Within the sample of people who took our questionnaire 80% of them are between the age of 17-20. This is the age category in which we intend our target audience to be within. 80% of people who took the questionnaire are that in which we will be primarily aiming our product at. Therefore, their feedback will be affect almost every decision in which we have to make throughout the production of our product. The other 20% who took the questionnaire however. will still be relevant due to them being our secondary audience.

Questionnaire Analysis

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Page 1: Questionnaire Analysis

Within the sample of people who took our questionnaire 80% of them are between the age of 17-20. This is the age category in which we intend our target audience to be within. 80% of people who took the questionnaire are that in which we will be primarily aiming our product at. Therefore, their feedback will be affect almost every decision in which we have to make throughout the production of our product. The other 20% who took the questionnaire however. will still be relevant due to them being our secondary audience.

Page 2: Questionnaire Analysis

Over twice as many females have taken the survey than males. This may reflect in the overall results, however, we have taken this into account and therefore are going to produce a few more questionnaires and have them answered by the male gender, so the number of male to female participants who answered our questionnaire are equal making our research more valid with less chance of bias results, therefore making them more reliable.

Page 3: Questionnaire Analysis

What is your favourite genre of music?

The obvious favourite in terms of the music type is that of the "Indie" genre. Therefore, choosing a track reflecting this particular sort of music will allow us to reach a larger number of people meaning a larger target audience. In addition, by narrowing down which music genre is most sought after. This will assist us as a group in choosing which track to produce a music video for.

Page 4: Questionnaire Analysis

What footage do you prefer to see in a music video?

Storyline and Band performance both are equal favourites. Due to this we may have a mixture of the two. A storyline may be present in the video, whilst in places we will see a band performance. This mixing of both a performance and narrative based music video is conventional to that of the "Indie" genre therefore, it will fit in well with the type of track we are going to choose.

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How many hours approximately a week do you spend watching music videos.

Judging by these results, people nowadays seem to watch a large number of music videos within their spare time; therefore, their input for the making of our music video, such as what they would like and expect to see in our product is very valuable and extremely relevant to the planning and research stage of our piece. Therefore, their ideas of what should be included in our music video can be very helpful in achieving an accurate video.

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Which theme do you prefer in a music video?

A majority of people prefer an emotional video. Meaning picking an emotional and slow song would make the most sense due to the fact it will suit the widest audience possible meeting the wants and desires of the most amount of people. This blends well with the genre, as many "Indie" bands have slow songs, and also our idea of using both a storyline and band performance.

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Which effects would you like to see in a music video?

The majority of people would like to see the film in colour, however, a mixed array of colour effects is popular among many people who were asked. Therefore, due to two sequences occurring in the music video, a storyline and band performance, one may be in colour, the other black and white, to give a clear illustration of which is which. In addition, ambient lighting was also chosen as the most popular choice of lighting. This is conventional within "Indie" music videos, as they are generally depicting that of real life situations such as a scene shot of a man walking along a beach. The videos never normally consist of anything abstract or out of the ordinary making them almost always bring the factor of engaging and relating with their audience and a sense of realism.

Page 8: Questionnaire Analysis

Do you have a favourite Music Video?(if so, why?)

Here are some of our qualitative answers from the people we surveyed...

“Coldplay - The Scientist, It has a storyline and shows emotion. The use of reverse camera techniques is interesting to watch”

“Foo Fighters - Walk, Its a funny video very entertaining to watch”

“Primus - n, It’s all one take, one camera angle, for the whole video, its a terrific bit of direction and it suits the band really well”

“Chase and Status - Time, Has a poignant message and covers a controversial issue”

“Beyonce - 1+1, It is a very emotional video, and Beyonce keeps eye contact with the camera showing her feelings”

“James Morrison - Please don't stop the rain, uses contrasting lighting, emotional and interesting footage”

These can be used as inspiration when creating our own music video, so we can use various methods and techniques that members of our target audience enjoy from other music videos.