles.

I have included a drop quote which I have included to make the reader want to read this article, this is common in a double page spread in a music magazine.

The images mostly have direct contact to the audience which I didn’t know about until my full media product.

Page numbers so readers can find the articles easier.

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For the duration of these tasks, I have gained such knowledge when it has come to using different media programs. I had never used programs such as Prezi or Scrapblog, nor had I heard of them. I found Quark Xpress very easy to use because after you’ve gotten used to the program, it is straight forward but this program was imperative because without it, my contents page and double page spread would have been very unorganised without it. Slideshare was also a very helpful program because it helped me to organise and present my work on numerous times, as did Prezi.

Overall, the different media technologies that I used helped me to gain my knowledge because I was repeatedly using different media programs therefore was able to adapt to a new program with ease which helped me a lot during the course.