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Questionnaire results

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Page 1: Questionnaire results

By Kelly Goodman

Page 2: Questionnaire results



With this question I wanted

to find out how balanced the

answers would be according

to different sexes. I feel that

since there is a balance, I

will be able to achieve an

even result, which will help

me to create a film and

trailer which appeals to both

males and females. Since

conducting my questionnaire

in my college, I know that

the age range of those

asked is 16 -20, which is

seemingly my target

audience for my film/trailer.

Page 3: Questionnaire results






Science Fiction

After speaking to the public, I found

that the biggest impact horror seems

to be paranormal, due to recent films

such as paranormal activity being

such a hit. Following this, the second

highest scoring horror was

psychological. I think that it would be

easier and more achievable for me to

make a psychological horror

trailer, since my initial ideas all

surround the concept of stalker;

something that is psychologically

based. Torture films came in 3rd

place, though I feel that I would not be

able to professional achieve a

believable trailer if I followed this

horror genre.

Page 4: Questionnaire results




The results clearly show that

the public completely identify

with the victim rather than the

villain. I assumed that this

question would have these

results, since I also relate to

the victims in a horror movie.

With this in mind, I will use

point of view shots, so the

audience can put themselves

in the victims position. This will

allow them to identify with the

victim further.

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At Home (alone)

At Home (with company)

At the cinema


The results show that

ultimately, watching horror

films is a social event, and

people don’t really watch

them on their own as much as

they do with company. I feel

that in order to be viewed by

these groups, my trailer

should appeal to both a

female and male

audience, since often

couples, friends and families

view horror films together as a

social event.

Page 6: Questionnaire results


Wrong Turn



Sleepy Hollow

The results for this question are

fairly balanced, though the clear

winner of the most appealing

poster is the Scream poster. For

this question I received some

feed back, which included;

• The Scream mask is very iconic

• You know the film straight away

• Sleepy Hollow has too much

going on, doesn’t look like a

horror poster

With these results in mind, I feel

that a successful poster is a

simple one with an iconic image.

However, it still needs to be scary

to relate back to the genre.

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Abandoned Woods


The victims house

Grave Yard

The results for this question

seemed to be pretty split, so the

destination for my horror film

could be any of the 4. Typically in

horrors we see the victim in

isolated places, which creates

fear in the viewers mind since the

victim is completely on their own

with the killer/villain. I think this

will be particularly successful to

portray within my trailer, since it

once again allows the audience to

relate back to the victim once


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By asking what the most common

features used in a horror film, I

was able to see whether I would

want my film to live up to

expectations of to challenge

conventions. Murder and Blood

seem to be the most common

conventions used within a horror

film, this is something that I also

think is necessary, though this

does not have to be fully displayed

in the trailer, as it is only a tease.

Since I am doing a psychological

horror, it may not be necessary to

use as much blood as that in a

gore/slasher horror.